Mo Xi was not really cold hearted. Hearing Yue chusen's words, she couldn't help but blush her eyes: "thank you, mom and Dad! I'll find someone reliable to take care of me."

As for the real estate and shares that Yue chusen wanted to give herself, she really didn't need them. However, she could also think that if she refused, Yue chusen would feel that she had a grudge against him and fan rou. Therefore, Mo Xi didn't say anything at last.

Yue chusen felt relieved when he saw Mo Xi's attitude. He said: "and... Your mother and I don't want to interfere too much in the matter between you and Chaojing. However, Chaojing is an imperial family. You should handle it properly and be careful. I heard that those families are very protective."

Mo Xi nodded: "I know. Don't worry. I'll handle this!"

Yue chusen nodded: "that's good, and..."

At this point, he was hesitant to speak. However, when he saw his wife urging him with her eyes, he was so stubborn that he asked: "what's more, your mother said that you told her that the child was Chaojing. Is that the case?"

Mo Xi was stunned for a moment, and her face was a little heavy. However, she finally nodded calmly: "yes, the child belongs to Chaojing. I will negotiate with him about this matter. Don't worry!"

Yue chusen can clearly feel that Mo Xi rejects any interference about the children and Chaojing.

Now that he was aware of it, he did not continue to ask questions. Instead, he talked about the Yue chulin family. He said: "by the way, in November, Yue chulin and his wife were both arrested. They will be punished for what happened that year!"

At this time, the moon, who had not spoken, suddenly said, "isn't there still a villa available in the moon garden? Can't you let eleven pick one at random?"

When she finished, she could not help biting her lip for fear that she might have said something wrong.

Hearing this, Yue chusen was moved: "yes, eleven, if you want to live alone, you can live in Yueyuan. In this way, it's close to us!"

Mo Xi shook his head: "no, I don't want to live in Yueyuan."

Mo Xi said so, and Yue chusen didn't embarrass her.

On seeing Mo Xi, she seemed a little more lively. She said again: "and the villa next to it. Is it... Uncle's or ours?"

As soon as he said this, Yue chusen was also stunned. Mo Xi was surprised to see the moon.

The moon looked at Mo 11 with some uneasiness, and quickly took back her eyes: "I saw the niece of the uncle's family. It seems that she still lives there. I'm just curious!"

The main reason is that she has no sense of security. She knows that the Yue chulin family is not a good thing. Now she sees that people related to the Yue chulin family are subconsciously afraid. Living so close to each other, she subconsciously repels them.

Mo Xi probably saw that Yue weirdly rejected Xiao Ping'er, but did not dare to tell Yue chusen and his wife that, after all, she had just returned. She was timid and could not straighten out what she did. She was not strong enough.

Thinking of this, Mo Shiyi's eyes flashed and said bluntly, "I will move out. The villas in Yueyuan are also cleaned up by irrelevant people. If I remember correctly, my father bought all the villas here!"

Mo Xi said, looking at Chu Sen.

Yue chusen nodded hurriedly.

Fan Rou was soft hearted: "well... Let's get Xiao Ping out. Where is she going?"

Mo Xi's voice was cold: "Yue chulin and his family have been arrested. They also have a lot of property under their names. It should be no problem to give Xiao Ping'er a place to live. You can find someone to teach Xiao Ping'er and ask her to visit Xiao Anya. At that time, Xiao Anya will arrange a place for her. After all, Xiao Anya may have to support her children!"

Because of what Yue chulin and his wife did, Yue chusen was disgusted with Yue Xinxin.

Originally, the things that yuexinxin had done before, as long as yuechusen didn't care, he would come out after a few months. But now, yuechusen has been held accountable, and it is said that he will have to increase his sentence by three to five years.

So, when Xiao Anya's children are born, yuexinxin must not be able to support them.

As a result, now, the only people who can help raise the children are Yue chusen's family and Xiao pinger's family.

However, Yue chusen's own daughter, one of whom was swapped by the eldest brother and the other was thrown into the child, how could Yue chusen help him raise the child.

Now, Mo Xi proposes to let xiaopinger raise them. This is a way to ask Yue chulin and his wife to provide xiaopinger with accommodation, and xiaopinger helps them raise their children.

Thinking of this, Yue chusen said, "your idea is good. I'll ask someone to bring up Xiao pinger. As for Yueyuan, I'll let her move out. In the future, Yueyuan will live in our own family. After you get married and have children, you can come back and live!"

Mo Xi nodded and said nothing. Although she may not come back to live, it is good to exclude outsiders from living here.

The moon seems to be a little relieved.

During this day, Mo Xi was cleaning his new residence and moving.

In the evening, Mo Si Nian went to pick up Bai Jinshe after work.

Bai Jinse took Qin Sixian to her new studio when she went to work today.

At this meeting, Mo Sinian received his wife and children. The three of them went straight to the hospital.

When the mosinian family passed by, Chao Jing was lying on his side in a daze. The nurse also went to buy him dinner.

Hearing the knock on the door, Chaojing's eyes slowly turned around, and his voice was hoarse: "enter!"

Hearing Chaojing's voice, Mo Sinian and Bai Jinshe looked at each other, and they both saw a bad feeling in each other's eyes.

Sure enough, as soon as they went in, they saw Chao Jing alone in the ward. He was lonely and looked inexplicably miserable.

Chaojing saw the mosinian family and smiled reluctantly: "brother, sister-in-law, cotton, you're coming!"

When Qin Sixian saw Chao Jing's familiar face, his eyes were slightly red, and he walked quickly to the hospital bed with short legs: "Uncle Mo Wu, how did you make yourself like this? Was it serious?"

Although he knows that Chaojing is the ink Chaojing and his cousin, Qin Sixian is still used to the initial title.

Chaojing looked at Qin Sixian, sat up with his body, and answered Qin Sixian's question: "it's OK. It's not very serious. Cotton doesn't have to worry too much!"

He said, looking at Mo Sinian and Bai Jinshe. Mo Sinian had a deep worry at the bottom of his eyes. Chao Jing smiled disapprovingly: "brother, you don't have to look at me like this. I'm really fine. I know how to die!"

Bai Jinse was speechless, and Chao Jing was afraid that the more he said so, the more worried Mo Sinian became.

To tell the truth, she had heard that Mo Sinian had said about the genetic potion that changed his appearance. However, he really didn't expect that Chaojing would be thinking about it.

At this stage, it's useless to blame anyone. It can only be said that Chaojing suffered his own way. When he planned to cheat Mo Xi from the beginning, he had to be angry with Mo Xi and even hate his situation.

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