Qin wuduan was finally relieved: "thank you, doctor."

Qi silently looked at him: "you go to the hospital procedures, I accompany her!"

Qin nodded for no reason.

Bai Jinse was in a coma for a short time. She woke up not long after she came out of the emergency room.

She opened her eyes and saw Qi silently sitting by the hospital bed playing with her mobile phone.

The wound on her body was a little painful. She couldn't help but hiss: "Miss Qi!"

Qi silently immediately put down her cell phone and looked at her: "are you awake? How do you feel? Is there anything wrong? "

White Jin se listens to her anxious tone, smiles to shake head: "it's OK, how can you be here?"

Qi silently rolled his eyes: "when I drove out, I saw a tragic accident scene. You were held by a man in your arms. I was almost scared to death, OK? I sent you to the hospital with that man. Fortunately, you are OK, otherwise, I will die of guilt today! "

Bai Jinse smiles and doesn't speak. She feels a little tired.

Qi silently suddenly frowned at Bai Jinse: "by the way, that will hold your handsome guy, what's the relationship with you?"

White Jin se surprised to see her one eye: "don't you know?"

"Should I know each other?" Qi asked in silence

Bai Jinse was stunned. Yes, Qin kept a low profile when he was studying for no reason. Many people didn't know his identity.

In the past two years, he has been abroad, and not many people in the upper class know him.

She laughed, did not explain with Qi silently, said: "his name is Qin gratuitous, is my university elder!"

Qi silently and clearly nodded, and did not ask.

She looked at Bai Jinse carelessly and said, "you are a good person!"

The white Jin se is stunned, immediately smile: "thank you for your appreciation!"

Qi silently shriveled his mouth: "don't talk to me in an official way, you are a friend, I will make friends with you!"

Bai Jinse was a little stunned, but also a little sad: "Miss Qi, do you make friends unilaterally?"

Qi's small face was as black as the bottom of the pot: "how? You don't want to be my friend? "

White Jin se helpless smile: "that pour is also!"

She just didn't expect Qi to say that. It was a little sudden.

As a result, Qi's small face became even darker: "then you just dislike me. What's wrong with me? You don't even want to be my friend!"

Bai Jinse looked at the girl who was shrewd, direct, frank and lovely: "you think too much, I just think we don't know each other enough! If you are such a friend, you may not like me in the future! "

Qi silently and casually waved his hand: "if you think too much, I really don't know your background and personality, but I know your character. That's enough. For the rest, just take your time. It's not a saying called yes! You and I are alike

Bai Jinse's small face twisted: "your Chinese is taught by the PE teacher. You can't say it's the same as it used to be at first sight. We all share the same bad taste. It seems that we are all terrible!"

Qi silently didn't care about it at all. He was not happy: "feel free. Anyway, that's what it means. You can understand it!"

At the same time, Hengrui jewelry president office.

Mo Sinian changed his clothes and came out of the lounge.

He looked at Zhao Yan: "how about this dress?"

Zhao Yan looks bitter: "very good!"

This is the eighth suit that Mo changed in the past. He didn't know that Mo was still a crazy man.

Mo Si Nian frowned: "your eyes are OK. You feel good about every body!"

Zhao Yanjun's face was wrinkled: "what I said is the truth. Ink is always on the shelf. Everything looks good on me!"

Ink four years saw him one eye, suddenly also did not change clothes mood: "that is this! You order another bunch of flowers, and I'll take them home after work! "

This is the first time that Mo Sinian took the initiative to go home after the cold war with Bai Jinse.

He had a drink with Jing Xiangdong yesterday. He had decided that he would not fight with her. This time, he took the initiative to go home and give Bai Jinse a step down.

Zhao Yan finally relaxed: "what kind of flower? Rose? "

Zhao Yan probably knows about Bai Jin Se and Mo Si Nian. He thinks that Mr. Mo is going to apologize to Miss Bai.

As a result, Mo Sinian shook his head: "order lilies, and it's OK when it means it."

Rose, ink four years always feel love revealed too obvious!

Zhao Yan nodded: "OK, I'll do it now!"

As a result, as soon as he got to the office door, he was yelled by the president of his own iceberg: "that's right!"

Zhao Yan turned around and looked at him in confusion: "Mr. Mo, is there anything else?"

Mo Sinian's expression was somewhat unnatural: "I wear this dress Will it look greasy? "

Zhao Yan shivered for a while, when is the total ink, so no confidence!He quickly shook his head: "how can, Mo always wear this dress, can't be more handsome!"

Mo Sinian was too lazy to listen to his flattery. Instead, he cleared his throat and asked the question he cared about most: "that Is it disgusting? "

Zhao Yan a Leng, that moment, he thought he heard!

He looked at Mo Sinian with a blank face: "Mr. Mo, what are you talking about?"

Mo Si Nian's handsome face was a little ugly. He waved his hand impatiently: "forget it, you go out!"

After all, he still cares about what Bai Jinse said. She says he's disgusting!

But What's the matter with him?

Mo Si Nian's brow is very wrinkled. He takes out a cigarette and is about to light it. He suddenly thinks that he will go back to No.1 Beiyuan in the evening and puts it into his cigarette box.

Hospital, Parkinson ward.

Bai Jinse is talking to Qi silently when the door of the ward is opened.

Qin bought dinner for no reason and looked at the two people in the ward with a smile: "have dinner! I bought the food. "

As soon as Qi silently picked up a lunch box, he saw that Qin had a deep feeling in his eyes, and looked at Bai Jinse in a daze.

That look, that call a gentleness.

She couldn't help shaking her shoulders, very witty mouth: "I went out to talk to the nurse!"

As soon as Qi left in silence, Qin Wu sat down beside the hospital bed: "Xiao Bai, I'm really scared today!"

No one knows. When he saw the car crashing into Bai Jinse, he almost collapsed.

This is the fourth time that Bai Jinse has seen Qin since he returned home for no reason.

The first time in the airport, she saw him, panic, subconsciously away.

The second time at the alumni party, she was nervous, but she would not avoid him.

The third time, she has been sure that she really put down Qin for no reason, and her mood has become very calm.

This is the fourth time, she looked at Qin for no reason, only grateful.

Because if Qin hadn't called her for no reason, maybe she would have been hit by the car!

Bai Jinse looks at Qin wuduan calmly: "brother wuduan, thank you for saving my life today!"

Qin frowned without reason: "Xiaobai, you know, I said I was afraid, not to make you thank me!"

Bai Jinse laughed: "no matter what your mood is, I have to thank you. You saved me. It's a fact!"

Qin sighed helplessly and changed the topic: "Xiaobai, he's not good to you, right?"

Bai Jinse frowned: "who?"

Qin has no reason to look a little sad and indignant: "of course, it's your current boyfriend. The doctor says that you're not sleeping well and tired recently. Isn't it because of him? You stand on the roadside in a daze today, because of him, he almost killed you, do you know! You must leave him

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