Shang Yunxi almost vomited blood, and was pulled by Ling Ruoyan, pointing to Qi's silent hands were shaking.

She directly with Ling Ruyan angry: "you let me go!"

Ling Ruoyan frowned: "she deliberately annoyed you, you don't know her way!"

With an innocent face, Qi continued to stir up the flames: "Shang Yunxi, don't be angry. You know, I'm cold and not good at words. If that annoys you, please forgive me! Don't be so angry

She said, turned to support Lin Xi, and went out: "are you OK, Lin Xi?"

Lin Xi did not know the identity of Qi, but shook his head hard.

As a result, as soon as they walked out of the bathroom, they saw Bai Jinse in a hurry.

She followed Jing Xiangdong and Lin Shen.

Lin Shen was called by Bai Jinse after receiving the news from Qi.

Jing Xiangdong comes to find Lin Xi. When he hears that Lin Xi is bullied in the bathroom, he comes with him.

As soon as shangyunxi came out of the bathroom, he saw Lin Shen.

She immediately pounced on Lin Shen and threw herself directly into his arms. She cried bitterly: "Lin Shen, you are going to make the decision for me. Look at my face. Lin Xi disfigured me. How can I live in the future?"

Qi silently surprised at this person's shameless skills, shocked to look at the back of Shang Yunxi's head.

Lin Xi is silent, just looking at Lin Shen, looking stubborn.

Bai Jinse frowned at the chaotic scene and said nothing.

Jing Xiangdong spontaneously walked over and stood beside Lin Xi and said in a low voice, "what's wrong with your stomach? Is it uncomfortable? "

Lin Xi pursed her lips and did not speak.

Lin Shen's face was ugly: "what's the matter?"

Shangyunxi tears: "Lin Shen, some things, I didn't want to tell you, but Lin Xi forced me to this, I can't do without saying! Do you know Lin Xi likes you? "

Lin Xi's face slightly changed, pale face, look hard to see the extreme.

Jing Xiangdong clearly saw that her hand on her stomach was clenched into a fist.

Shang Yunxi's acting: "since you were with me, Lin Xi had trouble with me. After all, my boyfriend is popular. I have a good eye. Besides, she's your schoolgirl, and I don't want to worry about her. However, she has to make an inch. Today, she ruined my face. What do you think of my face? ”

Lin Shen looked down at the bloodstain on Shang Yunxi's face, and his brow was badly wrinkled.

Ling Ruoyan didn't expect that Shang Yunxi could act so well, and he made Lin deeply believe it.

She hastened to testify for Shang Yunxi: "director Lin, what Shang designer said is absolutely true. I saw with my own eyes that Lin Xi grabbed her face like this and said that if she didn't believe that Shang designer ruined her face, you would still like her!"

Qi silently angry: "Ling Ruoyan, what kind of bullshit are you talking about? Do you think I'm blind?"

Ling Ruoyan retorted: "when Lin Xi hit shangyunxi, you were still in the compartment, and you didn't see it! Yes? Do you still want to help Lin Xi lie? "

Qi was stunned and frowned. As soon as she was about to speak, she was interrupted by Lin Shen.

Lin Shen's pupil shrinks fiercely and looks at Lin Xi: "is this true?"

Lin Xi looked up at Lin Shen in disbelief: "what do you mean by that? Do you think I hurt her face on purpose? I said she hit me first. Do you believe it? "

Lin Shen looked helpless: "Lin Xi, when did you become like this? You won't hit people like this before. Don't you know how important face is to a woman? If shangyunxi destroyed your face today, what would you do? "

Lin Xi stares at Lin Shen with big eyes. Her cold face is full of despair and suffocation: "do you believe her or not?"

Lin Shen didn't believe in himself.

Lin Shen frowned at Lin Xi: "it's not a matter of whether you believe it or not. She's hurt! Don't you think you've gone too far? "

Besides, the injury is so obvious.

Lin Xi stares at Lin Shen and sees a proud and contemptuous smile on Shang Yunxi's face.

She held back her tears, deep in her eyes was a deep sense of pain and embarrassment, and her heart was desolate.

Lin Shen doesn't love herself. She can convince herself that love is blind. It's not his fault that he doesn't love her!

He was with Shang Yunxi, and she could convince herself that they had lovers and eventually got married. She suffered to die, and she should also give her blessing.

Can really to her with shangyunxi tit for tat, she just see, oneself in Lin deep heart, worthless!

She has fed the dog all her years of love.

In his heart, she is a cruel villain, for selfish, destroyed his girlfriend's appearance.

They have known each other for so many years that he didn't even give himself the minimum respect and trust.

Blame her, it's her fault!Bai Jinse looks at Lin Xi anxiously and complains about Lin Shen.

Don't he know who Lin Xi is?

Bai Jinse just took a step forward and wanted to leave with Lin Xi.

As a result, Lin Xi suddenly laughed, with a strong irony in her eyes: "Lin Shen, I used to hear people say that people's hearts are biased, I still don't believe it, now I believe it!"

Lin Shen frowned: "you don't have to say that. You apologize to Yunxi. This matter is over. I won't hold you responsible again!"

I don't know why, looking at Lin Xi who has always been cold, his heart is very uncomfortable.

Jing Xiangdong couldn't do it, so he directly raised his eyebrows: "sorry, Lin Shen, you have a hole in your head. Why should Xixi apologize to this woman?"

Lin Xi closed his eyes and opened them again, as if the whole person had become invulnerable.

She spoke slowly: "Jing Xiangdong, thank you for speaking for me, but I don't need it anymore!"

She continued: "Lin Shen, I won't apologize to Shang Yunxi. At this moment, I'm not afraid to tell you that I like you. I've loved you for a long time!"

Lin Shen's pupils suddenly shrank, and his expression was unbelievable.

When Shang Yunxi said it, he didn't believe it, but at this moment, he didn't know what it was like to hear Lin Xi say it.

At this moment, all the people were silent.

Shang Yunxi looks contemptuous and stares at Lin Xi's jokes.

Lin Xi leaned against the wall of the corridor and looked at Lin Shen stubbornly: "Lin Shen, do you remember? When I was a freshman and a sophomore, I almost had an accident. At that time, you were hit by a car in order to save me, so I took the initiative to take care of you. During the period of taking care of you, I fell in love with you a little bit, but unfortunately, I didn't have the courage, until you graduated from University for three years, I didn't take a step to tell you! "

"At that time, I was so naive. I thought I would confess when you graduated, but I didn't expect that you disappeared for three years as soon as you graduated. In the vast sea of people, I saw that everyone was looking for you like you. After three years, I finally waited for you. I thought that I was finally able to work hard and enjoy myself..."

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