On Bai Jinse's side, Bai Jinse hung up the phone, finally relieved, and looked at Mo Sinian: "11... Should be back soon!"

Mo Sinian nodded slightly: "that's good, wait!"

As a result, as soon as Mo Sinian finished his words, he heard the nurse rush over: "Mr. Mo, it's bad. The patient woke up, but he insisted on leaving the intensive care unit regardless of the wound! What should I do?"

Mo Sinian did not expect that Chaojing woke up at this juncture.

However, the doctor said that his operation was successful and his various functions were stable. However, now his wound is getting worse. It is estimated that the doctor dare not say what is the specific situation.

Moreover, Chao Jing's wound worsened. In this case, it was impossible for him to leave the intensive care unit. As a result, this guy not only woke up, but also insisted on leaving.

Mo Sinian could not help looking ugly, and Bai Jinshe could not help frowning: "I'm waiting for 11 here. You can go in and have a look. Too many people go in, which is bad for the recovery of Chaojing!"

Mo Sinian thought for a while, nodded and looked at the nurse in front of him: "I'll talk to him!"

Before leaving, Bai Jinse stuffed a small object into Mo Sinian and whispered, "if you don't want to explain too much nonsense, just give it to Chao Jing, and he will know what's going on!"

Mo Si Nian was stunned. Seeing the things in his hand, he nodded: "I know!"

When Mo Sinian entered the intensive care unit, he saw two nurses holding Chaojing, urging him: "Mr. Chao, you can't go out now!"

Seeing the nurse who tried hard to persuade Chaojing, Mo Sinian's face became cold: "Mo Chaojing, what are you doing? You don't look at what your body has become!"

Chao Jing blushed and looked up at Mo Sinian: "brother, you don't have to lie to me. Eleven... Eleven knows what I lied to her? When I was unconscious, I was impressed by what you said!"

He was really stimulated and worried, so he wanted to wake up, resulting in a serious wound.

When Mo Sinian heard this, he could not help frowning. He glanced at the two nurses in the intensive care unit and said, "go out first. I'll tell him!"

One of the nurses said, "Mr. Chao was so emotional just now that his wound was struggling and cracked. He may need an operation!"

Mo Sinian nodded: "I know that he can't die after such a while. What's more, if he wants to die, no one can stop him. Go out first!"

The nurse: "..."

Shocked and speechless by Mo Sinian, she was pulled out by her colleagues.

When only Mo Sinian and Chaojing were left in the room, Chaojing seemed to be unable to stand still and could not help supporting the hospital bed.

Mo Sinian sarcastically said, "just like you, do you still want to leave the hospital?"

Chaojing looked up at Mo Sinian with a stubborn and stubborn expression: "of course I have to leave the hospital. I have to find eleven. I have to explain to her!"

Mo Si was angry and said: "even if you want to explain, you have to have your life explained. Now that you are like this, you have more air in and less air out. What can you explain to her? Besides, since Mo Xi knows all about it, do you explain it sooner or later? Is there any difference?"

Chao Jing stared at Mo Si Nian, feeling a little excited: "of course there is a difference. I will explain it earlier, so that Xi can see my sincerity and determination, and forgive me earlier!"

Mo Sinian looked at his cousin and sighed helplessly again. In fact, he didn't understand some of Chaojing's ideas. After all, he also had a wife who looked like life.

However, as a cousin, he still couldn't watch Chaojing so spoil his body.

He said coldly, "I said you were stupid. You are becoming more and more stupid now. You just woke up and only know that she knows what you cheated her, but you know nothing about other things. Do you know where to explain when you saw her? Also, you don't have to hurry out to see her. Mo Xi will be back soon!"

Chao Jing was stunned for a moment: "will she really come back?"

Looking at Chao Jing's dubious eyes, Mo Si's angry head smoked: "otherwise, I'll ask your sister-in-law to save face and call Mo Xi to say all your pitiful and kind words. This is your injury for her. You are dying. Can she not come back to see you?"

Mo Si Nian's words were cruel and merciless.

Chao Jing hesitated for a while. He bit his teeth in some pain and chagrin. Then he said, "brother, how can eleven know that I cheated her?"

Originally, about his concealment of identity, he wanted to wait until Mo Shi gave birth to a child, and then tell her step by step, so that she could have a psychological preparation, rather than suddenly know the truth.

However, some things are not what you want. He was in a coma after the operation. He doesn't know what happened today.

Mo Sinian glanced at him and suddenly realized the wonderful use of the thing Bai Jinse had given himself.

Without any nonsense, he took out the small mirror that Bai Jinse gave him and threw it to Chao Jing: "look at your face first, and you'll know what's going on!"

Chaojing subconsciously catches the object thrown by Mo Sinian, and the wound is torn. He can't help humming. Hearing what Mo Sinian said, he was stunned. Then he picked up the small mirror and looked at his face.

At this moment, Chao Jing's face suddenly changed: "brother, how can my face... I won't be back to my original appearance for more than two months?"

Mo Sinian said unhappily, "you need to use some special drugs for your operation. You don't dare to mix them with the previous drugs. In case something happens, I can only give you the release medicine. I'll try my best to delay the time. I hope that when you wake up, Mo Xi will see you again. However, I can stop you for a while because of Mo Xi's injury. I can't stop you all the time."

Hearing Mo Sinian's words, Chao Jing clutched the small mirror, looking worried and miserable. He finally knew why Mo Xi knew that he was hiding his identity. His face had recovered. How could he hide it.

Mo Xi glanced at the painful and flustered Chaojing, and said angrily, "you'd better think about what to say to Mo Xi later. In addition, the doctor said that your wound deterioration is caused by emotion. I hope you'd better control your emotions. It's important to keep your life first. No matter what you do, you should have life to do!"

Chaojing's eyes were full of blood. When he heard what Mo Sinian said, he looked up and said, "brother, thank you. I know you have tried your best to help me. I know what you said. I will take my body as my priority!"

After Chao Jing said this, Mo Sinian's expression eased a little: "Mo Xi should be back soon. Think it over for yourself. I'll go out and have a look!"

After Mo Sinian went out, he saw that Mo Xi had just walked in front of Bai Jinshe. He was about to go there when he saw doctor Liao coming out of the nearby office.

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