It turned out that this video is the video of everything yuexinxin has done since she left the identification center and returned. Mo Sinian asked someone to retrieve these videos and seamlessly edited the trace of yuexinxin.

Watching her return to the identification center, she drew blood from the people arranged by Yue chulin and Xiao Anya, and then left. Yue chusen looked very gray and defeated.

Even just now, he guessed the ending. He didn't expect that yuexinxin had already known her life experience and cooperated with her biological parents to deceive herself.

With red eyes, Yuexin cried out pitifully, "Dad, listen to me!"

Month chusen suddenly seemed to burst out. His words were cold and angry: "don't call my father, I'm not your father!"

Yuexinxin's tears fell down in an instant. Yuechusen couldn't help but close his eyes and hurt the child for more than 20 years. He was not without feelings. Seeing yuexinxin crying, his heart was like a knife. However, who can understand his mood at the moment!

Yue chulin looked at things uncontrollable and hurriedly said, "chusen, don't do this. Listen to my brother's explanation. Things are not what you think!"

Yue chusen suddenly opened his eyes and his eyes were red: "it's not what I thought? Tell me, did you have anything to do with what Linglong lost when she was just born?"

Yue chulin had already thought out his speech at the meeting, and quickly looked serious and sincere: "Chu Sheng, how can you think so? Even if I was bad, I couldn't do such a thing. Linglong is my niece! I admit... The exchange of the identity of the two children really has something to do with me, but Linglong's disappearance really had nothing to do with me!"

Speaking of which, He looked pale and took a deep breath: "At the beginning, I did covet the family's property, which I didn't deny. However, my little brother, your ability is better than me, and I also recognized it. However, the child is still young, and I'm not willing that my child won't have any chance to inherit the family in the future. At that time, Linglong just had an accident and couldn't find it back. When I saw that things became like this, I became obsessed and gave birth to other ideas , you can certainly see that the twins have been replaced. However, there is only one twin left. If they are replaced, it is difficult to be detected. What's more, the child is just born and looks the same every day. You will be busy looking for Linglong. I... I have the opportunity to replace Qiaoqiao and Xinxin. "

"However, what I would think is that my children will live at Yuejia in the future. Even if I change them, I won't let Qiaoqiao suffer losses. Later, I also regret that I want to change my children back. However, I can't do it because you pay close attention to the core because of your exquisite things. It will be too late. I thought, I really can't let both girls have a good time at home Life, don't hurt our brother's feelings because of this. I really wanted to change my child for a time, but I swear, exquisite things are absolutely true and have nothing to do with me! "

Yue chusen looked disappointed and angry, He looked at Yue chulin and couldn't help shaking his head: "Stop talking. I don't know now. What you said is true and what you said is false. You said that you changed Xinxin and Qiaoqiao. You thought that the children were at home and could be well taken care of. But the truth is, you only prefer Xinxin. Qiaoqiao grew up. How did you come about? Brother, do you really think I was blind? I thought you should be strict with your children, It has nothing to do with me, i It will annoy your husband and wife to intervene. I think my hand is too long, but I never thought that you... Have never loved Qiaoqiao, just because she is not your child! "

Yue chusen is a big man. He hasn't been red for so many years, but his eyes are wet at this meeting. He doesn't dare to look at Mo 11 because he is too guilty. He blames himself. He doesn't know that his own daughter has been replaced since childhood. He hates it!

Yue chulin opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to explain it. After a long time, he said, "we... Don't love Qiaoqiao!"

Mo Sinian and Bai Jinse are still debating when they see that Yue chulin is in this position, and Yue chusen obviously loves Yue Xinxin's daughter, so now they are so painful.

Mo Sinian glanced at Dr. Liu and said, "give another appraisal report to Mr. Yue!"

Say, Mo Sinian looks at the moon and Chu Sen: "Yesterday, I was afraid that someone would tamper with the appraisal, so I arranged someone to pay attention here. After I saw them take Yuexin's blood for appraisal, I guessed that things might not be so simple. Therefore, I asked Mo Xi to take Mr. Yue's wife's hair and do paternity appraisal with Mo Xi. The appraisal results are also out now. Just like the results I think, Mr. Yue can see Look! "

Yue chusen took over the appraisal report in Dr. Liu's hand and couldn't help but look at Mo Xi, who was cold and alienated. His hands couldn't help trembling.

He struggled to turn the appraisal report to the last page. When he saw the words mother and daughter, he couldn't help but quickly stretched out his hand and covered his eyes.

What has he done over the years? He raised other people's daughters for more than 20 years, but let his daughter suffer under his nose. How does he deserve to be a father.

Looking at Yue chusen's painful appearance, Bai Jinse said, "President Yue, I and my husband saved the eleventh day. We don't want her to enter such a fire pit now, so let's take her away for the time being!"

Bai Jinse said and looked at Mo Xi: "go, Xi!"

Mo Xi immediately followed Bai Jinse and Mo Si Nian. Yue chusen panicked: "Miss Bai, don't do this. I'll solve the matter of Yue's house now and never let November go back to Yue's house and suffer!"

Bai Jinse stood in front of Mo 11 and looked at Yue chusen with a smile: "President Yue, how do you want to solve it?"

Yuechu senjun's face sank and suddenly looked at yuechu Lin: "brother, since Xinxin is your daughter, take her back to your house. Later, I will change my registered permanent residence. I will also take Xi home and introduce her to others as my biological daughter. That's all. If this happens again in the future, no wonder I don't talk about brotherhood!"

At this moment, Yue chusen was still soft hearted.

Yuexin was raised by him as his own daughter. If she and her eldest brother and sister-in-law were really driven out of Yueyuan, she would certainly live a very bad life in the future.

But even so, yuexinxin's face turned pale in an instant. She stared with watery red eyes, Looking at Yue chusen in disbelief: "Dad, are you really going to stop me? I admit that I have known this for a long time, but I still don't want to leave you and my mother. You raised me. I thought I was your child since I was a child. I have feelings with you."

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