Mo Sinian specially called Chaojing: "what are you doing? How can Mo Yi find out about you? You don't know Mo Yi's temperament. As long as he doubts, he must find out!"

Chaojing innocently touched his nose: "I didn't do anything either. I just went over to say a few words when he met Xi. Who knows that Mo Yi is so sharp and has a dog nose. He just met me at noon and began to investigate me in the afternoon. I knew early that I wouldn't see him!"

Mo Sinian snorted softly, "do you think it works now?"

Chaojing raised his eyebrows: "otherwise, I'll go to him and make it clear?"

Mo Sinian asked, "it's nothing for you to make it clear to him, but can you confirm that he won't tell Mo Xi your identity?"

Chaojing was silent for two seconds, and his tone was a little uncertain: "I don't think so. I feel that Moyi is not such a gossip person!"

Mo Sinian said angrily, "you're not sure. Do you have the confidence to tell me that?"

Chaojing didn't say a word. After a while, he sighed helplessly: "brother, I didn't expect that he would be so keen to detect my wrongness!"

Mo Sinian knew that Chao Jing certainly didn't want Mo Yi to notice his identity. After all, if his identity was to help now, no one knew whether Mo Xi would anger the child in his stomach and give up the child because of this.

Mo Sinian knows that Chaojing takes care of the children in Mo Xi's belly very important. After all, Mo Sinian also sees his feelings for Mo Xi.

The person he likes has his own child and plans to be born. Mo Sinian knows that Chaojing certainly doesn't want to make any mistakes.

Thinking of this, Mo Sinian said in a deep voice: "in this way, I'll meet mo. I told him to keep it secret for you. After all, your identity can't stand his investigation!"

If someone else checks Chaojing, Mo Sinian will certainly make Chaojing's identity more secret for the first time. However, the other party is Mo Yi. Mo Sinian knows his fierce general very well. Mo Yi can rank first in all aspects of the island. Naturally, his ability can not be underestimated.

Chaojing listened to Mo Sinian's words. He hesitated for a moment and nodded: "it's good. I also want to ask Mo Yi and 11 to call him to Shencheng. What's the matter? If there's anything I can help, I can also help!"

Mo Sinian nodded: "OK, it's settled. You make an appointment with Mo Yi and I'll go there on time in the evening!"

Nodded toward the scenic spot and answered.

After hanging up, Chaojing dialed Moyi directly.

As soon as the phone was connected, Chaojing said directly, "Moyi, you're investigating me, aren't you?"

At the other end of the phone, Mo heard the voice of Chaojing one by one, and his eyebrows tightened in an instant: "Chaojing?"

Chaojing chuckled: "yes, it's me. I heard you were investigating me. I thought, since you are so curious about my identity, otherwise, how about we meet at night and have a good talk?"

Mo Yi was silent for two seconds. His voice was cold and heavy: "OK, send me the address!"

Seeing that Mo agreed so simply, Chaojing couldn't help laughing: "aren't you afraid this is a Hongmen banquet?"

Mo asked coldly, "is that Hongmen banquet?"

He shook his head at Jing: "naturally not!"

Mo snorted: "since it's not, why should I think so much? Besides, even if it's Hongmen banquet, can you keep me? Besides, if you can't, don't you consider the consequences of being countered?"

When Chao Jing heard Mo Yi say this, he was very happy: "don't worry, I don't set up a Hongmen banquet, so you don't have to think about how to leave, let alone being attacked. I just want to talk to you about something, that's all!"

"Well, I see!" Moyi's voice is very cold.

Chaojing knows that Mo Yiyi has this virtue on weekdays. Even if he has spent four years with Mo, he is more respectful and cold. Respect or something, you can have it, but you can't lose the cold style.

Chaojing couldn't help adding: "by the way, don't tell Mo Xi about it in advance. We met. I'll tell you what you want to know!"

Mo Yi doesn't know what medicine Chao Jing bought in his throat. Of course, he doesn't care very much.

He answered lukewarm, "I see!"

Chaojing didn't mind his attitude, smiled and hung up the phone.

At 8 pm, Chaojing arrived at Junmo club on time.

When he passed by, he heard that his guests had arrived.

Chao Jing smiled and hurried upstairs to the box.

When Chaojing entered the box, he saw Mo Yi sitting on the sofa, his posture was very alert. He leaned against the door, looked at Mo Yi, and couldn't help laughing.

When Mo looked up, his eyes sank and didn't speak.

Chaojing walked in with a smile and sat down on the sofa next to Mo Yi. On the contrary, Chaojing danger leaned on the sofa, as if he had no bones.

As soon as Mo saw that he didn't speak, he said in a straight and cold voice, "Mr. Chao called me over. What's your advice?"

Hearing this, Chaojing hooked his lips with a smile: "I can't talk about advice, just talk casually. Besides, don't worry, whether people come or not!"

Mo Yi's cold eyes were slightly heavy: "is there anyone else?"

Chaojing's expression was pondered: "yes, there are people, and they are people you know!"

Mo Yi listened to him and looked more and more indifferent.

Chaojing was about to say a few more words, and the box door was opened again.

As soon as Mo and Chaojing looked up at the same time, they saw Mo Sinian walking in with an expressionless face.

Chaojing took a look at the ink four years, laughed and shouted, "brother!"

Mo Sinian gave a cold "um".

Mo Yi's pupil shrinks slightly, which is incredible: "Mr. Mo?"

"Have you seen him in Shen Mo City for a year?"

Mo was stunned and nodded: "I know!"

However, his job of receiving Mo Xi is equivalent to personal help. Therefore, he didn't inform the island and didn't expect to see Mo Sinian here.

Mo Sinian said calmly, "since you know, don't be too surprised. Also, I'm calling you here tonight mainly to tell you not to continue to check the identity of Chaojing!"

Hearing this, Mo glanced at the Chaojing in disbelief and frowned: "Mr. Mo, if I heard you right just now, he called your brother?"

Mo Sinian raised his eyelids and glanced at Mo Yi lightly: "yes, Chaojing is my brother. I got the news today and you will investigate him again. Therefore, I came forward in person. I hope you don't continue to investigate this matter. I hope you can give me a face!"

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