Mo 11 was surprised. No wonder she saw that Xiao rou'er was wrong just now. She sneered: "I'm not an immortal, how can I know what happened in your village! You said that Xiao Anbang threw his children from your family. So, who in your family saw him throw his children?"

For this reason, Xiao rouer didn't think of lying anymore. She took a deep breath, Opening channel: "Indeed, when Uncle Xiao threw the child, my father just got up early and planned to get off the net. He just saw Uncle Xiao borrow a fishing boat, sneak into the sea and throw the child away. After he left, my father looked nearby and thought he had seen it with his own eyes, so he couldn't let it go. My father was soft hearted and knew that if he didn't care, he would be too bloody to let the child be eaten by sharks or something It's cruel, but the sea is rough. When my father went there, he didn't find it after looking for it for a long time. He came back and told my grandmother and my mother about it. My mother didn't talk long. Finally, I didn't know how, so it spread. However, later, when I heard that the daughter-in-law of Uncle Xiao's family was not pregnant, everyone thought our family was talking nonsense. Moreover, later, uncle Xiao's family had a girl named Xiao Ping, Also stayed, and everyone didn't believe what my mother said before! "

Hearing Xiao rou'er's words, Mo Xi and Chaojing looked at each other and were surprised. It seems that they really hit and run into each other by mistake. Unexpectedly, they accidentally knew the party who bumped into this matter that year.

Thinking of this, Mo Xi thought for a while and said to Xiao rou'er, "we're going to stay in Haiwan village for two days. We want to get familiar with you and stay at your house. Won't your parents have a problem?"

As soon as Xiao rouer heard this, she knew that Mo Xi asked her if she could be the master who left them to stay at home, She nodded quickly: "No, my parents know you sent me back. It's too late to thank you. I'm sure they'd like to let you stay. Moreover, Miss Mo, you don't have to worry. Although our family is not rich, my parents don't attach much importance to men, and they still love me very much. Therefore, they know my experience and experience, and they will be very grateful for your kindness to save my life. Staying is just a small matter, you two Don't worry! "

Mo Xi nodded casually: "then when the car enters the car later, you can show the way and go directly to your house!"

Xiao rouer nodded immediately: "no problem!"

Soon, the car drove into the bay village.

The bay village is poor and there are no cars in the village. Now I suddenly see such a car driving in. I can't help being surrounded on the road.

On the other hand, Chopin got the news when Chaojing's car just drove into the village.

He hurriedly called Xiao Anya: "Anya, didn't you say that you would stop the man on the road to investigate? Why, now that a car has entered the village, will it be your niece?"

Xiao Anya didn't expect that her husband sent two groups of people yesterday, but she still couldn't stop Mo Xi. She was very upset: "don't care whether it's my niece or not. You just listen to me. When she goes to the village, you'll be done hiding. Anyway, you know what happened in those years, except me and Chu Lin. as long as you don't talk, no one can find out!"

Hearing his sister say so, Xiao Anbang was still flustered.

He thought again and again, and suddenly remembered one thing: "in fact, it may not be known to the three of us. When I threw away my child, there was a rumor in the village that I didn't want to give birth to a daughter and threw it into the sea. What if this matter was found out?"

Hearing this, Xiao Anya's voice suddenly raised: "why didn't you tell me this before?"

Chopin was a little helpless: "I didn't take it seriously at that time. Anyway, it was a rumor, and no one saw anything with their own eyes!"

Xiao Anya was not angry: "no wind, no waves. If someone else didn't see something, how could such rumors come out? Do you know who spread this word? Maybe it's the other party who saw you throw your child that year!"

Things have been going on for so long. In fact, Xiao Anbang doesn't know where the words came from. Anyway, they came from women. After a long time, the words faded. He didn't take it seriously at all. He may not be able to ask now.

Moreover, Xiao Anya's niece also came to the village. Anya let himself hide from each other. It's not easy for him to go out and find out who spread the rumor in those years!

In Chopin's opinion, this is not a big deal. In the final analysis, many things are gossip, and no one has conclusive evidence!

He felt that his sister was a little angry. When someone asked about it in the village a few days ago, he shouldn't have told his sister.

Thinking of this, his tone was a little impatient: "don't think about it. I'll just hide from your niece. As for the things in those years, don't worry, I won't talk nonsense. I'm not such a person who doesn't know the weight, that's it!"

Xiao Anbang said that and hung up the phone directly.

He hung up and thought about going out to hide. Anyway, he made up his mind and didn't see Mo Xi.

However, he thought well, but Xiao Anya's side was completely different from his idea, because Xiao Anya understood that as long as this kind of thing reached the ears of Yue chusen and his wife, even if there was no conclusive evidence, Yue chusen and his wife were not stupid. As long as they roughly figured out what was going on, they would not let her and Yue chulin go.

Thinking of this, she immediately went to the study to find her husband.

Yue chulin stayed in Shencheng. The news of the failure of the two groups yesterday came to him this morning. He was not angry, but now it's too late to stop Mo 11.

Yue chulin saw his wife hurried into the study before he had figured out how to do it.

He glanced at his wife and said, "what's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry? Go slowly and be careful not to hurt your child!"

Hearing this, Xiao Anya's eyes flushed and her voice was a little agitated: "Chu Lin, my brother said that when he threw away the child, there was a rumor in the village that he threw it into the sea when he gave birth to a daughter. However, he didn't take it seriously and didn't tell us!"

On hearing this, Chu Lin's face immediately sank: "so when he did that, it was very likely that he was seen?"

Xiao Anya nodded. Indeed, in this way, it is obvious that as long as we find the witness of that year, Xiao Anbang will be taken for interrogation. Xiao Anbang is kind of bullying soft and afraid of hard. If we can't help it, we will certainly recruit their husband and wife out.

Xiao Anya knew these things better than anyone else. She was a little flustered when she heard her brother's words on the phone just now.

Yue chulin's face was very ugly. His face was so blue that he couldn't help being cruel to his wife: "do I give your brother little these years? I think he can't do anything well. After so many years, he can still leave such a deadly handle!"

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