Jing Xiangdong shook his head helplessly: "tell me, what's the matter with you? Who provoked you? "

In fact, Jing Xiangdong asked this question. It's also Bai Jinse.

Now he can't think of anyone who dares to make the Buddha Mo Si Nian angry.

Mo Si Nian took a look at Jing Xiang Dong, but he couldn't help it: "do you know? She said I was disgusting. I've never met a woman who knows better than her

Jing Xiangdong was very happy and said with a smile: "Tut, how can I say that? There is a saying that men are cheap. The easier they get, the less they cherish it. Bai Jinse doesn't take you seriously. He says that if he is angry, he will be angry, but you are in a hurry!"

Ink four years cool looking at him: "Jing Xiangdong, you say who cheap?"

As soon as Jing Xiangdong's face changed, he immediately pointed to himself: "I'm cheap, I'm cheap, my nickname is cheap!"

He didn't want to get angry with him in ink age, otherwise, they would fight each other.

When Mo Sinian heard this, he sneered coldly: "you are cheap enough, you like to be courteous to women!"

Jing Xiangdong is helpless: "brother bang! What kind of hospitality is a gentleman. A man should be polite to a woman at least, but I mean it. If you don't mean it to a woman, you won't get involved. Think about it for yourself

Mo Si Nian took a look at him, drank a mouthful of wine in silence, and didn't speak.

The next day.

As soon as Bai Jinse entered the design department, he heard people frying the pot.

"My God, are we going to have a landlady's rhythm?"

"It seems that Mo can't hold a woman in public."

"Tut Tut, look at this action. It's overbearing and gentle. I'll envy it to death!"

"You can be strong eight trigrams Mo always, Mo always have three seconds to reach the battlefield, when the time comes, you all have to be criticized!"


The public discussion is very hot. Bai Jinse looks confused and has some bad premonition in her heart.

She grabbed Yunyan: "what's the matter?"

Yunyan takes a look at Bai Jinse, turns on her mobile phone and whispers: "Jinse, your star customer Ji Rou, you can't say that she will really become our boss. Look at this news!"

Bai Jinse, with a tight face, quickly browsed the entertainment news.

The news highlights that Mo Sinian's relationship with Ji Rou is unusual. He has had affairs twice and three times and has been photographed. It seems that it's not a good thing.

There are several photos attached to the news, which show Mo Sinian holding Ji rou.

The shooting place, Bai Jinse just went to last night, is just at the gate of Quande building.

Just looking at the photos, Mo Sinian holds Ji Rou in his arms, and the green tendons in his hands, you can see how much strength he has used and how possessive he is.

And Ji Rou, almost the whole person is soft in his arms.

Bai Jinse's mood suddenly sank to the extreme, her eyes were red!

How did Mo Si Nian manage to step on two boats, with a clear conscience and an awe inspiring look on his face!

White Jin se pressure heart sour, said to cloud Yan: "work, later don't pay attention to this kind of boring things!"

With that, she went straight back to her seat.

Yunyan blinked, quickly put away the mobile phone to work.

The white Jin se stares at the design drawing, the eye is sour to death, no wonder Mo Si Nian lets her don't have the wrong idea to him!

She sarcastically hooked her lips, and also, with the wrong idea, she would be entangled in the future. He had expected this for a long time.

Top floor president's office.

As soon as Mo Sinian came in, he threw his coat on the sofa and walked towards the desk.

He came to work directly from the hotel today.

Bai Jinse, a woman, dares to scold him for disgusting. In any case, he can't easily forgive her, let alone bow to her.

Ink four years is thinking, Zhao Yan knock in.

"Mr. Mo, things happened last night. But the person behind it hasn't been found out yet. The driver was a dead prisoner. He died before he arrived at the hospital last night. The car is a fake car. This man just escaped from prison some time ago. As for why he drove into you, I don't know, because he didn't contact the people around him after he got out of prison!" Zhao Yan told the truth.

Mo Si Nian's face sank instantly.

You don't have to guess. The other party is deliberately buying and killing people.

His voice was cold: "continue to check the interpersonal relationship around this person. If he dares to trade his life for mine, it must be someone who has paid a huge profit. This profit-making person should be related to him. You can check it out!"

Zhao Yan nodded: "OK, Mr. Mo, I will continue to investigate, but there is one more thing..."

Zhao Yan suddenly became hesitant.

Mo Si Nian couldn't help frowning: "what else?"

Zhao Yan took out his mobile phone and handed it to Mo Sinian: "it's your affair with Miss Ji Rou!"Zhao Yan doesn't know what the relationship between Mo Sinian and Ji Rou is.

However, the two people have been rumored twice, and Mo Sinian has no control over it. Zhao Yan can't figure out what his idea is.

As soon as Mo Si Nian saw the news, he felt like a mountain rain was coming and the wind was blowing all over the building

Zhao Yan saw that he looked ugly, and quickly shook his head: "I don't know, but if you need, I'll call now to press it down!"

Mo Si Nian was silent for two seconds. He shook his head: "if I press down now, it will only make me feel guilty!"

Zhao Yan Mou son Shan Shan: "that directly comes out to clarify?"

Mo Si Nian didn't even think about it, but directly denied: "no way!"

He and Bai Jinse are in conflict. He doesn't want to take the initiative to clarify. It's like he's wrong.

Zhao Yan pondered that Mo Sinian should care about Bai Jinse's idea, so he was angry.

He suggested: "otherwise, just explain to Miss Bai directly. The rumors from outside will be gone after a while!"

Mo Si Nian blurted out: "impossible!"

"Ah Zhao Yan was stiff, and suddenly he didn't know what to say.

Ink four years cold face, white Jin se scold him disgusting, how can he now pull down face to explain with her, impossible!

He thought for a moment in silence and said, "go and find Ji Rou for me!"

Zhao Yan didn't know what Mo Sinian wanted to do, but he nodded respectfully: "OK, Mr. Mo!"

At the same time, the design department.

Ji Rou and Yuan Hexin come in.

Ji Rou has a proud face. She never thought that the scene last night was photographed.

However, as long as the ink four years to check, you know, this matter has nothing to do with her, she is innocent!

She came here today to apologize to Mo Sinian, so that he could know that she didn't mean to keep away from him. It was just an accident.

Bai Jinse has no expression all the time. As soon as she takes Ji Rou and Yuan Hexin into the reception room, they fry the frying pan outside.

"Oh, my God, I came to our company as soon as there was a scandal. I'm afraid others don't know!"

"Everyone knows Sima Zhao's way of thinking. She's here to swear sovereignty!"

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