Mo Chaojing raised his eyelids and looked at the thin monkey expressionless: "who's your brother?"

The skinny monkey suddenly stiffened and hurriedly said, "Er Shao, my brother doesn't mean anything else. He knows I'm desperate. He just wants to give me a move and let me cooperate with you. He works hard and hasn't done anything bad. Please don't fire him! I just want to avenge brother Wei. I really have no other ambition!"

The thin monkey knelt down and begged Mo Chaojing to show his loyalty and let him not touch his brother.

As a result, Mo Chaojing suddenly said, "yes!"

The thin monkey was dumbfounded: "ah?"

Mo Chaojing said, "don't you want to cooperate with me? I promised!"

The thin monkey was still a little unbelievable: "you... Really agreed? Mo Yi is your biological father, so you're not afraid of me killing him?"

Mo Chaojing suddenly smiled. His smile was inexplicably frightening.

The thin monkey couldn't help shivering, I heard Mo Chao Jing say casually: "It doesn't matter! After that, I can tell you something about Mo Yi and Mo Ruizhe. Just be happy about what you want to do and how to do it. Just don't kill people easily before I give the final order. After all, kill people and kill them directly. They can't feel pain. What can it mean, right?"

After Mo Chaojing said it, he took a meaningful look at the thin monkey. The thin monkey suddenly became excited. He immediately understood what Mo Chaojing meant.

Does he want Mo Yi and Mo Ruizhe to die after suffering to the extreme? This is the way he has always dreamed of revenge.

The thin monkey's eyes lit up in an instant: "Er Shao is right. Sometimes it's worse to live in pain than to die. I wanted to fork out before. I'm waiting for ER Shao's news!"

Mo Chaojing hooked his lips: "don't worry, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. I will give you enough news about your enemy!"

The thin monkey couldn't help but stand up and bowed to Mo Chaojing: "thank you for giving me this opportunity to revenge!"

Mo waved to Jing, got up and walked out: "wait!"

Some people take the initiative to send them to the door for their own use. Mo Chaojing has no reason to refuse.

When Mo Chaojing returned to the hospital, Zheng Shucheng woke up.

However, Mo Chaojing asked Zheng Shucheng's ward. In the past, he saw Mo 11 standing at the door of the ward. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Hearing the footsteps of Mo Chaojing, Mo Xi seemed to return to his mind.

She looked up at Mo Chaojing and looked slightly stunned: "two little!"

Mo Chaojing could not help frowning: "what are you doing standing here? I just asked the nurse if Zheng Shucheng was the ward in front?"

Mo Xi hesitated and nodded, "Hmm!"

Mo Chao Jing's eyebrows frowned more fiercely: "didn't you say you wanted to see him wake up? He was your benefactor. Why didn't you go in and stand outside the ward?"

Mo 11 heard her displeasure from Mo Chaojing's words. She pursed her lips and told the truth: "Dr. Zheng's sister is in the ward. She doesn't welcome me. I'll stand here and wait!"

Hearing this, Mo Chaojing was furious: "you didn't come to see her. Does it matter whether she welcomes you? And Zheng Shucheng, I heard from the nurse that he has awakened. Is he dead? I know you don't call you in outside!"

Mo 11 knows that Mo Chaojing is angry, but she doesn't understand where Mo Chaojing is angry.

She looked up and looked at Mo Chaojing in some confusion: "Er Shao, I'll wait outside for a while. It's not a big deal. Moreover, Dr. Zheng doesn't know I'm here. I don't want to quarrel. He can't rest!"

After all, Zheng Shucheng was injured because of himself. Mo Xi rarely had this experience. Therefore, she looked very seriously when others suffered such a heavy injury for herself.

Mo Chaojing didn't know what Mo Xi was thinking. She couldn't help sneering: "yes, you're afraid to quarrel with him. You care about him. If he wants you to die, you're willing!"

Mo 11 looked up and couldn't help frowning at Mo Chaojing. She really didn't know what was going crazy.

Mo Chaojing felt that he was going crazy with jealousy. When did Mo Xi think so much of a man.

He saw Mo Xi frown and looked at himself without talking. He closed his eyes angrily and didn't get angry again.

He was afraid that if he continued, he would burst into the ward and kill the turtle grandson surnamed Zheng!

Mo Chaojing adjusted himself for a long time, and then opened his eyes: "since you don't want to go in, I'll go in and have a look. I'll see how hard Zheng Shucheng is! When others come, you have to wait at the door of the ward!"

Mo Chaojing finished, didn't even look at Mo 11, and walked directly to the ward.

Mo Xi had no choice but to catch up quickly.

As a result, as soon as Mo Chaojing arrived at the door of the ward, he saw Zheng Shulei, who was ugly, open the door of the ward and scold directly: "who is making a noise at the door of the ward..."

As a result, before she finished her words, she was directly carried by Mo Chaojing on her shoulder and put forward the ward. Mo Chaojing strode in and slammed the door of the ward.

Zheng Shulei's shoulder was pinched. She couldn't imagine that this man would slip himself up with one hand.

She stared and looked angry: "who, are you sick? What do you want to do to my brother? Open the door for me!"

Zheng Shulei kicked the door of the ward and reached out to screw the door handle.

She thought that when this man like a bandit went in, he must have locked the ward.

But unexpectedly, the door of the ward opened as soon as she twisted it.

For a moment, Zheng Shulei's expression on her face was embarrassed and stiff. She snorted coldly, glared at Mo 11, pushed the door open and went in.

Mo 11 followed in and saw Mo Chaojing standing by the hospital bed with an expressionless face, staring at Zheng Shucheng with a gloomy look, as if he could kill him at any time.

Mo Xi couldn't help walking over: "two little!"

Mo Chao Jing looked at her and said coldly, "don't talk!"

Mo Xi: "

She really doesn't know what Mo Chaojing wants.

As soon as Mo Xi thought so, he heard the cold voice of Mo Chao Jing Bing in the ward: "Zheng Shucheng, Mo Xi, please save her?"

As soon as this was said, the other three people in the ward looked different.

Mo 11 was a little confused. Zheng Shulei's angry little face turned red. Zheng Shucheng was a little surprised: "no, how could Mr. Mo say that? I'm willing to save Miss Mo!"

As a result, when he heard his words, Mo Chaojing sneered directly and said sarcastically, "willingly, your willingly is to let your good sister shut her out and stand outside the ward when she watches the emergency room when you come out!"

Zheng Shu was silly: "I... I didn't! I just woke up. I didn't know that Miss Mo was outside!"

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