When Vice President Lin was dealing with the gangsters, Mo Xi had quietly jumped down from the window on the sixth floor.

No one knows that the watch she is carrying in her hand, in fact, if you press a button, it will become a retractable flying claw. The rope of the flying claw is a new synthetic material, very thin, but it can carry three tons of weight, so there is no need to worry about the rope breaking.

Mo Xi directly grabbed his claw on the sixth floor and jumped out of the window on the sixth floor. The whole person hung on the edge of the window on the fifth floor by relying on the rope of the flying claw and looked at the movement inside.

When Mo Xi didn't know, someone downstairs saw the scene and shouted, "someone jumped out of the building!"

It turned out that it was wrong after shouting. People also climbed to the edge of the wall on the fifth floor window by the power of the water pipe!

Therefore, he was ignorant and forced to say, "is it the female Xia in the air?"

The companions around have taken out their mobile phones to shoot.

At the same time, in the building opposite the hotel, a reporter with a high-definition camera is planning to shoot something, because he knows that there are often some stars in the hotel opposite.

As a result, the star was not photographed, but a strange woman was photographed. The other party suddenly opened her eyes and hurried to continue shooting.

From the edge of the window, Mo Xi clearly saw that both the gangster and Shao Pinlin were facing the window. Although the gangster was holding Shao Pinlin, Mo Xi could clearly notice that the other party's hands were trembling slightly.

It may be that he has held Shao Pinlin hostage for too long. His palms are sweating. He can't help but change his hand to hold a dagger and plans to continue to hold Shao Pinlin hostage.

The other party had a knife in his hand. Shao Pinlin was pale, but he didn't dare to move.

Mo Xi saw the right time, right now.

The next second, she suddenly put a slight force on her toes, kicked on the wall, and immediately used her strength to rush directly into the window. Before the gangster reacted, Mo Xi quickly raised her foot and kicked the dagger that had just left Shao Pinlin's neck.

The gangster was just an ordinary person. Where was Mo Xi's opponent, he endured his painful wrist and turned in panic. As a result, the next second, he didn't see Chu Mo Xi's action. Mo Xi quickly pulled his arm and fell over his shoulder. He directly threw the gangster into the room and quickly controlled the man Clothes.

Hearing the fighting sound inside, and thinking about the expression of Mo Xi who just went upstairs, deputy general manager Lin's expression changed instantly. He intuitively felt that Mo Xi was too aggressive, and the gangsters still held a knife against their general manager Xiao Shao. How can they rush in rashly!

His voice was a little unsteady: "President Mo?"

As soon as his voice fell, he heard Mo Xi's calm voice: "you can come in!"

Vice President Lin was stunned and hurriedly pushed the door in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Mo Xi subduing the gangster Clothes, pressed on the ground, is borrowing a tie from Shao Pinlin.

"Give me your tie!"

Shao Pinlin was a little confused. Before he could recover from the tension and fear of being coerced just now, he heard Mo Xi say so. He quickly asked, "what do you want to do with a tie?"

Mo Xi couldn't help frowning slightly: "how can I tie people without a tie?"

Hearing this, Shao Pinlin's eyes fell on Lei Chengjun on the ground. Yes, Shao Pinlin knew the middle-aged man.

It's said that Shao Zhilin and his father should have cooperated directly with each other. But it's said that Shao Zhilin should have come to the company with his father.

Shao Pinlin had just been kidnapped. Naturally, he had no heart to sympathize with his kidnappers. He quickly handed the leader to Mo 11, who quickly tied Lei Chengjun's hand.

Lei Chengjun may be caught and completely vulnerable. Lei Chengjun will fall to the ground and tie his hands. He has lost his previous madness and excitement. He always has a sad expression greater than death of heart and said nothing.

Mo Xi tied Lei Chengjun, stood up and looked at vice president Lin: "did you call the police?"

Vice President Lin was stunned and shook his head: "it's not too late!"

Mo Xi asked again, "did you inform president Shao?"

Vice President Lin was a little silly: "ah... Not at all!"

Mo 11 said nothing: "so, when you deal with the gangster, you can't even do this little thing?"

Vice President Lin opened his mouth: "it's not that I can't do it, but that I'm afraid of president Shao. I'm also afraid of calling the police, which will make the gangsters angry and hurt our little president Shao!"

Mo Xi raised his hand and motioned him to stop saying, "OK, I know. Now, you can do these two things!"

When Mo Xi finished, he picked up his mobile phone, contacted Li Yunting and asked her to call the security guard up.

After Mo Xi finished calling, he saw that although Vice President Lin had left, Shao Pinlin was still standing in the room, looking at himself.

Mo Xi couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He glanced at Shao Pinlin and Lei Chengjun on the ground: "he just kidnapped you. Do you still have the courage to stand here? Aren't you afraid of his sudden outburst and start on you?"

Shao Pinlin smiled a little pale: "no, there's still president Mo here. Speaking of it, I haven't thanked president Mo yet. Just now I thank President Mo for saving my life. To tell you the truth, even if I reported to the police, someone else might not be able to do so well just now!"

Mo Xi didn't refuse such thanks. After all, she thought so herself. After all, she has received professional training and may save people more quickly than the police.

Shao Pinlin saw that Mo Xi didn't speak. He continued, "I didn't know before. Mo always stretched out his hand to Jingren so well!"

Mo Xi glanced at him: "are you asking about my private affairs?"

Shao Pinlin was stunned. He couldn't help rubbing the center of his eyebrows and said with a smile: "that's not true. He's just a little curious. However, Mo always didn't want to say it. It's still before. Today is really thanks to Mo, otherwise, my life will be explained here!"

Shao Pinlin's words had just finished. Mo Xi had not had time to say anything. Suddenly, there was a hurried sound of footsteps outside the room. Mo Xi said, "it should be the security guard who came up and asked them to take away the gangster first. The police will take over later!"

Shao Pinlin nodded. As a result, as soon as he looked up, he saw a handsome man stride in with a calm face.

Mo Xi was also stunned. She didn't expect that the security guard came in, but Chaojing.

As soon as she reacted, Chaojing grabbed her arm and looked up and down: "are you okay?"

Mo Xi shook his head: "what can I do? I don't do anything I'm not sure of!"

Chaojing has just seen the video circulated in a small range on the Internet. His face is ugly: "what is not to do something uncertain? Do you know how dangerous your behavior was just now!"

Mo 11 couldn't help frowning. As soon as she was about to say something, she saw Li Yunting coming in with the security guard. She immediately said, "Captain Li, take this man out first and give it to the police later. Also, go and find out how this man got in today and whether the security measures of our hotel are not in place!"

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