Bai Jinse has some helplessness, but she can't reason with a drunkard who can't recognize people clearly. She twists her eyebrows and says, "I'm Bai Jinse, if I'm a fake one!"

Mo Si Nian stares at her directly for a few eyes, the white Jin se that sees is uncomfortable, he just opens mouth: "that you come over, I smell!"

Bai Jinse almost cursed, but also smell, you think it's a dog nose!

Bai Jinse hasn't had time to react. Suddenly, Mo Sinian grabs her arm. She falls down in Mo Sinian's arms.

Ink four years will pillow in her neck socket, breathing spray on her Bo neck, hot, itchy.

Bai Jinse is a little uncomfortable, just about to get up, but he is pulled down by Mo Sinian: "don't move!"

Bai Jinse has a headache, and his tone is not good: "have you finished smelling it? I'm going to get up! "

She can't help worrying too much with a drunk.

Mo Si Nian was not obedient. His tone was stubborn, with a little grievance: "you are not allowed to go. I smell that you are Bai Jinse, and she has this fragrance!"

Bai Jinse ha ha, you are Bai Jinse, and then you become her!

In front of her, she becomes the third person, which can only be spoken by people who are drunk and have no clear mind.

She pursed her lips: "you let me go first, I'll take you upstairs to wash, you're drunk!"

Mo Sinian stubbornly shook his head: "I'm not drunk!"

Bai Jinse is a little weak: "people who are drunk usually say that they are not drunk. Be obedient and let me go!"

The last two words of Bai Jinse were a bit tough.

Ink four years really loosen her, white Jin se didn't expect, this person is drunk, also bully soft afraid of hard.

However, Bai Jinse stood up straight and saw the expression of grievance and resentment of Mo Sinian.

She almost lost her chin. Is it still the fourth year of Mo dynasty?

She had to send people back to her room quickly, otherwise, if Mo Sinian still remembered these lost people tomorrow, she would not be able to live.

Bai Jinse's voice was a little stiff: "get up, follow me upstairs!"

Mo Si Nian stands up obediently and looks at Bai Jin se.

Bai Jinse turned and went upstairs. He couldn't help looking at him. He followed up.

White Jin se can't help but hook the corner of the mouth, although a little afraid that after Mo Si Nian wakes up tomorrow morning, he will still remember what happened tonight and settle accounts with himself.

But I have to say that this kind of ink shop year is really lovely and fun.

She secretly turned her head and took a look at Mo Sinian. Mo Sinian had a serious face, but her eyes were a little confused.

Bai Jinse hooked his lips, took the man to his room, pushed open the bathroom door: "OK, you go to take a bath first, and then go to bed early!"

Bai Jinse really overestimated the drunk.

She naively thought that ink four years so obedient, she let the bath, certainly obediently wash.

She pushed the man into the bathroom and waited outside for a while. She planned to wait for Mo Si Nian to come out and watch him sleep before leaving. In this way, she was kind and righteous!

However, she waited outside for a long time and didn't hear the sound of water in the bathroom.

Bai Jinse had been fighting for a long time in his mind, but finally he couldn't help it. He opened the door and took a look.

At this, she was almost shocked. Mo Sinian took off her clothes and fell asleep in the bathroom.

The floor is so cold, isn't he cold?

Bai Jinse doesn't know whether to cover her eyes or pull her up first.

She casually on one side of the shelf, pulled a bath towel, quickly went over, the ink four years to cover.

After finishing this, she looked at Mo Si Nian lying on the ground with a headache. She didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

She rubbed her eyebrows and thought that Mo Sinian was lying on the ground with a white bath towel on her body, which looked like a corpse in the hospital mortuary.

Think of here, she quickly shakes her head, what is she thinking about? If let Mo Sinian know, he will think that she is cursing him, must break her up!

She sighed, bent down, tied the bath towel, and pulled people up, laboriously supported them, and moved them to the bedside.

She's just about to put the person down. As a result, Mo Sinian's body suddenly leans forward. Bai Jinse can't react as well, and is directly brought to the bed by him.

Half of Mo Si Nian's body fell down, pressing white Jin se, breathing with wine, spraying on her face.

Although ink four years sleep dead, motionless, but, white Jin se or nervous heart almost jump out.

She blushed and tried to push Mo Sinian away. As a result, she heard Mo Sinian's lips move and murmur.

Bai Jinse subconsciously put his ear close to him and heard him say in a low voice: "don't be angry!"

White Jin se a Zheng, the face is slightly red, he this is talking with oneself?

She quickly pushed away Mo Si Nian, got up, shook her head, let her head clear, don't be amorous.If Mo Sinian really wanted to say this, he had already said it. Why wait until now!

She calms down slowly, turns around and looks at the person lying on the bed, quietly helps to cover the quilt.

Finally, Mo Si Nian is settled. Bai Jinse looks at his sleeping face and thinks that although she didn't take a bath, she did her best!

Hope to get up tomorrow, ink four years don't find fault!

The next morning.

Ink four years uncomfortable open eyes, feel headache to crack.

He reached out and rubbed his eyebrows, sat up, and many fuzzy fragments emerged in his mind.

The more sober he was, the worse his face became.

Ink four years ago only know that he was drunk, like to recognize the wrong person, and, in general, will not break.

However, he didn't expect that he called mom and dad to Bai Jinse last night. He even ignored gender!

Mo Si Nian Jun's face is as black as the bottom of the pot. For the first time, he feels that he is drunk and mentally retarded.

However, the only good thing is that he remembers the question Bai Jinse asked him last night, about Ji Rou sitting on the co pilot, about a lipstick he didn't know.

It seems that Bai Jinse was angry before, which had something to do with it.

Even if she had no feelings for herself, she would not be happy even if she was green headed!

He was calm and reached for his forehead. He had a headache. He didn't know how to face Bai Jinse later.

Bai Jinse got up in the morning and finished washing. As soon as he opened the door, he saw that the door beside him was also opened.

She subconsciously looked at the past, immediately with ink four years eyes relative.

Mo Sinian's expression was a little unnatural. He unconsciously looked away: "I drank too much last night, please!"

Bai Jinse was a little nervous: "do you remember last night?"

Ink four years almost subconscious retort: "no, how can remember, I have forgotten, I drink too much, fragment!"

White Jin se relaxed a tone: "like this, that's good!"

Both of them have ghosts in their hearts. They don't care about each other's reaction at all. Is it normal.

Mo Si Nian saw Bai Jinse believe his fragment. He thought of Bai Jinse's care for him last night.

He took the initiative to ease the relationship between the two.

He said, "after dinner in the morning, I'll take you to the program."

White Jin se Leng Leng, ring last night when he left, it seems that said today to record that file jewelry program.

She was a little surprised and puzzled: "I did say that I was going to the program group last night, but you Isn't he drunk? "

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