Four years ago, Mo Si was a little busy with his work because Chao Jing was injured. So he asked Mo Jiu to follow Qin Sixian.

Speaking of it, all the family left at once, leaving Mo Hanyan alone.

She looked at the empty living room. Her face was gloomy. She took her bag and planned to go out to see a suitable house.

On the other side, Bai Jinshe got into the car and saw Mo Sinian open the door of the driver's seat.

She snorted, Can't help but say: "How do I feel? Mo Hanyan's words just now seem to be expressing dissatisfaction with me. Did I offend her? For Moyi's sake, she asked someone to stay in our house for two days. As a result, she didn't look for a house or a job. When we mentioned it, she was angry. I offered her good food and drink and offered revenge. I really haven't seen such a ungrateful person. She thought we owed her money for letting her live and eat , as it should be! Why should she? "

Mo Jiu drove alone and sent Qin Sixian to play near the construction site.

Mo Sinian drove Bai Jinshe to work. Looking at his wife's angry little face, Mo Sinian couldn't help but say, "don't worry about her. Who knows what she thinks, but her thoughts have nothing to do with us! If she talks to you like this again, I will drive her out regardless of Mo Yi's face!"

Bai Jinse was originally frustrated by Mo Hanyan's strange and strange manner. As a result, she couldn't help laughing when she heard Mo Sinian say this: "you're not afraid that others say you have no quality. You're still chasing guests!"

Mo Sinian glanced at Bai Jinshe and saw her smile, Relieved: "it's all right. It's more important for you to be happy. Besides, I don't run a hotel. Why can't I rush people? Besides, it's not that I have to rush the guests. It's the poor quality of the guests themselves. Since she came to our house the first day, she didn't take the initiative to give you a seat. She sat next to me with a self styled attitude of being the master. I hated it badly. I just said everything and told her to leave early!"

When Bai Jinse heard what Mo Sinian said, he felt like pulling away the dark clouds to see the sunrise. It's really good. It can't be better!

She couldn't help laughing and said, "I don't see. President Mo is more and more able to say sweet words now!"

Mo Sinian raised his eyebrows: "is this sweet talk? I thought it was routine!"

Bai Jinshe giggled directly, and tears came out of her laughter: "Mo Sinian, you can really talk now, and I really like you more and more!"

Mo Sinian glanced at her and looked at her smiling face. He couldn't help but hook his lips: "you can like it more!"

Bai Jinse blushed and said, "you want to be beautiful!"

In this way, the depressed mood of Mo Hanyan's words in the morning suddenly disappeared.

Meanwhile, Yueyuan.

Xiao Ping'er got the news from Yue chusen last night and asked her to move out as soon as possible.

Moreover, Yue chusen's family also pointed out a clear way for her to go to Xiao Anya and his wife to make compensation. After all, her father was killed by the couple. If she was held accountable, Xiao Anya and his wife would be sentenced to life imprisonment for their malicious homicide.

Therefore, she can take advantage of this to win more things for herself. Yue chusen even found someone to list out her specific negotiation skills.

Xiao Ping'er also knows that the Yue family doesn't like living in Yueyuan. Apart from Xiao Anya, she has nothing to do with others. It's normal that they don't want her to live.

So she didn't hesitate to get these things.

After dinner that morning, she went directly to visit the prison.

When Xiao Anya heard that someone was going to visit her, she was still a little surprised. She didn't think that anyone except Yue's family would come to visit her and Yue chulin.

Moreover, even the Yue family probably won't say anything nice when they come. After all, the things she did with Yue chulin have long been a dead enemy of the Yue chusen family.

Xiao Anya wondered who would visit him and walked out.

When she saw Xiao Ping'er outside the glass, a flash of surprise flashed across her eyes. She was surprised that Xiao Ping'er would actually come to see her.

After all, in her opinion, although xiaopinger is the child of her eldest brother, she has never seen anything in the world since childhood. She can be said to be a native girl who knows nothing.

How could she want to visit herself? This still surprised Xiao Anya.

She sat down and picked up the phone. When she saw Xiao pinger picking up the phone across the street, she said, "pinger, what are you doing here?"

Xiao pinger stared at Xiao Anya for a moment, then asked, "is my father's death related to you and my uncle?"

Xiao Anya didn't expect that Xiao pinger would ask. In fact, the police reported to the police on the eleventh day of ink, and the police have begun to re investigate the case of their husband and wife. As for Xiao Anbang's death, it is also included.

The main reason is that there is no airtight wall in the world just after the incident happened. This incident was found out yesterday.

So, at this point, Xiao Anya had nothing to hide. She looked at Xiao pinger with a cold face: "so, is that why you came to me?"

Xiao Ping'er saw Xiao Anya's attitude. What else did she not understand? The death of her father must be like what Mo Xi said. In order to cover up the truth of that year, my uncle and aunt did not hesitate to sacrifice their father's name.

Xiao pinger's eyes flashed a touch of hate. However, she thought that her father had died, and then she had to live for herself. She also had her mother and brother. She had to strive for some benefits for her relatives as much as possible.

Anyway, method month Chu Sen has told herself that how much she can win depends on her own ability.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth and looked at Xiao Anya: "yes, I want to ask you about it, but now you don't have to answer. I have guessed the answer. Now I want to ask, how does my aunt intend to compensate me?"

Xiao Anya disagreed: "now that you know the truth, I have also been arrested. Why do you think I will compensate you?"

Xiao pinger's deep voice: "It's good to kill people for their lives, but it also has a lot to do with the attitude of the family members of the deceased. If we don't investigate the death of our father, aunt, you and uncle may put the blame on one of them and make the other one give a lighter sentence. Am I right? After all, this can't be done by you two together. It can only be one mastermind and one accomplice, aunt!"

Xiao Anya didn't expect that Xiao pinger would say these words. Her eyes narrowed: "who taught you to say these words?"

Xiao Ping said coldly, "aunt, don't care who taught me. Just know that if our victims' families don't investigate, you can give a lighter sentence!"

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