Chaojing went out and went straight to Mo Xi's office. He was eager to see Mo Xi. Therefore, he didn't notice at all. Since he left the scene of the annual meeting, Yu Lanzhi followed him quietly.

Yu Lanzhi quietly watched Chaojing enter Mo 11's office all the way.

She was about to continue to follow up, when she saw that as soon as Chaojing entered, Moxi's office door opened.

Then, Mo 11 came out of the office and walked towards the elevator.

Chaojing followed her and followed her step by step.

Yu Lanzhi was afraid that they would notice her. She immediately turned around and hid in the corner. However, there was no one in the corridor. She could clearly hear the dialogue between Chaojing and Mo Xi.

When Chaojing faced Mo Xi, he seemed to have changed into a person, which was completely opposite to his attitude towards himself.

Yu Lanzhi heard Chaojing smile and said to Mo 11, "Miss Mo, just give me face. We are partners at least. Won't you show up at the annual meeting of our company?"

Mo Xi looked at him and said, "why should I show up at your company's annual meeting?"

Chao Jinggan smiled: "it's not because... My sister-in-law and brother Sinian are also here!"

Bai Jinse hasn't contacted Mo Xi since he came here, so this is the main reason why Mo Xi didn't meet there last year.

Now when Chao Jing said this, she immediately said, "here comes Jinse?"

As soon as Chaojing saw the play, he immediately nodded: "I've come. I've already come. In order to invite you to the meeting last year, I didn't have time to say hello to my sister-in-law and them. How about? Do you want to go to the meeting last year with me and meet my sister-in-law and my brother!"

Mo Xi didn't refuse this time, but directly promised: "OK, let's go!"

Chaojing was very happy when he saw that Mo Xi promised so simply. However, just before he got to the elevator, he didn't know what he thought. Suddenly, he looked at Mo Xi from head to foot and said, "are you going to wear this?"

Mo Xi looks clean and tidy in a suit, but this is not what he should wear at last year's meeting.

Which of those little girls at the annual meeting was not dressed in evening dress and dressed delicately and grandly.

Moreover, Moxi's clothes look like very formal work clothes.

Mo Xi didn't expect Chao Jing to ask this. She slightly raised her eyebrows and looked at Chao Jing: "why? I have a problem wearing this?"

Chao Jinggan smiled and shook his head: "no problem, no problem, I just think... Maybe you'll look better if you change clothes!"

Mo Xi gave him a cool look: "I don't need to look better!"

Mo Xi then went straight into the elevator. She completely regarded herself as a staff member, so she might come out after going in and talking to Bai Jinse later.

If Bai Jinse wants to take a break, she can take Bai Jinse around the hotel.

As soon as Mo 11 and Chao Jing entered the elevator, Yu Lanzhi quickly came out of the corner. Her eyes were staring at the rising red numbers next to the elevator, and her face was full of haze.

She didn't expect that as soon as she found Chaojing and knew the identity of the other party, she hit the wall before she did anything.

Of course, when she hit the wall, it was nothing. After all, Chaojing was her life-saving benefactor. Even if she was a little lower in front of Chaojing, she didn't feel anything.

However, she never thought that after touching the wall, she would find that she still had such a strong enemy as Mo 11.

She is not blind, nor is she a fool. She can see from Chaojing's completely opposite attitude towards Mo 11 just now.

Chaojing may be interesting to Mo 11.

But even so, how can it be? She Yu Lanzhi is not the one who gives up easily. Chaojing is the man she grows up so big and the first man she likes. She will never allow someone to rob her of a man!

Thinking of this, Yu Lanzhi could not help but pinch her fist and looked very gloomy.

At the annual meeting, Chaojing brought Mo Xi in and went to find Bai Jinse and Mo Sinian.

Su Xiaoyan hid in the dark alone, looking stuffy, as if the whole annual meeting had nothing to do with himself.

To tell the truth, how much she expected this annual meeting before, how disappointed and depressed she is now.

She knows Yu Lanzhi's temperament and talks a little too much, but she really didn't expect Yu Lanzhi to say that to her today.

She also knows that Yu Lanzhi is in a bad mood, but Yu Lanzhi used to take herself as a vent.

What is she? Is it Yu Lanzhi's trash can to vent her emotions? Is it something without emotion and dignity?

How could Yu Lanzhi do this to her?

Su Xiaoyan is sad and suddenly feels that someone has patted her.

She was startled and suddenly looked up at the passer-by. Then she saw Yu Lanzhi's face in the light.

To tell the truth, although Su Xiaoyan was very uncomfortable, she still had no confidence to lose her temper in front of Yu Lanzhi.

She murmured, "what's the matter?"

Yu Lanzhi's expression is now better than before. I don't know how many times. Her voice seems to be very gentle: "Xiaoyan, you're not angry with me about the previous things!"

Hearing this, Su Xiaoyan didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Is she angry? Naturally, she was angry, but when Yu Lanzhi asked so directly, could she say she was angry?

She hung her eyes and finally shook her head against her will: "nothing, I know what your character is, and I also know that you were in a bad mood before, I can understand!"

Yu Lanzhi chuckled with an unprecedented gentleness: "Xiaoyan, I knew you treat me as a good friend, so you won't be angry with me easily. I admit that I've just gone too far, so I'll come here to apologize to you. I'm sorry, Xiaoyan, I'll never talk to you like this again!"

Su Xiaoyan didn't expect Yu Lanzhi to apologize to herself. She couldn't help staring. The whole person was dull and shocked.

Yu Lanzhi rubbed her hair with a smile: "what? You're stupid!"

Su Xiaoyan quickly shook his head and seemed to be wronged: "no, I just didn't expect that you would..."

Yu Lanzhi continued with her words: "I didn't expect I would apologize to you, did I? In fact, I'll calm down for a while. I also think what I said before is too much. I still need to apologize to you. Don't mind what I said before. It's all because I can't control my emotions!"

The eldest lady apologized to herself in person. Moreover, the two people have known each other for a long time. Su Xiaoyan will be completely out of breath. She shook her head: "well, Lanzhi, you don't have to apologize. I'm not angry, really!"

Yu Lanzhi looked at her with a smile: "are you really not angry?"

Su Xiaoyan nodded definitely: "don't be angry!"

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