Chaojing naturally knows whether the child is his, but Mo Xi doesn't know.

Mo Xi only felt that in this case, whether she told the truth or not, it would embarrass Chaojing. She deliberately ignored this topic: "marriage, wait!"

After all, she and Chaojing just fell in love for a short time and said that marriage was too far away.

As for the child's affairs, Mo Shi has been ignored. Yue Qiqi didn't notice that something was wrong. She wanted to remind her. As a result, Mo Xi quickly mentioned other topics, and Yue Qiqi's thoughts were soon biased.

Before long, dinner was ready. My aunt called them to the living room for dinner.

Mo Sinian rubbed Qin Sixian's small head: "go upstairs and call your mommy downstairs for dinner!"

Qin Sixian nodded and immediately went upstairs.

Several people in the ink shop walked towards the restaurant, while the aunt shouted to Mo Jiu and Mo Hanyan.

When Bai Jinshe and Qin Sixian came downstairs, Mo Hanyan and Mo Jiu just came out of the corridor on the other side of the guest room. Mo Hanyan saw Bai Jinshe and their eyes met for a moment. Mo Hanyan immediately looked away without trace.

Don't be polite to Mo Zhinian. Don't be rude to Mo Zhinian before he has dinner.

The next day, Bai Jinse and Mo Xi went out to buy Fan Rou a birthday present.

Mo Hanyan learned that they were going shopping and immediately asked, "can I go with something strange? I haven't been to Shencheng yet. Moreover, we have nothing to do at home. It's very boring!"

Mo Xi was in a bad mood when she heard Mo Hanyan's words. Of course, she didn't want to take the moon and Mo Hanyan, but Mo Hanyan went out if she wanted to go out. Why did she have to have a visual sense of whether you could take me with you, as if someone wouldn't let her go out.

Moreover, if you go out, why do you have to add so much nonsense to explain to yourself? Mo Xi doesn't know whether it's her prejudice. In short, she subconsciously doesn't like Mo Hanyan's way of speaking.

Bai Jinse heard Mo Hanyan's words and realized that there was something wrong with Mo Xi's face before he answered.

Although Mo 11 used to be a cold face, even when she was angry, it seemed difficult to see the difference. However, Bai Jinse knew enough about Mo 11. There was almost a subtle change in Mo 11's expression, and she noticed it.

She looked at Mo Xi and said, "eleven, what's the matter with you?"

Mo Xi didn't expect that Bai Jinse could see her reaction. She was stunned and shook her head: "it's all right!"

Seeing that she didn't want to say more, Bai Jinse looked at her more and didn't say anything at last.

Bai Jinse turned around and saw Mo Hanyan looking at herself. Bai Jinse has never been a fussy person. Since Mo Hanyan put forward it, she didn't object: "let's go together!"

Mo Hanyan immediately looked surprised: "thank you, Jinse, you're so nice!"

Mo Shiwei frowned undetectably and took the lead to go outside.

Bai Jinse quickly followed, and Yue Qiqiao and Mo Hanyan followed behind them.

Bai Jinse glanced at Mo Hanyan and found that Mo Hanyan was far away from her and Mo Xi. Then he whispered, "what's the matter with you, Xi? Is everything all right?"

Mo Xi glanced at Bai Jinse and pursed his lips: "it's nothing. I just don't like Mo Hanyan's way of speaking. Maybe I have the prejudice of knowing her three years ago. I always think she's a little green tea. Moreover, you just let her go shopping with something strange. She immediately showed a surprise and attitude... It's too flattering and untrue. I don't like it very much!"

Bai Jinse knew that Mo Xi's temperament was cold and direct. She said what she thought directly. Since she said so, it showed that Mo Hanyan really upset her.

Bai Jinse smiled and whispered, "since you don't like it, try not to talk to her. Anyway, she can't affect us!"

Mo Xi's eyes flickered. I don't know why. She always had a bad hunch, but Bai Jinse said so. It's not good for her to continue to say that Mo Hanyan is not right. She nodded: "well, I know!"

Mo Xi and Bai Jinse walked faster. After they got on the bus, Mo Hanyan and Yue were strange, so they didn't hurry up.

Because Mo Xi was pregnant, Bai Jinse drove himself.

Yue Qiqiao and Mo Hanyan came and sat directly in the back row.

The car drove out of the villa and headed for the center of Shencheng. On the way, Mo Hanyan asked Bai Jinse curiously, "Jinse, what do you do?"

When Mo Hanyan was on the island before, the most talked about by others was mo Sinian. However, almost no one talked about Mo Sinian's wife Bai Jinse.

Because she knew that no one was talking about Bai Jinshe, she subconsciously felt that Bai Jinshe had no sense of existence and Mo Sinian should not take her seriously. Therefore, she didn't give Bai Jinshe a place last night, but finally let Mo Sinian give her a shameless face.

However, after what happened last night, she has been deeply aware of her problems. Since she has a heart for Mo Sinian and Mo Sinian has a wife, she can't attack rashly like last night. She must know Bai Jinse well first, so that she can know herself and the enemy and win every battle.

She thought she had a plan in mind, so she looked enthusiastic and curious and brazenly asked Bai Jinse about her specific situation.

Bai Jinse was stunned when she heard Mo Hanyan ask her what to do. She thought she met Mo Hanyan only yesterday and was not familiar with her at all. Now she heard her curious face ask her situation. Although she was unwilling to talk about her own affairs, Mo Hanyan asked. Bai Jinse was silent for two seconds and answered her question: "do jewelry design!"

Bai Jinse's voice is faint. She obviously doesn't like people asking her such questions.

However, Mo Hanyan seemed not to be aware of this problem, and immediately looked happy: "really? You are a jewelry designer? What a coincidence. I also studied jewelry design before I went to the island!"

Bai Jinse was stunned and couldn't deny this so-called coincidence.

Mo Hanyan didn't seem to feel Bai Jinse's cold attitude. She continued to gossip with a smile: "Jinse, how long have you been doing this job? Can you tell me that I can know more about this industry, so that I can find a suitable job in Shencheng!"

As the saying goes, although Mo Hanyan's attitude is a little annoying, she told her situation and explained that she also studied jewelry design. In order to find a job, she asked Bai Jinse. Bai Jinse is not good. She really refused to answer with a cold face.

She thought for a while before she said, "my major in college is jewelry design. After graduation, I became a jewelry designer and didn't change my job!"

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