Chusheng blocks baijinse more tightly. He looks at the ink four years with disdain and snorts.

Bai Jinse lowered her head and stood behind Chusheng. She didn't know what she was thinking.

In the eyes of Mo Si Nian, this picture suddenly turns into the meaning that Bai Jinse regards Chusheng as a haven.

His face was unsightly and composed, and his chest heaved slightly.

At this time, someone pushed to the door of the room.

The person in charge of the hotel looked at the crowd with regret, but there was no doubt in his voice: "now the scene can't go in, we have called the police, the police don't allow the scene to be damaged, we should do our duty as citizens, don't make any trouble!"

When they heard this, they knew that the police would come later, but they just looked around curiously.

Just now when people were crowded, someone bumped into Bai Jinse.

Chusheng directly stretched out his hands and protected Bai Jinse in front of him and the wall.

This kind of behavior is obviously ambiguous.

But white Jin se is stuffy, low head, seem to have been thinking about things, also didn't notice Chu Sheng's action.

Mo Sinian was angry when he saw this scene. He went directly to Chu Sheng and held Bai Jinse's shoulder. His voice was gnashing his teeth: "Bai Jinse, you come with me, I have something to say to you!"

Chusheng was suddenly pulled apart by Mo Sinian, and he was angry. He grabbed Mo Sinian's wrist holding Bai Jinse's shoulder and said, "you release him for me!"

Mo Si Nian calmly looked at Chu Sheng: "Chu Sheng, I've endured you for a long time!"

Chusheng sneered and said: "is that right? That's just right. I've put up with you for a long time, too! "

The two men were at each other's throats when they didn't agree. They looked like they were going to fight. They were still at the scene of a homicide.

"Don't do that!" said Bai Jinse

"Don't do that!"

Mo Sinian and Chu Sheng opened their mouths at the same time, but one of them was very angry, and the other was smiling, as if they were not afraid.

Bai Jinse frowned: "Chusheng, wait here. I'll tell Mo Zong something first!"

Chusheng heard Bai Jinse's words, his face became not very good, but even so, he did not refute Bai Jinse.

Besides her mother, Bai Jinse is the first one who dares to come forward to save him in dangerous situations. She is different from other women. Chusheng respects her.

He looked at Mo Si Nian and snorted coldly: "remember, I'm looking at Jin SE's face! I don't want to worry about you! "

As a result, Mo Sinian didn't even give him a look. He directly took Bai Jinse's arm, pushed away the crowd and went to the other side of the corridor where there was no one.

Bai Jinse lowered his voice: "what are you going to say? In this situation, I will definitely cooperate with the investigation later. We can't leave!"

Ink four years calm face, straight looking at white Jin se, tone some sour: "you and Chu Sheng in the end what relationship?"

Bai Jinse was a little puzzled: "it's just friendship!"

"Friends, he's protecting you so much!" The attitude of Mo Si Nian was a little aggressive.

After he finished, he saw that Bai Jinse's face was a little ugly, and immediately realized that he said so, Bai Jinse was angry.

His face changed again and again: "I didn't mean that. I just hope you stay away from Chu Sheng!"

Bai Jinse looks at Mo Sinian with a complicated look.

His reaction seemed to be jealous. However, when she thought of his being in the room before, she asked him if he liked himself. His direct and quick reaction made her a little uncertain.

Thinking of this, she said coldly: "Mr. Mo, as a member of the opposite sex, of course I will keep a distance from Chusheng. However, he is my friend, and I can't ignore others because of your childish words. What's more, you are asking me to do so in an evil capacity?"

Ink four years seem to be asked, his body stiff, handsome face black like the bottom of the pot.

At this time, suddenly someone called: "the police are coming!"

Bai Jinse took a light look at Mo Si Nian, and his attitude seemed to be gentle: "Mr. Mo, don't be in a bad mood. Let's solve the current situation first!"

Hear white Jin se with soft attitude, cold call him Mo always, Mo Si year is really angry her appearance, but take her helpless.

Looking at white Jin se toward several police officers to walk, his Mou son sink sink sink, also stride over.

No matter the police, there's a senior forensic.

The other party entered the scene of the crime and began to do the autopsy. Everyone was waiting for the conclusion.

not long after, the forensic doctor came out and looked at the odd Zhang Jingguan: "it was initially determined that there was a volatile nerve disinfectant. I checked it in my room. I guess there are two possibilities. One is that the perfume carried by the deceased is a problem. It directly sprays the poison on the body and causes death. Volatilization, the body ingested by the dead through breathing, eventually leading to death. I've sent these two things for examination. In two hours, there should be results! "Hearing from the forensic doctor that the mosquito repellent liquid, Bai Jinse's pupils shrink, she immediately thought of Shang Yunxi's plan.

Think of before Mo Sinian said, the other party may be aimed at her, and, Ling Ruoyan also died in her room, she has 80% sure, the other party is most likely the person behind shangyunxi.

She hesitated to say it.

When Mo Sinian saw her face change, he shook her hand and said in a low voice: "don't be afraid, you will find out the truth!"

The police started the investigation, and he also sent someone to investigate. He not only asked Zhao Yan to absorb part of the composition of electric mosquito repellent liquid before blocking the scene, but also arranged for someone to investigate the trace of shangyunxi after going abroad.

Shang Yunxi was so shameless that she gave Ling Ruoyan some advice. Now, it really happened. Even if Shang Yunxi didn't do it, she should know something.

Ling Ruoyan was afraid that he would die on Shang Yunxi's poison plan.

At that end, officer Zhang told the forensic doctor about the general process of the case with the person in charge of the hotel. Then he turned and looked at the people, his eyes penetrating the heart of the people: "who is Bai Jinse?"

White Jin SE's face is a little pale, she calmly walked forward a step: "it's me!"

Officer Zhang stares at Bai Jinse sharply: "is this your room?"

Bai Jinse nodded: "yes, it's my room!"

Officer Zhang continued: "before the accident of the dead, you were in Liu Xinping's room for a period of time. However, after you left Liu Xinping's room, where did you go? Is there a relevant alibi? "

Liu Xinping is Shang Yunxi's assistant Xiao Liu. She has just been asked by the landscape, and her whole body is still shaking with tears.

Bai Jinse was about to speak. As a result, Mo Sinian took a gloomy step forward and directly blocked Bai Jinse behind him. He said in a deep voice: "she was with me at that time!"

Officer Zhang saw that he didn't ask a question and came up to answer it. He couldn't help frowning.

He looked Stern: "the whole case is due to the ambiguity between you and Bai Jinse. Your testimony needs to be considered!"

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