Yue chusen's eyes were also red. He couldn't help shaking his head and looked sad: "she is really not our daughter. I have the identification results here. Otherwise, why don't you think I let you see her? Otherwise, why do you think I..."

Yue chusen really couldn't say the word "pain" in the back. He couldn't help but stretch out his hand and wipe his face.

Fan Rou has never seen Yue chusen like this. She is stupid and doesn't shed tears. She stares at Yue chusen blankly: "chusen, this... What's going on?"

She thought it was impossible, Xinxin, but they raised their daughter from childhood. She lost her eldest daughter. Therefore, she was always careful about this little daughter. How could she make mistakes?

Yue chusen looked at his wife sadly: "don't go to see her first, OK? I confirmed with the doctor that her body is really fine. Let's... Talk about the life experience of several children!"

Fan Rou looks at Yue chusen with some worry. Yue chusen's current state is very wrong, even worse than when she lost Linglong. She doesn't dare to refute Yue chusen's words. She can only nod her head: "don't be too excited. I can't go out with you!"

Yue chusen glanced at his wife, sighed helplessly, turned and walked out.

Two people came out of the hospital. Yue chusen took fan Rou to a private club nearby and asked for a small box. Then he took his wife in and sat down.

Fan Rou is in a mess all the way. She really doesn't understand what Yue chusen said before. Even if Yue chusen keeps saying that he has a paternity test report, fan Rou still can't believe it.

After all, as far as fan Rou knows, it was Mo Xi and Yue chulin who did the paternity test yesterday. What does this have to do with her core.

Yue chusen sat opposite fan Rou and looked at fan Rou waiting for him to speak. He closed his eyes. For a moment, he didn't know how to speak.

For a long time, he said hoarsely, "Xinxin is really not our child. Take a look at these two identification reports!"

Fan Rou took it over with half confidence and opened it for inspection. At this time, her face also changed, because it was clearly said that it was the paternity test between yuexinxin and yuechulin and Xiao Anya. According to the test results, yuexinxin was clearly their biological daughter.

Seeing his wife's face pale, Yue chusen continued: "originally, you're not in good health. I thought I'd tell you about it slowly. However, today Xinxin just got sick, you're so worried. I knew that this matter can't be delayed any longer. Just tell you the truth, let you have a short pain and recognize the facts!"

Fan Rou could not help holding the appraisal report in her hand. Her gentle voice seemed to be in a trance: "how could this happen?"

Seeing his wife like this, Yue chusen was also distressed, He said: "that's the fact. After completing the paternity test in the identification center yesterday, Xinxin told us that she wanted to find friends to play. As a result, she went back and forth and returned to the identification center again. Yue chulin and his wife found a doctor to draw blood for her. Then, with her blood samples, they threatened Dr. Zhang for identification, and all kinds of coercion and inducement, so that Dr. Zhang changed the samples of 11!"

"How do you know this? Who told you that Xinxin went back to the identification center yesterday? Would it lie to you?" Fan Rou is still struggling and defending her daughter.

Yue chusen couldn't help shaking his head: "no one lied to me. Mr. Mo took precautions in advance and told Dr. Zhang that if someone bought him and let him follow the trend, and he asked someone to intercept the monitoring, I saw some traces of Xinxin's return to the hospital and what Yue chusen's husband and wife said to Dr. Zhang!"

Fan Rou's face became very ugly when she heard the context: "Xinxin... She knows she's not..."

Looking at her daughter's voice, Yue chusen definitely nodded: "obviously, she knew long ago that she was not our biological daughter. She told me she just didn't want to leave us! Moreover, she fainted before because of her emotional excitement."

Fan Rou still didn't want to believe: "she's not my own daughter. What about my own daughter? Linglong lost it that year. I regret it. I didn't let anyone leave the child. It's clear that the child has always been watched!"

Speaking of the most critical issue, Yue chusen couldn't help sighing in a low voice: "Mr. Mo also thought of this problem yesterday. If Xinxin is not our child, who is it? He suspected that 11 is our child, so yesterday he took our sample and went to 11 for identification. The identification result was... 11 is our biological daughter! And my eldest brother admitted that it was their husband and wife who took advantage of us to find Linglong to help us When I was a child, I was fascinated. I changed the core and something strange! Children are the same day by day. We will find Linglong and don't go back for several days. We just arrange people to take care of the children. I didn't expect that my eldest brother would... "

Yue chusen said that in the end, it was hard to say. The good deeds done by his eldest brother and sister-in-law made them suffer from separating from their own daughter and raising other people's children for more than 20 years.

Fan Rou couldn't stop shaking when she heard the whole thing: "how could it be like this? How could it be like this! My daughter... Why did big brother and sister-in-law do this? What am I sorry for them?"

Fan Rou covered her face and cried. Tears flowed from her fingers. She was trembling all over.

Yue chusen sat over worried and quickly reached out to pat her on the back: "Rourou, don't cry. Your mood is too out of control. Let's talk slowly!"

Fan Rou couldn't help shaking her head and clutching her heart: "chusen, I'm in pain here. I'm really in pain. I really don't understand why things are like this. My daughter is not my daughter. I can't accept it, you know?"

Fan Rou cried and fell into Yue chusen's arms. Yue chusen's eyes were wet again. He gently patted fan Rou on the back and wanted to comfort her. However, he was extremely sad. He felt that even if it was to comfort fan Rou, his language was too pale and didn't know what to say.

Fan Rou cried for a long time before she calmed down a little. She looked up and looked at Yue chusen faintly. "What about eleven? Since you know she is my daughter, why isn't she with you? Big brother and sister-in-law have been bad to her since childhood. She doesn't know how much pain she has suffered!"

Fan Rou said and began to cry again.

Yue chusen couldn't help closing his eyes and sighed: "she followed Mr. Mo and his wife!"

Fan Rou frowned fiercely: "why didn't she go home and follow others?"

Yue chusen was a little hard to say: "at that time, Xinxin suddenly fell ill. I couldn't ignore her. On the eleventh day, I held Xinxin to find Jiuxin Pill. Without saying anything, I left with Mr. Mo and his wife!"

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