Chaojing was a little helpless: "are you afraid that if you tell me your identity, your parents won't treat you as well as before?"

Mo Xi tightened his face, frowned and looked at the Chaojing, but didn't speak.

However, her expression is obviously the central thing to be said. There are some angry expressions. It is rare for Chaojing to see such a vivid expression of Mo 11. Even if she is angry, she looks so cute.

He smiled, Opening channel: "Anyway, now that the evidence is complete, you can expose them whenever you want. However, I don't think what you worry about will happen. Uncle Yue and aunt fan, I think they are very reasonable people. For example, yuexinxin and yueqiaoyi have been changed, that is, the dove occupies the magpie's nest. Your parents will be angry and distressed about the real yueqiaoyi, and you just want to find out their identity in that year with yueqiaoyi's identity. You put it The month is strange and properly placed. Only then can she enter the month's house as her. I think your parents will understand such a white lie. What's more, you are the real daughter of the month's house. In those years, it was their parents who didn't protect you. I think it's too late for them to feel guilty. How can they blame you! "

"Do you really think you look at Mojing like this?"

It's not that Mo Xi doesn't believe her biological parents, but whether her parents will blame her for concealing. She can't be sure. After all, people's feelings can never be calculated by formula. It's not that others say that if their parents won't be angry and don't mind, they can really don't mind.

Mo Xi felt a little messy in her mind. Sure enough, she still had a simple task and didn't want to live a life that was more suitable for her.

Chao Jing knew the worry in Mo 11's heart. He gave Mo 11 a reassurance in a positive tone: "11, you have to believe me. I can't see people wrong easily. Your parents won't mind it. They will only love you!"

Mo Xi pursed his lips and took a look at the Chaojing. He didn't say anything more depressed.

The car entered Shencheng and went directly to the villa where Shimo Sinian and Bai Jinse lived.

When Mo 11 and Chaojing passed, Qin Sixian and his party had not come back.

Bai Jinse knows that Mo Xi went to investigate the events of that year. As soon as Mo Xi entered the door, she took Mo Xi to talk.

Chaojing was naturally left behind with Mo Si Nian.

When Mo Sinian saw his wife pulling Mo Xi away, he smiled, raised his chin and motioned to sit down with the king.

Chao Jing sat down in the living room and looked at Xiang MoSi Nian: "brother, I heard that cotton will come later, right?"

Mo Sinian nodded: "not only cotton, but also Yihuan and Yichen will be sent over later. Your sister-in-law wants to have a child. I'll have someone send the child over and let her meet!"

Nodding clearly towards the king, he asked, "who sent the cotton this time?"

Later, the people arrived. Mo Sinian didn't hide it from Chao Jing: "it's Mo Jiu, but I heard from Mo Yi that another woman named Mo Hanyan will come with me!"

Hearing this, Chaojing couldn't help frowning: "will she come too?"

Mo Sinian smiled: "why? Are you familiar with this woman?"

Although this woman has not been seen by Mo Sinian, he has heard from Mo Yi that Mo Hanyan secretly helped Mo once as an international student when Mo Yi was on a mission a few years ago. However, later, Mo Hanyan was chased and killed because of this help.

Mo Yi has to work frequently. She has no time to take care of and protect this person. She can only find a way to let her pass the assessment on the island.

However, Mo Hanyan is only a college student. She has not been very adapted to the high and light training on the island.

Speaking of it, she has been on the island for three years now. This time, when she heard that Yue was strange to come to Shencheng, she asked whether she could come out together and not return to the island in the future.

After all, there are some strange examples of the moon. Mo Hanyan can see that not all people who enter the island have to be loyal to this place all their lives.

After Mo Hanyan's request was put forward, the senior management on the island held a meeting and discussed it. They felt that Mo Hanyan was not suitable for the island. Moreover, in the past three years, she was not allowed to contact the relevant secrets on the island. If she hadn't saved Moyi at the beginning, she wouldn't have been taken to the island.

So, finally, the island decided to let Mo Hanyan leave, but when Mo Hanyan left, he was injected She was sedated and left in a complete coma. Therefore, she didn't know the location of the island as strange as Yue.

If it weren't for this, the high-rise on the island wouldn't easily let her leave.

Chao Jing couldn't help looking around when he heard Mo Sinian's words. He didn't see Bai Jinse and Mo Xi, so he lowered his voice: "brother, you didn't know that you accompanied cotton to the island for training for a period of time when you were in Lancheng. When I returned to the island, I saw this Mo Hanyan. I'm not familiar with her, but I don't like her character very much!"

Mo Sinian was surprised: "Oh, did she annoy you?"

He frowned at the scene, After a glance at Mo Sinian: "It's just gossip that doesn't bother me. People on the island know her identity. When she didn't integrate into the island, many things were confidential and she was concealed. However, she was very curious. When I went, she should have heard that the boss of the island was Mr. Mo, so she kept pestering me and asked what kind of person Mr. Mo is! This time, I think she can guess when she saw you Your identity! "

Mo Sinian didn't expect such a move. He frowned slightly: "since she doesn't know the secrets of the island, what can she do even if she knows my identity?"

Chaojing choked when asked, "I didn't say anything, just tell you, I don't like her character!"

Mo Sinian gave him a funny look: "I know, you like the cool character!"

Chaojing blushed when he heard Mo Sinian's interesting ridicule: "brother, I just said, let you be a little defensive. Do you understand what I mean?"

Mo Sinian smiled faintly and looked faintly: "I know, she is lively. It's nothing. As long as she doesn't make taboos, she helped Mo Yi. This time she came out with Mo Jiu and won't go back. Mo Yi also told me that I promised Mo Yi to let her adapt to me for a period of time. When her life and work return to normal, she can leave!"

Chaojing just disliked Mo Hanyan and didn't have other prejudices. When he heard Mo Sinian say so, he nodded and didn't say anything.

At this time, the servant hurried in and said to Mo Sinian, "Mr. Mo, Mr. Chao, the young master is back!"

Mo Sinian has always been a person who is neither happy nor angry. However, when he hears the eldest son coming back, a smile still appears on his face. He stands up and takes a look at Chaojing: "go out and see if this smelly boy has made progress in this period of time!"

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