Mo Sinian and Chaojing didn't know what Mo Hanyan and xiaopinger thought. They couldn't have imagined that there were two women secretly thinking about them.

Bai Jinshe didn't like Mo Hanyan's detour to find Mo Yi and asked her and Mo Sinian to help him find a job. However, she arranged a job for Mo Hanyan when she went to work the next day.

Her Sixian jewelry studio in Shencheng has just been established. Now, it is understaffed and there are posts. However, even so, Bai Jinse chose a basic designer assistant and asked Mo Hanyan to come to work.

At present, the designers of Bai Jinse's studio are mainly divided into three categories. One category is the designer assistant, which is the lowest level. The other category is the assistant designer, who is able to design his own works, but can't be alone when encountering a big case. The last category is the jewelry designer, who is independent of a big case and has a certain popularity.

Bai Jinse assigned Mo Hanyan the least prominent position. If Mo Hanyan could work hard and steadily, she would not target Mo Hanyan.

However, if Mo Hanyan is restless, she can only explain the situation to Mo Yi and dismiss him.

Bai Jinshe arranges a position for Mo Hanyan. On the same day, Mo Hanyan receives the news and asks her to go to the studio the next day.

The next morning, Mo Hanyan got up early and came to Bai Jinse studio.

In fact, before Mo Hanyan went to the studio, she only knew that Bai Jinse was engaged in jewelry industry and studied jewelry design before. However, she knew nothing about Bai Jinse's information about the jewelry industry.

When she arrived at the studio, she was stunned when she saw the logo and Mingcheng of the studio.

She never thought that the job Bai Jinse arranged for her was actually in Sixian jewelry studio, even in Shencheng sub studio, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

You know, after becoming famous a few years ago, Sixian designer has been sought after by countless people. However, she has always been low-key and mysterious. No one can dig out her true identity at all.

The studio of Sixian jewelry designer has a great reputation in the world. Of course, there is another well-known thing, that is, every time Sixian jewelry designer sets up a studio, she will be given ten places to design and customize jewelry herself.

These ten places have made countless wealthy ladies and celebrities compete for fame. There is such a gimmick that every time Sixian jewelry studio sets up a studio in a place, it doesn't worry about business at all.

After all, only in Sixian jewelry studio can you contact the mysterious Sixian jewelry designer and invite the other party to customize jewelry for yourself.

When Mo Hanyan was in college, she became famous as a string designer. Even though her personality was not very good, she still admired the ceiling of her career.

She stared at the logo of Sixian jewelry studio and couldn't help confirming with the front desk: "is this the fifth floor of Xingguang building?"

This is the address Bai Jinse gave herself yesterday. She didn't take her job seriously before. The reason why she let Mo Yi come forward and let Bai Jinse and Mo Sinian help find a job is just to work with Bai Jinse and have more opportunities to see Mo Sinian.

However, when she saw the place where she was going to work, she sincerely felt that it was a big surprise.

Seeing Mo Hanyan's uncertain appearance, the front desk could not help frowning: "Miss, are you here to order jewelry?"

Mo Hanyan immediately shook his head: "no, no, no, I'm here to work. It's... A friend of mine whose surname is Bai pushed and recommended me to work here. My friend only gave me the address. I didn't know the situation for the first time today, so I asked!"

When Mo Hanyan said that a friend surnamed Bai, the receptionist opened his eyes and couldn't help lowering his voice: "what you said is... Bai Jinse, general manager Bai?"

Mo Hanyan didn't expect that Bai Jinse was still a general manager. She couldn't help picking her eyebrows: "it's her. What's the matter? Is there a problem?"

The front desk said with a smile: "no problem. Since the address is correct, it's Mr. Bai who recommended you. That's no problem. You can go in. For details, you can ask the person in charge of the logistics department, and they will help you arrange specific employment!"

Mo Hanyan was like a dream. She felt inexplicable and came to the place she had always dreamed of. Before she went in, she couldn't help asking the front desk: "by the way, is Bai Jinse here with great power?"

Hearing this, the front desk felt that Mo Hanyan's relationship with Bai Jinshe was not so good, but Bai Jinshe could push Recommending the other party should not be a general relationship!

The receptionist turned his head and finally smiled and said, "well, President Bai founded the sub studio in Shencheng. What do you say? As far as I know, President Bai should know the designer of Sixian jewelry. Moreover, according to the hearsay, the designer of Sixian jewelry should be in Shencheng recently!"

This news had a great impact on Mo Hanyan. She really didn't expect that Bai Jinse had the ability to achieve this position in Sixian jewelry studio.

You know, Sixian jewelry studio is famous for its ruthless, incompetent employees who will be eliminated without hesitation.

Since Bai Jinshe can become president Bai, there should be no doubt about her ability. Thinking of these, Mo Hanyan's heart is sour and a little unconvinced.

She went into the studio and just wanted to ask someone where the logistics department was.

As a result, before she could ask, she heard someone say hello: "Mr. Bai!"

Mo Hanyan suddenly turned around and saw Bai Jinse coming towards this side with an expressionless face, wearing a beige business suit.

Mo Hanyan was stunned. Seeing that a group of employees around him were respectful to Bai Jinse, her eyes flashed and she immediately smiled and said, "here you are, Jinse!"

Bai Jinshe glanced at Mo Hanyan lightly: "well, since you have come to join us, you should do well. Besides, just call me Mr. Bai in the studio!"

Mo Hanyan smiled and nodded: "Mr. Bai, don't worry, I promise to finish the work well!"

Bai Jinse saw that Mo Hanyan deliberately made a familiar look. Her look was subtle. However, she nodded: "I'll go first!"

It was she who asked me to come to the studio. She didn't make Mo Hanyan look ugly in front of all the employees on the first day.

However, it still depends on Mo Hanyan's later working ability and attitude.

Mo Hanyan didn't know about Bai Jinse's idea. However, after Bai Jinse left, her performance and purpose had obviously been achieved.

Looking at Mo Hanyan, the people around him could not help but look curious about gossip, and even surrounded him with a flattering attitude.

"What's your name, new colleague?" The other party asked Mo Hanyan's name, and they were all very friendly.

Mo Hanyan introduced himself with a smile.

As soon as she finished, someone asked her with a curious smile, "Han Yan, do you know Mr. Bai?"

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