As long as he thought of the lie he told Mo Xi, Chao Jing felt depressed. He couldn't even eat dinner. The more he cared about Mo Xi with himself, the more afraid he was to expose the lie. Mo Xi left himself like the girl just now.

He felt as if he couldn't control himself. His voice was dry and dumb. He asked Mo Xi, "Xi, what do you think of what just happened?"

Mo Xi was having dinner when she heard Chao Jing's sentence suddenly and inexplicably. She didn't respond. She didn't understand what Chao Jing meant. She frowned slightly: "what do you think?"

Chao Jing felt that his voice became more and more dry. He said, "just... The quarrel between the boy and the girl just now!"

Mo Xi didn't expect that Chao Jing would care about this kind of thing. She slightly raised her eyebrows and looked calm: "it's someone else's business. It has nothing to do with us!"

Chaojing's hand could not help shaking into a fist: "I mean... If... If this kind of thing happened to you? If someone deceived you, what would you do?"

Mo Xi calmly glanced at Chaojing: "so, do you have an ex girlfriend who cheated me?"

As soon as Chaojing was frozen, he quickly shook his head: "I didn't!"

Mo 11 continued: "no, it's over. As for what you just said, if someone can't tell the truth about this kind of thing, there's no need to fall in love with him. He can't confess to each other about his love history. Who knows what else he's hiding from each other. I think the girl just said is quite right!"

Chaojing's heart sank a little when he heard Mo Xi's words.

He finally clearly realized a problem, that is, Mo Xi may be more intolerant of deception in his feelings than he thought.

What should he do if Mo Xi knows about the things he hides?

If today Mo Xi promised Chao Jing that when he was with him, Chao Jing was as happy as sitting in the clouds, then at the moment, his mood was undoubtedly driven to the 18th floor of hell.

He looked at Mo 11 and smiled reluctantly: "maybe... Sometimes it's really a white lie. After all, everyone's situation is different. What do you think?"

Mo Xi thought for a while, looked at Chao Jing and frowned: "why do you care so much about this matter? Is it difficult? You also have an predecessor and didn't tell me?"

Chao Jing was nervous and shook his head immediately: "I didn't! I just assumed that, after all, I just saw something like that!"

Mo Xi nodded: "you're right. Everyone's situation is indeed different. However, in my opinion, feelings can't be deceived without cheating. After all, even if you lie in white, you can't guarantee that the other party won't get hurt after knowing you lie!"

Chaojing looked at Mo Xi with a complicated look. He nodded slowly: "you're right, cheating... It's wrong!"

When eating later, Mo Xi found that Chaojing was quiet a lot. Her eyes flashed and didn't ask anything more.

After dinner, Chao Jing looked listless. Originally, he also arranged to take Mo Xi to the cinema.

However, when he came out of the restaurant, he asked Mo Xi if he wanted to go to the movies. Mo Xi looked at him and said directly, "do you think your current state is suitable for watching movies? Chaojing, I really doubt if you lied to me?"

In a hurry, I denied it.

At this time, how dare he tell Mo Xi that he is not the so-called Chaojing at all, but Mo Chaojing!

He was just with Mo Xi today. He really didn't dare to tell Mo Xi about those things.

He admitted that he was selfish and despicable. He hoped that Mo Xi would be more affectionate to him and tell Mo Xi the truth. He hoped that Mo Xi would forgive himself for his feelings.

However, he didn't expect that he saw the scene of the quarrel between his boyfriend and girlfriend today. His performance was too bad. Mo Xi realized that something was wrong.

Also, his emotional performance is so obvious. How can a smart man like Mo Xi find nothing!

However, Mo Xi didn't ask. He was obviously giving him a chance. If he really cheated her, he'd better say it as it is.

But in the end, Chaojing chose to continue to hide.

Mo Xi was not surprised to see Chaojing deny. She calmly said, "if I don't watch the movie, I'll go back!"

Chaojing hurried forward: "I'll take you back!"

Mo Xi looked at his eyes with deep expectation. It seemed that she was afraid of being rejected by herself. She pursed her lips and finally nodded: "then send me!"

Today is the first day together. Mo Xi doesn't want to make Chaojing unhappy.

Drive to Chaojing and send Mo Xi back to Yueyuan.

On the way, Chaojing tries to adjust his mood and hopes to talk about some relaxed topics with Mo Xi.

He was afraid of talking about emotional problems and cheating, so he directly mentioned the topic of work: "11, you say, the Yu family is so quiet these two days, is it bad to hold it secretly?"

Mo Xi leaned against the window. Hearing this, he glanced at the king: "isn't this the lice on Heshang's head, obvious!"

Chao Jinggan smiled: "I didn't know before. You'll be kidding like this!"

Mo Xi glanced at him lightly: "do you think I'm joking? Am I not telling the truth?"

Chaojing coughed, "what you said is really the truth, but the Yu family's villains like to make obstacles behind their backs. Now their family probably hates the Yue family and the Ruan family. Please let your parents be careful recently!"

Mo 11 nodded: "well, thanks for reminding, I know!"

Chao Jing pursed his lips: "in fact, you don't have to be so polite with me. After all, we are already together!"

Mo Xi picked an eyebrow: "then I won't thank you. I'll remind my parents!"

Chaojing: "

It was the first time he knew that Mo Xi spoke so well.

However, his performance today is really too bad, especially after mentioning the topic of deception, he must not be like this in the future!

Finally, Chaojing sent Mo Xi to Yueyuan.

Mo Xi got out of the car, bypassed the front of the car and walked to Yueyuan.

Chaojing sat in the driver's seat and looked at Mo Xi. He was a little depressed. He felt deeply frustrated for his performance today.

He knocked on the window for a moment.

Chaojing was stunned. He immediately lowered the window and looked at Mo Xi puzzled.

Under the night, Mo Xi's look was chilly with a bit of popularity: "Chaojing, since you want to be with me, you don't have to have such a serious psychological burden. I'm not such a fussy person. I won't care too much about ordinary small things. Therefore, you don't have to give yourself psychological pressure. Since I choose to try with you, I will take this feeling seriously!"

Mo Xi said that and turned to Yueyuan.

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