Mo Xi was shocked and immediately reacted. She suddenly pushed away Chaojing. Her voice was urgent and angry: "Chaojing, what are you doing?"

Chaojing was pushed away by her and seemed to have no strength all over. He put his hand on the door and buried his head in Mo Xi's shoulder. His voice was hoarse and made people sink at the bottom of his heart: "Xi... I can't help it. I'm so uncomfortable!"

Mo Xi's heart was in a mess: "I'll take you to the hospital now. Hold on!"

After that, she reached out to hold Chaojing to open the door. As a result, as soon as her hand pressed the door handle, she suddenly heard bursts of footsteps outside. Listen carefully. It seems that many people are coming towards the lounge.

Mo 11's hand suddenly froze. The next second, she was tightly held by Chaojing from behind. Chaojing's hot breath sprayed on the back of her neck. Mo 11 felt hot all over.

However, at the moment, it seems that there are people outside. Mo Xi doesn't know what's going on outside and doesn't dare to open the door directly.

In other words, time goes back to the time when Yu Lanzhi was taken to the lounge.

It seems that brother Yu Xiujie and sister Yu xiusui are afraid of doing something wrong when they see that brother Yu Xiujie is wrong.

She was not right with Yu Lanzhi, so she immediately changed the news and sent it to Yu Xiujie in the tone of Yu Lanzhi.

After that, Ruan suisui kept staring at Yu Lanzhi. She was really curious about what the brothers and sisters were doing.

Seeing that Yu Lanzhi was taken away by the waiter with a light yellow fox mask, Ruan suisui's eyelids beat twice for no reason.

She couldn't help but sneak up. She didn't figure out what was going on. She saw Yu Xiujie walking slowly towards an exclusive lounge. Yu Xiujie also had an interesting look of catching prey on his face.

Ruan suisui suddenly had some bad guesses in her heart.

Although Ruan suisui is not right with Yu Lanzhi, she is not a malicious person. If things are really what she thinks, if yu Xiujie bullies his sister Yu Lanzhi as Mo 11, then

Thinking of this, Ruan suisui looked flustered for a moment, clenched his teeth, and planned to come forward to knock on the door to prevent it from becoming absurd.

As a result, at this juncture, someone suddenly went up to the second floor.

Hearing the footsteps, Ruan suisui suddenly turned around and saw old lady Yu walking upstairs on crutches. Mo Sinian and Bai Jinse stood next to her, looking like guests. Old lady Yu was followed by her daughter Yu Xinping and her sons Yu Xinan and Yu Xinning.

Shao Pinlin also followed behind Yu Xinping. It seems that this group of people should have been together before.

Seeing Ruan suisui, old lady Yu's face was not worried: "Ruan girl, why are you here?"

Ruan suisui was restless for a while. She didn't know what to say. She stiffened for a moment and said stiffly, "I'm not feeling well. Come and find a lounge!"

Old lady Yu snorted, "have you seen my Lanzhi girl?"

Today, when Yu Lanzhi held a masquerade party, old lady Yu followed her as soon as she won an award.

However, it was a coincidence that Yu Xinping brought Shao Pinlin to see her today. She said that Shao Pinlin had a job tomorrow and would go out of town for a while. It is estimated that she will not be able to see her for a long time. She came to see her grandmother today and left Shencheng tomorrow.

Mrs. Yu called her two sons to talk about family affairs with her daughter and grandson.

As a result, Mo Sinian and Bai Jinse also came to see her at this juncture. She didn't want to neglect the guests, so they talked together.

However, they didn't say much. On weekdays, the servants who followed Yu Lanzhi and took care of Yu Lanzhi's daily life rushed in and said with a pale face, "old lady, it's not good. Miss four was bullied in the lounge. She asked me to call you to decide for her!"

The servant was arranged by Yu Lanzhi long ago. Yu Lanzhi told her that as long as she entered the lounge, she would ask the girl to come and find Mrs. Yu. Moreover, she would also take advantage of the fact that there were people around Mrs. Yu. In this way, even if Chaojing had an extraordinary identity, Mrs. Yu would suffer from face loss and would certainly let the person who bullied her be responsible for her.

As soon as the girl who took care of Yu Lanzhi saw so many people over there, she immediately felt that it was just right for the young lady and shouted out directly.

She said so. Of course, Mrs. Yu couldn't have been unresponsive. The old lady was very angry at that time and directly stood up to see who dared to bully her granddaughter on the territory of the Yu family.

What Mrs. Yu thought at that time was that the bullying was probably improper in speech and behavior. After all, this is still the Yu family, and people with a little brain dare not do anything too much.

Mo Sinian and Bai Jinshe were also present. Old lady Yu was not good at leaving her guests. She had to let everyone go and have a look. Who was so bold that she dared to bully her granddaughter.

As a result, under the leadership of the servants, they came and saw Ruan suisui who was going to knock on the door of the lounge.

Before the girl who took care of Yu Lanzhi could speak, she heard the old lady ask Ruan suisui about Yu Lanzhi's whereabouts.

Ruan suisui was silent for a moment and pointed to the lounge in front of him and said, "I seem to have seen Yu Lanzhi enter this lounge before!"

The servant who took care of Yu Lanzhi's eyes jumped and felt inexplicably flustered. The lounge was clearly the exclusive lounge of the third young master.

However, before she could speak, she saw old lady Yu walking directly to the door of the lounge with a cold face on crutches.

At the same time, Yu Xiujie was in the lounge.

In other words, as soon as Yu Xiujie entered the lounge, he saw a slim figure lying on the sofa. The other party stretched out his hand to pull the collar. It seemed that it was very hot. The mask on his face was still worn, and his hair was scattered on the sofa. It looked like an unspeakable lure Confused.

Yu Xiujie doesn't know at all. In order to make herself look similar to Mo 11, Yu Lanzhi specially made her hair color and hairstyle similar to Mo 11 tonight.

With a dark fire in his eyes, Yu Xiujie swallowed his saliva deeply and walked towards the people on the sofa step by step.

While walking, he took off his suit and coat directly, and his Adam's apple couldn't help rolling.

He just walked to the sofa and bent down to take off the mask on the face of "Mo 11" and see her beautiful and thrilling face.

He felt that as long as he saw the beautiful and cold little face, he would be more interested. As a result, he supported the sofa with one hand and just touched the other's mask with the other hand. The people on the sofa seemed to feel something that attracted her and directly reached out and hugged Yu Xiujie's neck.

Yu Xiujie's action was stiff, and his eyes suddenly rose unspeakably hot, and his voice was even darker: "don't worry, beauty, I didn't expect you to be so enthusiastic!"

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