Lin Xi looks at Mo Sinian unhappily. She has no mood, but it's not hard to see her dissatisfaction: "before, Shan Lei customized jewelry in your company. Using this, he asked Jinse to go to e bar, saying that he wanted to talk about jewelry customization requirements. As a result, Jinse went, and then he knew that those people had bad intentions!"

Lin Xi looks at Mo Si Nian with a complicated look: "at that time, a group of men in the box almost bullied Jin se. Fortunately, Chu Sheng got the news in time and helped him. Moreover, last night, Chu Sheng almost had an accident. It was Shan Lei who arranged it. Didn't Mo know it at all? Then you husband, you are too incompetent. Even if you are a nominal husband and wife, you are not so indifferent to your wife

Listen to Lin Xi's words, Mo Si Nian's face, a little bit more difficult to see the extreme.

He stood there sullen, as if the air pressure in the whole office had dropped a few degrees.

Bai Jinse almost had such a thing. After such a long time, he didn't know it!

Now he finally understood why Bai Jinse suddenly made Chusheng a friend!

Being able to save Bai Jinse in that situation is equivalent to saving his life. How can Bai Jinse not treat him as a friend!

As for yesterday, Bai Jinse went to save Chusheng regardless of his safety, he also understood better!

It took him a long time to say in a heavy voice, "I don't know at all!"

Lin Xi's eyes a little more indifferent: "Mo always knows, it has nothing to do with me, but since I met again, this revenge, of course, is to help Jinse revenge!"

Mo Si Nian looked at Lin Xi with a complicated look.

Jing Xiangdong was shocked. He opened his mouth. It took him a long time to remember what happened that day: "so That time Chu Sheng put Shan Lei on the Mingcheng bridge for a night, just to avenge Bai Jinse? As a result, he was resented by Shan Lei at last? "

Lin Xi looked at him and nodded.

Jing Xiangdong looks at Mo Si Nian with a complicated look. He doesn't know what to say at the moment!

He knew that Chu Sheng was against Mo Si Nian in recent years, and Mo Si Nian was so impatient that he hated him.

But when someone saves your wife, you can't be indifferent!

Lin Xi looked at Mo Si Nian's gloomy look to the extreme, but his eyes were a little more clear.

Her eyes slightly flash, light mouth way: nothing, I go first! "

As soon as she finished, Bai Jinse pushed the door and came in.

Mo Si Nian suddenly looks up and looks at Bai Jin se. He hides the anger and guilt in his eyes, which makes him feel more distressed.

Bai Jinse didn't know and couldn't help frowning: "what's the matter with you? How strange is the atmosphere? "

Mo Si Nian, he didn't want to see himself before. How could he be so good at Kung Fu that he changed?

Lin Xi also has no intention to say more, she looked at Bai Jinse: "nothing, the matter is solved, let them go to check the traitor, I go home to sleep first!"

Just, see Mo Si Nian this appearance, new hate old hate, he estimates to eat Shan Lei!

Bai Jinse can't get back to God.

Mo Si Nian took a look at Bai Jinse, and his look was a little complicated: "you go downstairs with Miss Lin first and wait for me. I'll talk to Xiang Dong for a second, and then I'll come down!"

Bai Jinse frowned and nodded, and went downstairs with Lin Xi.

As soon as they left, Mo Sinian sat down on the sofa and thought about things calmly. He didn't mean to talk to Jing Xiangdong at all.

Jing Xiangdong couldn't help sighing: "I found today that beautiful women will shine!"

Mo Si Nian was thinking about something. Hearing this, he gave him a cool look: "you said before that sexy women are the most attractive!"

Jing Xiangdong shriveled: "that's my shallow, long hair, short insight!"

Mo Sinian looked at him like an idiot: "you are more than superficial!"

Jing Xiangdong was a little wilted and couldn't help frowning and staring at Mo Si Nian: "can you stop hitting me? I feel that I really like Lin Xi. She is different from other women! She is sitting there today, as if the whole person is shining. You don't know how fast my heart beats! "

Mo Si Nian finally had a reaction. He was calm: "don't hit her. Pay attention, she is different from you. What's more, she is Bai Jinse's best friend, different from the women you used to play with!"

Jing Xiangdong is a bit irritable: "who said I played, I'm serious this time!"

Mo Sinian looked at him sarcastically and said frankly: "yes, you are very serious. Over the years, we can't count the number of times you are serious."

Jing Xiangdong stopped talking this time.

He was silent for a long time, looking at Mo Si Nian: "don't you tell your wife that you plan to say something to me?"

"I'm thinking about something, don't talk nonsense, go to check the traitor quickly!" The voice of Mo Si is neither cold nor hot.

Jing Xiangdong frowned: "don't worry about the spy. Even if I turn the company upside down tonight, I will definitely find out. But what are you thinking?"

The expression of Mo Si Nian is quiet, thin lips slightly open: "I'm thinking How can Shan Lei live like death! "Jing Xiangdong looked at Mo Sinian's expression and couldn't help shivering.

He can understand it. Shan Lei is going to finish this time!

It was not terrible when Mo Si was in a rage. What was terrible was that when he was most calm, he was afraid that someone would suffer completely.

Mo Sinian didn't stay long in Jing Xiangdong's office. He made a decision in his heart and left.

Lin Xi gives Mo Sinian evidence that can be used as evidence in court online, but Mo Sinian gives up the idea of suing Shan Lei.

After all, it's too cheap to take out evidence to sue him directly. If you want to make life worse than death, how can you do it too soon!

For the hacker named x, he didn't go to investigate. The other party is just a tool in Shan Lei's hands.

He gave Zhao Yan the news that the free movie source was broadcast in advance on various websites.

For a while, trumpets appeared on numerous websites, and free movie sources were released in advance. For the films invested by Shan Lei, overnight, you don't have to buy movie tickets. You don't have to watch the film for nothing. After watching the film, you still feel like a flood of bad reviews.

The movie is not online, it's cool.

The next day, when Bai Jinse went to the company, people were still discussing the film invested by Shan Lei company.

In one day, Shan Lei suffered a terrible loss. Before he made a movie, he borrowed money from the bank. But now this happens in the movie. With the money invested, he makes it clear that there is no way back. The bank begins to urge him to repay the loan.

Shan Lei uses this hole to fill that hole.

Just one day, the game company, also faced with serious capital chain fracture.

Shan Lei has never been so embarrassed, before, his face full of anger, within a day was polished without edges and corners.

At night, he came home tired and suddenly found that the light in the living room was on.

His face changed and he was tense. There was someone at home!

"Who? Get out of here Shan Lei wants to be like a bird in shock. He is both surprised and angry. He roars with anger, as if he wants to vent all the anger he has repressed this day.

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