Although the back hurts a little, Chaojing thinks it's worth it!

Because there is a plug in the back of the king Mo Sinian didn't dare to move the lamp when he entered. He was afraid that if he moved a little, the lamp would be inserted deeper.

Mo Xi can only look at Chaojing at a loss and hold back his tears to prevent himself from crying again. He worries about Chaojing for nothing.

The guests left soon, but when the guests left, Yue chusen found that taking advantage of the panic just now, Yue chulin and his wife didn't know where they had gone.

Yue chusen has a calm face and doesn't speak. He can only turn black and wait for the police to bring Yue chulin and his wife to justice.

The ambulance came quickly. When the medical staff came over, Chaojing was unconscious because he was stuck with debris in his back and didn't dare to move around. He had to lie on the blanket.

Finally, the doctor asked someone to move him to an ambulance. When he got in the car, he began to give first aid.

Mo Xi followed the ambulance, while Bai Jinse and Mo Sinian drove behind the ambulance.

The ambulance rang all the way to the hospital. As soon as it got to the hospital, Chaojing was sent to the emergency room.

When Mo Sinian and Bai Jinse stopped the car and rushed there, they saw Mo Xi sitting on the bench outside the emergency room. A nurse asked her if the patient had any allergy history or something.

Mo Xi didn't know anything about Chaojing.

However, before she could speak, she saw Mo Sinian coming quickly and said to the little nurse, "I know his situation. I'll tell you in detail!"

The little nurse looked at Mo Si for a year and took a pen to write it down. After all, we need to do first aid now. Some drugs don't know whether they can be used or not. We can only learn from the patient's past medical history.

Ink four years calm eyes, look a little struggling: "can you take a step to talk?"

Hearing what Mo Sinian said, Bai Jinse and Mo Xi frowned almost at the same time. At such a critical moment, why is mo Sinian still procrastinating? Is there anything they can't listen to?

However, before Bai Jinse and Mo Xi could ask, they heard the little nurse's unhappy opening: "what's the situation now, the history of this drug allergy, and whether he usually has any minor diseases and is used to medication? Do you still need to avoid it? The patients have entered the emergency room, and please don't delay any more!"

Mo Sinian said reluctantly, "he used a genetic medicine three months ago. I can't tell you the specific effect. I don't know whether it will affect his subsequent treatment. However, I'll send someone the composition of the medicine later! Also, if there is a drug conflict in his body and his current treatment is delayed, I can give him a drug to dissolve this drug."

Mo Sinian's words made Bai Jinse and Mo Xi confused, but the little nurse was stunned. It was almost unexpected that the patient's situation was so complicated.

She frowned: "then you send the pharmaceutical ingredients as soon as possible, and I'll let the doctor have a look. In addition, the dissolving drugs you said should be prepared as far as possible. If you use them early, you can let him receive treatment and recover as soon as possible!"

Mo Sinian nodded: "I know!"

With that, the little nurse left. Mo Sinian sent a message to Zhao Yan and asked him to bring the dissolving agent of the genetic agent that changed his appearance.

Mo Sinian is not a fool. This medicine was developed by his medical research laboratory. Few people have used it at all. It is only preliminarily confirmed that there are no major side effects. However, no one knows what impact it will have if it collides with other drugs.

So he can't take such a risk.

The reason why he hesitated just now was just that he was afraid that Mo Xi would know about it, but now think about it. If the dissolving medicine was used, Chao Jing's face would return to the original. At that time, Mo Xi would know the context of this matter if he didn't know.

He sighed helplessly. Maybe this is life.

Mo 11 and Bai Jinse seem to be wondering why Chaojing uses genetic medicine, but now in this situation, they are not in the mood to ask these questions.

As time went by, I saw the little nurse who hurried out of the emergency room and planned to transfer blood. After asking, Mo Sinian knew that several small fragments had been taken out, but one fragment was relatively long and had to be inserted It's very dangerous to enter the lung. What we need to take now is this fragment. We have to prepare enough blood to prevent the patient from insufficient blood supply during the operation.

The little nurse said something and left in a hurry.

After the little nurse transferred the blood and entered the operating room again, the person arranged by Zhao Yan came. The other party took a small medicine box, brought a dissolving medicine and handed it to Mo Sinian.

Mo Sinian took the medicine and let the other party leave.

When people left, Mo Sinian turned around and saw that Mo Xi was still staring at the operating room, while Bai Jinse frowned and looked at the medicine in his hand. His look seemed to be a little unclear.

For the first time, Mo Sinian felt a kind of unspeakable uneasiness in his heart. However, Chaojing now has this situation. Even if his appearance has recovered, he still doesn't know whether he can wake up. What's more, he can explain to Mo Xi. It's rare for Mo Sinian to have a time except Bai Jinse, because other people's things are a little flustered.

Three hours passed quietly. Moxi stared at the operating room, and the light finally went out.

Mo Xi immediately stood up. Bai Jinse held her with some worry and whispered, "be careful, Xi, don't face the scene. You have a problem again!"

Mo Xi looked at Bai Jinse with red eyes and nodded, "I know!"

Bai Jinse looked at her like this and couldn't say how distressed she was. Mo Xi's temperament was always cold and didn't show much. It was the first time that she was so out of control and so sad.

When the door of the operating room opened, the chief surgeon came over, looked at Mo Sinian and others, and said, "the patient's operation is preliminarily successful. It will be transferred directly to the intensive care unit from the other side. When he wakes up 24 hours, it will be all right. Also, I heard that the patient has used some kind of genetic drugs before, right?"

Hearing this, Bai Jinse and Mo Xi looked at Mo Si Nian at the same time.

The handsome face of Mo Sinian was stiff. Although he knew for a long time that this matter would be known by Mo Xi sooner or later, he was still helpless under the current situation.

He sighed, glanced at the doctor and nodded: "well, I used this medicine three months ago. The medicine lasts for half a year. If there are special circumstances, I can use the dissolving medicine. After about an hour, I can remove the medicine!"

The surgeon nodded: "That's good. I mean, I've just given the patient some basic drugs. These drugs generally don't have any chemical reaction with other drugs. However, this is only a temporary substitute drug. After the patient's previous genetic drugs are relieved, I have to give him other special drugs! This is conducive to his wound recovery as soon as possible. After all, a piece of casually inserted deep is still very dangerous. If you don't use special drugs Effective medicine, I'm afraid he won't wake up in 24 hours! "

The doctor's explanation was also clear, and the words had reached this step. It was not easy for Mo Sinian to say anything. He nodded: "I have brought the dissolution medicine, just give it an injection!"

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