It was understandable that Mo Si Nian and Chao Jing couldn't find out Qu Yating's identity, because not only did she change her name, but even the identity information was all fabricated by Yun Zixin.

Moreover, when she left that small county, she left in Yun Zixin's private car, and she didn't leave any useful identity information along the way.

As a result, Mo Si Nian and the others couldn't find her anymore.

More importantly, for the past six months, Qu Ting has used Yun Zixin's card for all her expenses outside. She lives in this house under Yun Zixin's name, and she seldom goes out. Looking up her information, she couldn't find it at all.

As for Mo Si Nian and others, they would never have imagined that Qu Yating would change her name to Qu Ting and appear in Ming City.

And Qu Ting couldn't have imagined that Bai Jinse, Mo Sinian and the others had already returned to Ming City, and she was jumping under their noses.

Qu Ting went downstairs and saw Yun Zixin waiting for him in the car from a distance, she immediately walked up with a smile and crooked eyes: "Zixin!"

Yun Zixin heard Qu Ting's voice, his eyes softened a little, and opened the car door for her with a smile: "Go, I'll take you to dinner!"

After getting into the car, Qu Ting glanced at Yun Zixin hesitantly for several times. Yun Zixin couldn't think of it without realizing it. He chuckled lightly, "Tingting, why do you look at me like that?"

Qu Ting turned to look at Yun Zixin, held the seat belt in his hand, and opened his mouth: "I just wanted to ask you... about my work, how are your arrangements?"

Yun Zixin was stunned for a moment, thinking of what Xu Mulei had told him on the phone this morning, he frowned and explained, "He Kaiyan's side has been in trouble recently.

, Your work may have to be pushed back. Besides, I'm not going to work in Chu Group until some time later. What are you doing in such a hurry? Don't worry, you're going into Sixian Jewelry. I'm sure it's done for you! "

Qu Ting pursed his lips: "Okay then, just wait, it's just that people have recently taught themselves a lot of jewelry design courses. I read on the Internet and said that at my level, it is more than enough to be an assistant to others, and In the future, if I want to improve myself through continuous learning, practice and design works, I must go to work in a jewelry company!"

Yun Zixin opened his mouth to appease her: "Okay, don't worry, just put a hundred hearts on it and think about Xian Jewelry, it's definitely no problem, as long as He Kaiyan doesn't want Mu Lei to dump her, he will arrange you in anyway. From the company, I know Mu Lei the best, and he has a good face. Since he promised me about this, he must be sure of it, by the way, don't talk about it, let's talk about what you want to eat first!"

Qu Ting thought about it and said, "Let's go eat Japanese food, I haven't eaten it for a long time, and since there is no way to arrange work now, do you have to accompany me in the afternoon!"

Yun Zixin laughed and looked at her with ambiguous eyes: "How to accompany you?"

Qu Ting blushed and couldn't help beating him: "What are you thinking, go shopping with me this afternoon!"

Looking at Qu Ting's cute appearance, Yun Zixin said with a smile: "Okay, I will go shopping with you in the afternoon, but I may not be able to go to your place at night!"

Qu Ting frowned: "Why?"

Usually, when Yun Zixin is fine, he spends the night at her place.

Yun Zixin explained: "

Tonight, our family is going to have dinner with the Chu family, so please be considerate of your boyfriend, okay? "

Thinking that Yun Zixin's younger sister married the Chu family, and that Yun Zixin's identity will rise with the tide in the future, Qu Ting readily agreed: "Okay, then since you are busy with business, I will naturally not disturb you!"

In the afternoon, Bai Jinse originally planned to rest, because in the evening, he would have dinner with Mo Si Nian's parents, Chao Jing and Mo Shi Shi.

As a result, not long after the meal, she temporarily received a call from Chu Sheng.

On the phone, Chu Sheng's voice was a little anxious: "Jin se, my parents said that I would have dinner with Yun Yan's parents tonight, and Yun Yan's parents agreed, but I was afraid that they would follow in front of my parents. I don’t know how to stop talking in front of me, I want to do their ideological work ahead of time, later, can you find a way to call Yun Yan out to play!”

Bai Jinse frowned: "It seems that you didn't listen to what I said to you before!"

Chu Sheng said helplessly: "How could I not have listened, I naturally understand that what you said is right, but they are also Yun Yan's parents, and they haven't done anything yet. If my attitude is too tough, Yun Yan will I will also feel uncomfortable, let’s do it for now, if they don’t listen to the persuasion, I can only take another way!”

Bai Jinse thought for a while and felt that Chu Sheng was also in a dilemma.

After all, it’s up to Yun Yan to make up her mind about this kind of thing, but she is her biological parents and someone she likes. Her biological parents have to use her as a tool for profit, even though she knows that bad, but

, but she may not be able to really reject her parents ruthlessly.

Chu Sheng was afraid that it was precisely because he knew this that he wanted Bai Jinse to call Yun Yan out, because he didn't want Yun Yan to be too embarrassed.

Bai Jinse thought about it, since Chu Sheng wanted to try it, let him try it. After all, with Chu Sheng's character, there are certain things that he won't turn around without hitting the south wall, not to mention, Bai Jinse doesn't know Yun Yan either. Parents, who knows how they will choose.

Thinking of this, Bai Jinse agreed.

Not long after hanging up, Bai Jinse called Yun Yan and Lin Xi, and Qi Momo went out for afternoon tea with Ruan Suisui.

At the same time, as soon as Yun Yan left, Chu Sheng hurried to Yun Yan's house.

Because Chu Sheng had agreed with Yun Yan's parents in advance, and came to visit in the afternoon, Uncle Yun and Aunt Yun were already at home waiting for Chu Sheng to come to the door.

This time Chu Sheng went alone without Yun Yan, and Yun Yan's brother Yun Zixin was not at home either.

When they arrived at Yun Yan's house, Chu Sheng looked at Uncle Yun and Aunt Yun's smiling faces, and didn't greet them. The three sat down, and Chu Sheng went straight to the point: "My parents want to eat with my uncle and aunt tonight. Let's discuss my wedding with Yun Yan, I wonder if my uncle and aunt have any other ideas!"

Second Uncle Yun and Second Aunt Yun met, and Second Uncle Yun said, "Chu Sheng, my aunt and I don't quite understand what you mean, since you are married to Yun Yan, then we will discuss it together at that time. Isn't it enough for the day of engagement and marriage, what can I think of your auntie!"

Chu Sheng saw Second Uncle Yun pretending to be confused, his eyes sank: "Uncle, it's like this, I

If you want to know about marriage with Yun Yan, the engagement will be avoided. After all, the two of us are not a marriage, but a free love, and there is no such thing as cultivating feelings. It's just, I hope that when we talk tonight, if we talk about the bride price, you will follow what we said before, and there is also the matter of shares, you don't have to say, this is what I gave to Yun Yan, and I will personally follow up with you. My parents talked about it, and finally... Brother Yunyan's work, I'll help him arrange when we get married. In front of my parents, don't talk about it. After all, now the company is me No matter, they don't worry about such trivial matters. If you bring it up, they will inevitably worry about it. It's really unnecessary. What do you think? "The fastest update error-free novel reading, please visit Mobile Please visit:

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