Looking at Yue Chu Sen's pale face, Mo Xi's eyes flashed slightly, and stretched out his hand to pull Yue strange from Yue Chu Lin's hand.

The ink moon is really useless now.

After the strange moon was pulled over by Mo Shiyi, he blushed and looked at Mo Xi apologetically: "11, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that they directly grabbed me with brute force when they met me in the mall. I asked for help at that time, but they said it was my uncle and aunt, so no one helped me!"

Hearing the strange words of the moon, the guests watching the excitement were surprised, and some were thoughtful.

If it's Mo 11 who hides Yue's mystery and wants to replace her identity, why should Yue apologize to Mo 11? It's becoming more and more interesting!

Yue chulin obviously didn't expect that Yue Qiqi, a coward who let people rub flat and round, would say such a sentence, and his face couldn't help sinking.

Mo Xi ignored the reaction of others. She looked calm and said faintly, "it's okay. No matter whether you were taken away by them today, I'll make it public!"

Yue looked up in surprise and opened her mouth to see Mo Xi.

Mo Xi pulled her behind him: "don't worry, just stand here and watch!"

After Mo 11 said that, he turned to look at fan Rou and Yue chusen: "Yue Chu Lin Fang was right. I'm really not the real moon strange. I said long ago that I'm Mo 11 and never wanted to change my name. As for the real moon strange, I hid it during this period of time, but she and I decided to hide it!"

Yue Chu Lin vaguely felt that things were different from what he expected. He couldn't help interrupting Mo Xi's words: "you fart, who wants to hide and let others take over your identity, you have a different purpose..."

However, this time, Yue chulin was interrupted by Yue chusen before he finished his words.

Yue chusen's face was calm and his tone was angry: "brother, you've had enough. Can you shut up and let me listen to 11? Is it difficult? Do you just want others to listen to your one-sided words?"

Yue chulin's face was immediately very ugly. His calm face snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Mo 11 then continued: "about half a year, I bought the month that was auctioned as an item at an auction. It's strange!"

Hearing this, everyone was in an uproar.

Be auctioned as an item? Have you ever experienced such a thing?

Mo Xi ignored the changes in the looks of others, She continued to explain calmly: "Because she looks exactly like me, I guessed that she might have something to do with my life experience. However, because she was bought and sold by others, she went through all kinds of hardships and sufferings, and her mood became very out of control. I took her to see a psychiatrist for a long time, and her state gradually recovered. However, even if her mental illness slowly recovered, her state was also very poor, just like a fragile glass, which broke when she fell. Moreover, she was not liked by her parents since childhood Love has developed a cowardly and timid character. It can't be changed overnight. "

Speaking of this, Mo Xi glanced at Yue chulin with a gloomy face and continued: "in this case, I can't let her go home alone. After all, she is my twin sister. Moreover, she clearly told me at that time that her biological parents sold her to others and wanted to kill her. If her face wasn't beautiful, she would have died!"

Hearing Mo 11's words, Yue chulin finally couldn't bear it: "Mo 11, you're talking nonsense. Who sold her!"

Mo Xi glanced at him lightly: "if it weren't for you, what would you do in such a hurry, not to mention... You don't have to worry too much. The evidence here is enough to prove that you sold Mo Xi and wanted others to kill her!"

After saying that, Mo Xi no longer looked at the shocked and pale moon Chu Lin, Continue opening: "So, in the end, I discussed with Yue Qiaoqi. She hid and I went back to Yue's house instead of her. After all, she was soft and was bullied when she came back. At the right time, I was also curious about my life experience and wanted to find out how I lost it in those years! This is also the purpose of my coming to Shencheng and returning to Yue's house, and the context of my changing identity with Yue Qiaoqi. Believe it or not, it's up to you. Next, I want to tell you another thing!"

This night, fan Rou felt that she couldn't keep up with the trip at all. She was like a fool. She would hear Mo Xi say so. She finally opened her mouth hard: "what's the matter?"

I don't know why, a bad feeling rose in Yue chulin's heart. His face was blue and white and became extremely ferocious, Suddenly opened his mouth to stop Mo 11 from talking: "Mo 11, what is this exactly today? Today is your mother's birthday. Even if you took the place of Yue's strange identity, you can't deny that you are the daughter of Yue family. Your parents are fan Rou and Yue chusen. It's just that you don't repay their kindness. Now you're still looking for something at your mother's birthday dinner. What do you want to do?"

Mo Xi heard Yue chulin's emotional change of topic. He sniffed: "Yue chulin, what are you afraid of? What I'm afraid I'm saying has something to do with you, isn't it?"

Xiao Anya's face was ugly: "Mo Xi, don't talk nonsense. How can we be afraid of you? Moreover, you call your uncle's name and your upbringing!"

Mo Xi looked light: "Xiao Anya, you don't have to think about changing the topic. I tell you, it's useless. What I want to say tonight, no one can stop me! Also, people like Yue chulin also accompany me to call his uncle? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Mo Xi said, no longer looking at Xiao Anya's pale face, he turned directly to fan Rou: "what I want to say is the context of what I was lost in those years!"

Yue chulin and Xiao Anya looked at each other, and a look of panic flashed on their face. Xiao Anya couldn't help pulling Yue chulin's sleeve and lowering his voice: "stop her quickly!"

If Mo Xi really tells the story in public and shows evidence against them, they are really finished.

Yue chulin's face was ugly when he heard his wife's words: "I have to wait again. It's not ready there!"

Originally, he was going to start with Mo 11 tonight. As a result, Mo 11 was not ready to take action. Mo 11 was going to say what she lost that year, which directly disrupted Yue chulin's plan.

Xiao Anya's face was pale: "what should I do?"

Yue chulin's face was stiff, and his face was as ugly as a dead man. He also wanted to know what to do!

Fan Rou and Yue chusen didn't answer the whispering Yue chulin couple at all. Fan Rou looked at Mo Xi in a daze: "what's the context?"

Mo Xi pursed his lips: "I went to the bay village this time. I found that after I was born, I was stolen by Xiao Anya's eldest brother Xiao Anbang, taken to the Bay Village and finally thrown into the sea!"

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