If it wasn't for Bai Jinse's saying that a beautiful woman was in her heart, if it wasn't for her saying that she was with a blind date.

Ink four years way still can't respond to come over now, white Jin se this period of time, may eat taste.

In this way, Bai Jinse was not right that day. However, after hearing Zheng Huaichen's words, he knew that Bai Jinse had loved a senior before. He was jealous and could not help fighting with her again.

All the misunderstandings seemed to deepen on that day.

Ink four years now aware of a clue, he is impossible to let the misunderstanding continue to enlarge.

When Bai Jinse heard Mo Sinian's words, he suddenly raised his head and looked unbelievable.

She looked stiff for a moment. Thinking of what she had said to Mo Sinian in the corridor, she turned her head in embarrassment: "you don't care how I know!"

Mo Sinian watched her turn away from herself. Her white neck and slender beauty made him want to touch her.

He raised his hand slightly, and finally, he held back the agitation in his heart.

Now there is no clear explanation of the misunderstanding. He can't mess around.

He looked at Bai Jinse's cheek and looked indulgent: "be good, don't play small temperament, talk well!"

White Jin se hands embrace knee, dull voice stare him one eye: "who play small temperament!"

She didn't realize that she had a little temper in front of Mo Si Nian.

Mo Sinian couldn't help but look at Bai Jinse and said, "since you don't cooperate, I can only ask one question and kiss you. If you don't tell the truth all night, I can only kiss you one night. As for whether something else will happen Then I can't guarantee it. After all, I'm a normal man! "

White Jin se hears this words, the face suddenly a piece of Red: "you don't want a face!"

Mo Si young snorted, pulled over a chair and sat down in front of Bai Jinse: "in front of you, I don't mind, don't be shameful! Come on, how do you know? "

White Jin se a stiff, think of what he just said, in the end is shy and counsellor.

Her voice was small, and her tone seemed to be a little angry: "that day you came to pick me up and get off the car to buy things. I saw the message your brother sent you!"

Ink four years Zheng Zheng Zheng, he didn't expect this stubble.

He recalled the situation at that time, with deep eyes: "so, you don't want to go home with me because you know I want to go on a blind date?"

The white Jin se shrivels shriveled mouth, accept life of wringing fingers: "also not, at that time just someone ask me to eat, I push the boat along with the current of promise!"

Mo Sinian nodded and looked at Bai Jinse with fixed eyes. He didn't want to miss the expression on her face: "so, you really mind my blind date with others, don't you?"

Bai Jinse is like a cat that has been trampled on its tail. She suddenly raises her head, raises her voice and blurts out: "you're bullshit!"

Ink four years to see her reaction so big, can't help but hook the lips: "well, when I nonsense, then you so care about Ji Rou left in my car that lipstick, this thing is not fake!"

It seems that before he was really jealous too much, IQ serious decline, even the most basic judgment have lost.

Bai Jinse is indifferent. He really thinks that this is her real attitude towards herself!

White Jin se completely froze, her face red and white crisscross, for a long time just hard looking at the ink four years: "you that day didn't fragment?"

Mo Sinian thought of the scene that he held Bai Jinse, called his father, his mother, and his brother that day, and felt very hot.

He had a slightly unnatural look and a slightly stiff tone: "later I remember

Bai Jinse thought that he was coaxing to ask Mo Sinian what Ji Rou came to him to do and why he left lipstick in his car.

She immediately ashamed can't help but take the head against the wall, she didn't expect, ink four years actually remember!

It's too humiliating. Now even if she doesn't say it, she can't hide her thoughts.

Think of here, white Jin se instantly think of ink four years to get the certificate of those words, face suddenly some pale.

Mo Si Nian saw the change of Bai Jin SE's expression at a glance. He looked sincere and held Bai Jin SE's hand: "wife, what do you think of me now?"

White Jin se heard his wife two words, heart slightly tremble, she cold face, try to cover up their emotions: "no idea!"

Ink four years perseverance: "in fact, this can have!"

Bai Jinse's face was even worse: "this is really not!"

Ink four years helplessly looking at the little woman in front of: "this really can have!"

Bai Jinse took a look at him

She suddenly noticed something wrong. She stared at Mo Sinian: "Mo Sinian, didn't you let me have any other thoughts about you?"

Mo Sinian's face was slightly stiff. He was lack of confidence for the first time. He said blindly: "in physics, protons are moving, and there is no law in motion. Everything is protons, and people are also made up of protons. Protons can move irregularly, not to mention people's thoughts. My thoughts have changed now. You can have any wrong thoughts about me!"Ink four years finish saying, the ear tip is a little red.

White Jin se some words difficult to finish of looking at him, the facial expression is complicated, this can be regarded as the peak of nonsense!

She thought, ha ha, I believe your evil!

In order to make excuses for yourself, do you really use other people's proton like this?

White Jin se Mou son Shan Shan, come to your house some pan red, Mo Si Nian this is calculate indirect admit, he has a little idea to oneself Bai.

Otherwise, how could he suddenly change his mind.

It seems that her previous self indulgence is not all her self righteousness.

Think of here, her expression is a little arrogant, shriveled mouth looked at the ink four years: "I am an art student, physics is not good, you can not deceive me!"

Perhaps realizing that Mo Sinian doesn't have no feelings for himself, Bai Jinse inadvertently reveals the girl's naivety.

The atmosphere was a little delicate for a moment.

Ink four years hook hook lips: "nothing, I'm good at physics, absolutely don't cheat you!"

White Jin se red face looked at ink four years one eye, some shy pursed pursed lips, eyes some wandering twinkle.

She and Mo Si years ago, seem to have something completely different!

She blinked and bit her lip: "Mo Si Nian You won't like me

Mo Si Nian's face was stiff, almost subconsciously stiff, and his tone was a little nervous and flustered: "how can it be!"

The smile on Bai Jinse's face froze, and his delicate little face immediately drooped down. Did he have no feelings for himself? Or because he asked, too not reserved, he would be so fierce retort!

Ink four years see white Jin se instant face changed, immediately some regret.

He remembered what Yin Ruolan had said at dinner before. If you want a woman to like you, it's necessary to express her love. No matter which way you express it, I love you. You must say it to her face to face and let her know exactly what you mean.

When Mo Sinian thought of this, he didn't know whether it was reasonable or not.

He tried to make a mental contribution to himself, but he just said that he couldn't like Bai Jinse. He has always been conceited. Now he says what he says is not a slap in the face. What he said is even more unspeakable now.

He looked at Bai Jinse, deliberately straight face, to hide his inner embarrassment.

As a result, Bai Jinse just looked at him, and their eyes met in the air. Bai Jinse also turned cold and dodged his eyes.

Looking at Bai Jinse's reaction, Mo Sinian's heart was slightly depressed. He was annoyed that he was too nervous just now and blurted out his negation.

Today, he was stimulated by Chusheng. He thought that he would be able to pick up with Bai Jinse.

However, at this juncture, he didn't say it.

Mo Si Nian sighed helplessly and rubbed his eyebrows, intending to explain his blind date first.

As a result, as soon as he was about to speak, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

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