He Kaiyan claims to be a smart person. Even if she doesn't want to see this new person in charge, she will not show it on the bright side. It seems that after the meeting, she is indispensable. You have to explain it to the other person.

Different from He Kaiyan are other high-level executives and designers. They were a little surprised to see Bai Jinse so young, but they were surprised at most, but their expressions didn't change much.

Compared with these people, the three Xu Meng are not very good. When they saw Bai Jinse's face, they all turned pale and dared not move when they thought of the gossip they said in the tea room.

They also guessed the purpose of Bai Jinse calling them to the meeting.

It's just that Bai Jinse didn't even look at them. She swept the conference room with a flat expression, and said calmly, "Do you know the purpose of calling everyone here?"

Hearing this, all the high-level executives in the conference room looked at each other and shook their heads in confusion.

Bai Jinse said with a blank face: "Since I'm here, I won't play dumb riddles with you. Speaking of which, my identity is not a secret among the heads of the branch studios in various places. My name is Bai Jinse, no. Do you know if you have heard of it?"

As soon as the name was exported, everyone suddenly realized that, after all, Bai Jinse opened up the market for Si Xian Jewelry Studio and established a branch studio. These high-level executives did not know.

However, Bai Jinse then continued: "I think, the name Bai Jinse may have been heard by everyone. After all, who makes everyone from Si Xian Jewelry, but what I want to introduce is another layer of my identity, My real name is Bai Jinse,

But at the same time, I am also the designer of Si Xian, and Si Xian Jewelry Studio, including the various branches, was basically founded by me! "

Originally, after hearing Bai Jinse's identity, everyone was still whispering some gossip about Bai Jinse.

After all, Bai Jinse was also an influential figure in Mingcheng back then, and his marriage with Mo Si Nian, the second son of the Qin family, was even more talked about.

However, before they could gossip a few words, they heard Bai Jinse throw a bombshell.

What's more, a designer stood up on the spot and looked at Bai Jinse in shock: "What did you say? Are you Si Xian? What evidence do you have to prove that you are Si Xian himself?"

This man is a big fan of Si Xian's jewelry designer, and he likes every piece of Si Xian's work.

However, when the real person of the other party appeared in front of him and explained his identity, he couldn't believe it, and he couldn't help but asked an excited three consecutive questions.

Bai Jinse looked at the excited look of the other party, and her expression did not change. She did not answer and asked, "Do you know how the name Sixian came from?"

The other party shook his head in confusion. He only knew that when the designer of Si Xian jewelry became famous, he used this name, and later he set up a studio with this name.

Bai Jinse looked at the blank expression of the other party, she chuckled lightly: "It doesn't matter if you don't know, I can help you solve your doubts, although the name Sixian is only my name in the field of jewelry design, but in fact, the source of this name is me My son’s name is Qin Sixian, and my son’s name also has a special meaning. Specifically, it is inconvenient for me to share with you.

More to say, but because of this special commemorative significance, I not only use this name to participate in various competitions, but also use this name to become famous, and I also use this name to set up Si Xian Jewelry Studio! Originally, when I came to Mingcheng this time, it was just a simple tour, and I didn't plan to do anything. However, I came here for a long time today, and I have to say that the branch studio of Mingcheng gave me a terrible impression! "

When she said the last sentence, Bai Jinse was under the coercion of a superior person. When everyone couldn't help but surrender, they suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Bai Jinse created so many branch studios, and no wonder that she had rights So big, so she is the designer of Si Xian herself.

Thinking of this, the die-hard fans of Sixian designers in the studio couldn't help but look at Bai Jinse with admiration.

Contrary to these people are He Kaiyan and Xu Meng.

He Kaiyan is not too stupid. She naturally knows that since Bai Jinse can reveal her identity, she must not dare to lie about this kind of thing.

She never thought that she didn't take it seriously today, and the person who scolded it was actually the big boss. She would grit her teeth and dare not let a fart.

As for the three of Xu Meng, this would be even more frightening. Originally, Bai Jinse's high-level status from the headquarters was enough to frighten them. It will be understood that Bai Jinse is actually the big boss of Sixian Jewelry Studio, which is simply frightening. Kill them, okay?

Bai Jinse didn't take their reactions seriously, and continued: "In the past, many people didn't know that I was Si Xian, basically, wherever I go, where can the branch office take over Si Xian's design.

Master's custom jewelry order, this time, I stay in Mingcheng, Mingcheng branch studio, I can also take this order, I won't say more if there is more, you can just watch and prepare, and mine Identity, I used to be low-key and reserved, and I was unwilling to reveal my identity. However, this does not mean that you can gossip about me behind your back, or even smear me! "

Having said that, Bai Jinse's sharp eyes looked straight at Xu Meng and the others.

Xu Meng cried in fright: "Mr. Bai, I didn't mean it, please forgive me. I really didn't know you were the big boss. I just heard what I said at the time!"

Seeing Xu Meng cry, and what she said, everyone immediately understood that these three people, 80% were talking about Bai Jinse behind their backs, and even said something slanderous, which made Bai Jinse so angry.

Bai Jinse shook his head slightly: "It doesn't matter if I listen to what people say, the important thing is that I don't like the bad atmosphere of the studio where gossip is flying all over the sky! What I want to say now is that since my identity has been announced, it's just that you are talking about it. Going out is not important, because the studio will not open new branch studios. As for me, while taking some design orders, I will also start to supervise the operation of each studio! So, I am not afraid to tell you about me If you still want to continue working in Sixian Jewelry, you'd better restrain yourself according to my requirements!"

After saying this, Bai Jinse looked at Xu Meng and the three of them: "And the three of you, you are talking behind my back, Yun Yan, and even up to Yun Yan's fiancé, I want to ask, are you transferring me to Ren Yun? Yan Lai serves as the division of labor in Mingcheng

The head of the studio is unconvinced? "

Xu Meng cried and shook his head: "I didn't, I just didn't know you were President Bai!"

Bai Jinse sneered: "Because you don't know my identity, so you talk about my gossip and talk about the company's top management, and I hear it, and I feel that I am wrong; I'm talking nonsense in front of me, but I will continue to talk about and smear other people and even me behind my back, am I right?"

Xu Meng shook his head in a panic: "I can't, and I don't dare, I really don't dare!"

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