The place where Qi's accident happened is not too far away from Hengrui jewelry.

When Bai Jinse got to the place, before the ambulance came, Qi silently supported his waist and stood beside the car, angry and puffy.

She looked at Bai Jinse, her voice was a little stuffy: "you can wait with me, the ambulance hasn't come yet!"

Looking at her situation, Bai Jinse couldn't help frowning: "you are..."

Qi silently shriveled mouth: "twist to waist, sprain to foot!"

Bai Jinse was a little embarrassed: "then there's no need to call an ambulance!"

Hearing this, Qi choked silently, still a little angry: "I'm not popular!"

She said, and told Bai Jinse all kinds of evil deeds of yunziyan: "you don't know how hateful that man is. If I can see him in the future, I have to beat his parents not to know him!"

Bai Jinse has some helplessness: "maybe he is a doctor, and he is not stupid. Even if he wants to take advantage of it, he can't make trouble in public."

As soon as Bai Jinse's words were finished, he was the driver of the background wall and nodded: "that gentleman is very nice. He's in a bit of an emergency. Go ahead, or he will accompany this lady to the hospital!"

White Jin se didn't have good spirit of saw one eye, together silently: "you don't get angry!"

Qi silently drum drum cheek, in the end is uncomfortable, cloud son speech from head to foot damage again.

Finally, the ambulance came. Bai Jinse followed Qi to the ambulance. The taxi driver waited for the people from the 4S store to come and deal with the scratch.

even in the ambulance, Qi quietly make complaints about Tucao Yun Zi: "do you know? He said that I cheated people. He also said that if I look rich, I shouldn't ask people for money if my car is cut. Who is that

white Jin se laughed, "I want to know how bad this person is, so that you can make complaints about it."

Listen to the taxi driver, that person should not be as bad as what he said in silence.

Qi silently urgent to sit up to retort, the result, and pulled to the sprained waist, pain of bared teeth.

she showed her teeth: "I am not Tucao, I make complaints about it!" It's so beautiful. It's a blind face! "

White Jin se looked at her one eye, can't laugh or cry.

She did not speak, looked at Qi silently, did not know what to think of, the smile on her face faded.

Qi silently Mou son Shan Shan: "Jin se, are you not happy?"

Thinking of the scene of Ji Rou in the company just now, Bai Jinse shook her head: "no!"

Qi didn't dare to say more when he saw Bai Jinse's expression.

At the hospital, Bai Jinse quietly finds a wheelchair for Qi and takes her to the orthopedic doctor.

In the ambulance, because Qi was not seriously injured, they were also taught a lesson by the doctor.

Qi quietly knew that she was a child. When the doctor taught her, she lay there and said nothing.

Bai Jinse went to the Department of orthopedics and saw the sign of yunziyan. Unexpectedly, he was in the clinic today.

Yun Ziyan is a heart surgeon. He also studies orthopedics. However, he usually stays in the heart surgery department. Bai Jinse is a little surprised to see the name of Yun.

She is surprised to help Qi silently hang up, tell Qi silently, this is her friend.

The nurse asked them to wait in the outpatient room: "please wait a moment, Dean Yun will come right away!"

Qi silently looked at Bai Jinse and said, "is this doctor handsome? It can't be an old man! Are you still friends with him? "

Bai Jinse didn't look at her angrily: "you think too much, he is very young, in his twenties, he is also very handsome! Good medicine, too! "

Qi looked at Bai Jinse silently and doubtlessly: "young, handsome, and highly skilled. Is this man really as reliable as you said?"

Bai Jinse said: "they are the president of this hospital. Do you think it's reliable?"

Hospitals are no better than other places. If they don't have certain qualifications and skills, they can't convince people if they want to be the president.

Qi quietly shriveled mouth: "reliable on the line, don't like today on the road to meet that quack, say what doctor, day and day's hands and feet!"

As soon as Qi's words were finished, yunziyan appeared at the door of the orthopedic clinic.

He heard Qi's words, but he didn't care that Qi turned his back to himself. He just felt that his voice seemed a little familiar.

He saw Bai Jinse at once, and immediately showed a smile: "Jinse, why are you here? Is there any injury? "

Bai Jinse shook his head with a smile: "my friend twisted his waist, I accompanied her to come and have a look!"

Qi could not help frowning when he heard the man's voice. How could he meet that son of a bitch on the road with such a similar voice?

She couldn't help but turn her head, and then, at a glance, she saw Yun Ziyan's handsome face like jade.

She immediately widened her eyes: "is that you?"Cloud son speech this just notice Qi silent, the smile on his face faded down, the brow wrinkly fierce: "originally is you!"

Bai Jinse was stunned: "you Do you know him? "

Qi silently and angrily glared at Yunzi and said: "he is the poisonous tongue man I told you! Those who insult me in the street

Bai Jinse is a little embarrassed. She can be sure now. Qi silently must have gone to see yunziyan with emotion. Yunziyan is not that kind of person at all!

When yunziyan heard Qi's silent words, his face sank down: "so, what you just said is that I am the one who moves hands and feet in the daytime?"

Qi silently stared at him: "what's the matter with you, don't you?"

Cloud son speech facial expression Ugliness: "you speak some reason, I just help you see hurt!"

Qi silently raised his chin and glared at him: "you are obviously touching me!"

Yunziyan was obviously angry: "you are a woman, you are unreasonable!"

Qi silently fire: "you say who is unreasonable!"

Bai Jinse has a big head. It's the first time for her to see someone who can make Yunzi angry.

She quickly interrupted: "you stop first, don't quarrel!"

Qi silently looks at Bai Jinse's face, stares at Yun Ziyan and hums coldly.

Yunziyan's face was a little heavy. Bai Jinse looked at him helplessly: "Dean Yun, don't be angry. My friend didn't mean to, maybe he was a little emotional..."

Qi silently interrupts Bai Jinse's words and gets angry: "who's emotional? He's the one who aimed at me first. I thought I'd have a good talk with him for his face's sake. He won't talk to me as soon as he opens his mouth!"

Cloud son speech facial expression iron green: "who don't say person words?"

Qi said silently, "it's you

White Jin se see scene smoke everywhere, quickly stop: "stop! You all stop talking and come one by one! "

Qi silently held his breath: "Jinse, is that what you said, a good-looking and skilled doctor? I don't think I'll do it! "

Bai Jinse put her hand on her shoulder and said, "don't talk. I'll ask what's going on first."

Qi silently shriveled mouth, looked at a white Jin se, seemed a little unhappy, can only shut up.

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