Chao Jing knew that Mo Xi was sharp, so he specially asked his men not to disturb Mo Xi and stay away from him. In addition, he changed people at appropriate intervals to prevent Mo Xi from being aware of being followed.

The probability that Mo Xi can detect such frequent changes should not be high.

After all this, Chaojing was relieved.

The next day, after dinner, Chaojing went to find Mo Xi.

Moxi had breakfast at home today. She went to the office as soon as she came. She didn't come yesterday. There are still some backlog of work to deal with.

She was looking at the financial statements of the hotel this quarter. Chaojing knocked on the door with a smile.

Mo Xi raised his eyes and looked at him, as if he hadn't seen it. He lowered his head and continued to look at the financial statements in his hand.

Chaojing raised his eyebrows and walked in with a smile, "what are you doing, eleven?"

Mo Xi didn't lift his head: "work!"

Chaojing went to Moxi's desk, put his hands on the table, tilted his head and looked at Moxi's face: "why don't you look at me?"

Mo 11 continued to look down at the report: "didn't you see me looking at you when you knocked on the door just now?"

Blinked at the scene: "then take a look, how can it be enough!"

Mo 11 could not help but clench the statement when he heard the tone of Chaojing, which was like a child's coquetry.

She has clearly realized that the man in front of her has no resistance. His approach seems so calm, as if it is natural for him to rely on his side. Mo Xi can't drive him away as he did at the beginning.

Therefore, she simply handled it with a cold attitude today.

However, Chao Jingxiang didn't realize her coldness. Seeing that she didn't speak, he suddenly stretched out his hand and gently touched Mo Xi's face with his fingers: "Xi, why don't you pay attention to me?"

Ink 11 was touched, like an electric shock, and suddenly shrank back.

However, hearing the grievance in Chaojing's voice, her little face couldn't help getting colder: "are you all right? Are you busy?"

Chaojing was a little puzzled, but he answered truthfully: "I'm very busy. Every time I come to see you, I have to deal with my work. Moreover, I have to talk about business with customers today. I'll leave later!"

Mo Xi's small black face: "if you want to go, hurry!"

Chaojing shook his head: "no, you're not happy. I can't go until you're happy!"

Mo Xi couldn't help but close his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he looked up at Chaojing: "I'm very happy, so can you go?"

Chaojing seemed completely unaware of his coldness, which made Mo Xi feel inexplicably powerless.

Chaojing looked at Mo Xi seriously for a moment and suddenly said, "you're pregnant. Don't fight so hard. Pay attention to rest. It's good for you and your child!"

Mo Xi couldn't help dropping his eyes and deliberately coldly said, "don't remind me!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt a shadow covered. Before she could react, Chaojing quickly kissed her on the corner of her lips.

Mo Xi suddenly raised his head, his delicate little face was cold and angry, and his voice seemed to be angry: "Chaojing, what are you doing?"

Chao Jing smiled like a fox who had stolen the fishy smell: "kiss you!"

The success of kissing Fangze makes Chaojing feel particularly happy. This is the second time that Chaojing has successfully kissed Mo Xi as Chaojing. It seems that Mo Xi really does not exclude himself and is not defensive against him.

At the thought of this, the smile on Chaojing's face faded. Looking at Mo Xi's angry little face, he seriously said, "Xi, I know you have a good impression on me. You don't have to pretend to be indifferent. I can see it!"

Mo Xi was very uncomfortable when he heard this: "I've never seen you so narcissistic!"

Chaojing stepped back with a smile and said, "it doesn't matter if you can like me, even if you are narcissistic!"

Mo Xi's face is black. She can't make sense with such people.

Watching Chaojing leave the office with a smile, the man has disappeared. Mo Xi has a calm little face and looks a little anxious.

She didn't notice that this emotion would never appear on her face before.

In other words, Chaojing came out of Mo 11, went upstairs, changed his clothes and went to see his partner.

This partner is engaged in the business of commercial department stores. He is also an independent brand in the industry. He has cooperated with blue dust for many times. The online popularity of blue dust has received many of his commercial advertisements.

The other party knew that Chaojing came to Shencheng and found out that Chaojing was a family member of Chaojing. He immediately invited Chaojing to play golf to see if he could further enhance cooperation.

Although Chaojing knows that the other party's so many commercial advertisements to lanchen may not be in the face of Chaojia, there are so many online celebrities in the industry, and it is not only lanchen's ability to bring goods online.

The other party is obviously trying to please the Chaojia.

However, he didn't do anything to annoy the Chaojia family. For such people, Chaojing is willing to give some cooperation opportunities.

Therefore, he should make an invitation today, which can be regarded as giving the other party a face.

The other party's attitude was really good. Although the appointment with Chaojing was 10 o'clock, when Chaojing passed 9:50, he was already on the golf course.

When they met, they brought caddies, changed their clothes and went directly to the court.

Chaojing knows that the other party is looking for cooperation with Chaojia, so he will also say a few words if he can answer some business questions.

Coming and going, the atmosphere between them is also harmonious.

Song Yan knows that cooperation has to be done step by step. There is no reason to be fat. Therefore, he just wants to make a good impression on Chaojing. He is not in a hurry. He mentions cooperation as soon as he comes up.

They were talking and laughing. A surprised voice suddenly came from a distance: "Mr. Song? Mr. Chao!"

Song Yan and Chao Jing turned around at the same time and saw Yu Lanzhi and Su Xiaoyan coming towards them with a smile, wearing cool belly button sports clothes and holding a golf club in their hands.

Song Yan is an exquisite person. He knows Yu Lanzhi and knows that the other party is the treasure of old lady Yu. Therefore, his attitude towards Yu Lanzhi is also very polite: "it's Miss Yu. You're also coming to play?"

Yu Lanzhi smiled and nodded: "yes, Xiaoyan recently received an advertisement with interspersed scenes. She wants to learn to play golf. When shooting, she won't be laughed at! So I'll teach her!"

Hearing this, song Yan smiled and said, "Miss Su works hard and is perfect. It's really admirable!"

Song Yan praises Su Xiaoyan. In fact, it all depends on Chaojing's face. After all, Chaojing is the CEO of lanchen, and Su Xiaoyan is the online celebrity of Chaojing company.

But what he didn't expect was that when he heard this, he turned to the scene and looked at him subtly.

Song Yan was stunned. Was he wrong just now?

Su Xiaoyan already smiled and said, "president Song flattered me. I'm just afraid of losing face. I can't shoot good advertisements and be laughed at!"

At this time, Yu Lanzhi took the initiative to say, "now that we have met, let's have a duel. How about it? President song!"

Yu Lanzhi dared not ask Chaojing. She was afraid that if she asked Chaojing, she would be rejected and there would be no room for maneuver!

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