Mo Xi takes herself as a bait and clearly realizes that if there is no exact evidence, even if she finds that the person who hurt her at the beginning is Yue chulin, Yue chusen may not believe it.

After all, they are the biological brothers of a mother's compatriots. Even recently, Yue chusen will not think that his eldest brother wanted to kill his daughter when his daughter was just born.

So, everything still has to be based on evidence.

Chaojing heard Mo 11's words and gently picked his eyebrows. To tell the truth, he was not afraid of these small tricks. However, Mo 11 was pregnant. He looked at Mo 11's stomach with some worry: "anyway, you have to be careful of the child in your stomach."

Mo Xi pursed his lips, subconsciously stretched out his hand to caress the little guy in his stomach, and nodded: "well, isn't there you? At that time, there's danger, you're on top!"

Chao Jing was stunned. In the past, when there was any danger, Mo Xi rushed up at the first time. Now, hearing her say so, Chao Jing is still not used to it.

However, he didn't say anything, just smiled softly and nodded: "well, I hold it, no matter what cattle, ghosts and snakes, my God blocks the killing God, and the Buddha blocks the killing Buddha!"

Mo Xi glanced at him, and a shallow smile flashed at the bottom of his eyes: "if only you had this consciousness!"

When the car drove out of the city, Chaojing heard the sound of shallow breathing coming from the side. He took advantage of neutral gear and glanced at the man on the co pilot.

At this meeting, Mo Xi put down the co pilot and was half lying asleep.

Seeing Mo Xi's white face and solid sleep, Chaojing only felt that somewhere in his heart was incredibly soft, as if she had been properly placed in the deepest corner of his heart, and no one could peep at her.

Chaojing plans to accompany Mo Xi to bay village. He doesn't call Mo Xi all the way. He plans to drive people all the way.

As a result, near noon, Mo Xi woke up vaguely.

When she saw the Chaojing still driving, her voice lost its coldness in the past, but seemed a little soft and waxy: "why don't you call me?"

Chaojing looked at her. How good she was. He couldn't help it. He stopped the car aside, reached out and gently rubbed her hair, and whispered, "look, you sleep soundly and can't bear it. Are you hungry?"

Mo Xi felt a little hungry, so he nodded: "yes, let's have dinner first. After dinner, I'll change you!"

In Moxi's opinion, she is pregnant and not weak. She can't do anything. Naturally, she won't let Chaojing drive alone on this day's drive.

However, when Chaojing heard this, he immediately refused: "no, I'll drive. You're pregnant and can't be too tired!"

Mo 11 was helpless and couldn't help but say, "I'm pregnant, not disabled. Driving is a small thing for me!"

However, Chaojing firmly shook his head and refused: "no, since I'm here, there's no reason for you to drive a pregnant woman. You're good. If you're sleepy after dinner, you can continue to sleep!"

Mo 11 was speechless and choked for a moment. Did you think she was a pig?

However, Chaojing insisted on not letting her drive, and she was too lazy to argue with Chaojing again.

Not long after dinner, the sky slowly overcast.

Mo Xi didn't sleep after dinner. She sat quietly on the co pilot and looked out of the window. She didn't know what she was thinking.

Chaojing looked at the gloomy weather outside and turned to take a look at Mo Xi. It may be that she was pregnant during this period. She ate more and her face looked more round and less cold than before.

However, most people are mellow and will develop in a lovely direction. Moxi is different from others. Maybe she is originally thin, which will make her side face look more exquisite. The long eyelashes are like a small fan. If you gently incite it, you can make people's heart follow and be touched.

Chaojing looked at her two eyes. The Adam's Apple could not help rolling slightly and whispered, "eleven, look at the sky, it may rain!"

They got off the highway in the morning. They had to walk a long corridor to go to bay village.

If it doesn't rain, it's probably too slow to get on the bus today.

Mo Xi heard Chao Jing's words and turned to look at him: "I really can't go. Just find a place on the roadside and wait for the rain to stop!"

Chaojing slightly raised his eyebrows and looked at Mo 11. If he could go, he would still think of bay village today.

He thought for a while, but didn't retort: "OK, let's go first!"

Mo Xi said "well" and began to be in a daze again. Chaojing knew that she had slept all morning. She should not be sleepy. Seeing her in a daze, he talked to her: "11, what do you think?"

Mo Xi's eyes flickered gently, shook his head and said: "nothing, just think, if Xiao Anbang really took me to bay village, how did he take me away from Shencheng? After all, when I lost it, someone in my family should have found it. Shencheng is not close to bay village. How did he take me there without being found by Yue's family!"

Chaojing didn't expect that she was thinking about this, but she was right. Maybe she didn't care about her life experience. However, as long as it was an individual, she should be a little curious about what happened to her.

Chaojing thought for a while and said, "when we get to the Bay Village, we should find out the truth soon. You don't have to think so much now!"

Mo Xi glanced at him and was about to say something when his mobile phone rang.

She took out her mobile phone and saw that it was a message from Bai Jinse.

Bai Jinse: [11. I went shopping today and met your mother in the mall. She said you went to a resort?]

Bai Jinse thinks that the Yu family's affairs have just ended. If there is nothing important, Mo Xi should not leave Shencheng. After all, who knows if there are any fish in the Yu family who will go crazy and do anything unpredictable. Although it is impossible to harm others, it is also necessary to guard against others.

Bai Jinse didn't think Mo Shiyi would leave Shencheng here, but fan Rou said that Chao Jing took her with her.

Fan Rou said that. Bai Jinse had to believe it if she didn't believe it. However, she couldn't help feeling that Chaojing didn't know what to do. How could she leave Shencheng with eleven here.

Not all the Yu family have been arrested. Now the Yu family is at odds with them. It's not impossible for those who don't have eyes to retaliate against them.

Bai Jinse is worried about Mo Xi.

After all, Mo 11 is still a pregnant woman even if it is powerful. What if she hurts her child.

Therefore, after eating in the mall, she met fan Rou and immediately sent a message to her when she heard the whereabouts of Mo 11.

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