Soon, she felt the slightest cold feeling. She put the ointment on the bedside table, looked at the calm face and didn't know what Chao Jing was thinking, and said, "Mr. Chao, thank you for your medicine. I'll leave first. Also, I'll pay the medical expenses of the male reporter today!"

Hearing this, Chaojing looked up at her leisurely. His eyes seemed to be a little mocking: "I'm short of that money?"

Mo Xi explained: "I just think that this is because of me. Mr. Chao is to help me, so I'm the one who should lose money!"

Chaojing waved his hand and seemed to be in a bad mood: "no, I can afford this money!"

Although Mo Xi repeatedly stressed that he didn't mean that, Chaojing's attitude was quite stubborn.

Mo Xi couldn't, so she had to leave. She went downstairs and asked the front desk to open a room for her. Then she called fan Rou and told her that there was something wrong with the hotel today. She had to deal with it and needed to work overtime. She stayed at the hotel tonight and didn't come back.

Fan Rou also listened to Yue chusen about what happened to Mo 11 in the hotel. Moreover, Yue chusen promised fan Rou that he would help Mo 11 find out whether Mo 11 could handle it or not.

Fan Rou knew her husband's ability very well, so she wasn't very worried. She just asked Mo Xi not to be too tired at work and pay attention to her body, so she hung up the phone.

Mo 11 hung up the phone and called a private detective to ask the other party to help check the manager Cao.

At the same time, the total of the top floor Chaojing also sent someone to investigate president Cao for the first time.

On the way back to the new moon hotel after Chaojing's talk, he found out the context of the matter. He basically guessed that it had something to do with President Cao.

First of all, even if President Cao really ate flies, he would have to pay compensation to the hotel. Is such a thing really causing a complaint?

Secondly, if he really accidentally eats flies, he will feel angry and disgusted, and others will not be unable to understand it. However, the video of his dispute with Mo Xi from his point of view came out on the Internet. This shows that this matter must be premeditated. Otherwise, if the camera is not installed in advance, how can he shoot a video of his dispute with Mo 11 in full view of the public? The most important thing is that the angle of the video is not taken by others in the hotel.

Finally, even if everything in front is accidental, that afternoon, the reporter heard the wind and even deliberately hurt Mo 11, so Chaojing completely determined that this matter must have something to do with President Cao.

It's probably a play directed and acted by the other party!

Therefore, as soon as Mo 11 left, Chaojing blacked the surveillance video of the hotel and looked at the surveillance at the door. He saw that the male reporter saw the location of Chu Mo 11 and deliberately smashed the camera. He basically determined that this matter was definitely a planned conspiracy against Mo 11.

Therefore, he immediately asked people to investigate president Cao!

After hanging up, Chaojing called to ask someone to block the male reporter. The other party dared to do something to Mo Xi. How can the little punishment outside today dispel Chaojing's anger?

After finishing these, Chaojing called chaoxingchen for help and urged the relevant departments to clean up the Crescent Hotel as soon as possible.

When Chaojing did this, he wanted to let the relevant departments speak as soon as possible, and the Crescent Hotel could get rid of its stigma as soon as possible.

After all, the voice of the official sector is still very persuasive.

As a result, as soon as he received a phone call, he said that both the health department and the food safety administration had issued a voice to publish the test results in the afternoon, so he took out his mobile phone and wanted to see their statement.

As a result, Chaojing's face sank instantly.

It turned out that the press releases of the previous reporters' interview with Mo 11 had been sent out.

These people actually said that before the relevant departments made a sound, Mo Xi had determined to tell the public that there was absolutely no problem with the hygiene and food safety of the Crescent Hotel. They said that there was nothing fishy in it, and they didn't believe it.

As a result, as soon as they finished the news, the relevant departments said that the new moon hotel had no problems in hygiene, food safety and other issues.

These two news, one after the other, can be described as quickly setting off huge waves on the Internet.

For a time, the topic about the background of the new moon hotel quickly boarded the hot search.

There are countless nets below Friends are speculating that there must be some shady activities between the new moon hotel and these departments. Otherwise, how can an official department stand up and speak when the new moon hotel has just been attacked?

What's more, the person in charge of the new moon hotel said that the relevant departments would make a statement tomorrow. As a result, a statement was made at the meeting. What does this mean? Countless dark guesses emerge one after another, as if the new moon hotel has completely fallen into the mud.

Of course, these are still rational nets Friends, even worse foul language, is not without.

Chaojing looked more and more depressed. He didn't expect that he wanted to help, but he made a fool of himself and turned to help.

Because of these two news stories, the new moon hotel became more and more serious. For a time, the Internet was full of words scolding Mo 11 and the new moon hotel.

Chaojing looked at these words of scolding Mo 11 like self abuse, and wanted to pass them along the network and break these people into pieces.

It's time for everyone to watch their mobile phones for recreation after work in the evening. The topic of someone behind the Crescent Hotel soon exploded.

Chaojing looked coldly at one comment after another abusing Mo 11. He tortured himself until more than ten o'clock. He finally received an email.

The news about President Cao is not difficult to check. Therefore, for more than two hours, all the information about President Cao's life story and his current residence have been checked.

Chaojing looked at these materials at a glance. When he finished reading them, he had a basic guess in his heart.

The general manager Cao, formerly known as Cao Zhengxiang, is the boss of a small company. Some time ago, he made a wrong decision, which led to the company in trouble. The company could not maintain it. Now he runs all kinds of projects and applies for loans in order to give the company a chance to rise from the dead and return to life.

In fact, it's not a big deal. As long as Cao Zhengxiang can win some funds for the company, the company will have a chance to live.

Of course, there is another way, which is to find a good project. In this way, as long as Cao Zhengxiang can sign the project and the bank makes an evaluation, it will be easy to get a loan.

But the problem is that good projects don't look up to a small company like him that is about to die.

Today, Cao Zhengxiang met with President he, who was originally talking about the project, but obviously according to the investigation of Chaojing, president he didn't intend to give Cao Zhengxiang a chance at all. He just came to have this meal for the sake of a friend.

It is estimated that Cao Zhengxiang probably knows the attitude of general manager he.

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