Ink four years to see her eyes full of tears, the heart slightly a draw, heartache.

He stretched out a good hand and rubbed Bai Jinse's hair: "look, it scares you. It's just a skin injury! It doesn't hurt! "

Bai Jinse's voice was urgent, angry, worried and sad: "the wound is like this, or skin trauma, ink four years, you don't want to die?"

How can it not hurt! She's not a fool!

Mo Si Nian deeply gazed at Bai Jin se, with an unprecedented seriousness: "as long as you're OK, this injury is really nothing!"

Mo Si Nian completely ignored the injured hand, as if the wound was not on him.

The white Jin se tears don't fight spirit of fall down, she immediately turned a head, stretched out a hand to wipe.

Chusheng stood aside and saw Bai Jinse's tears fall down, with a gloomy look.

He directly stepped forward, subconsciously pushed Bai Jinse to the side and looked at the wound of Mo Si Nian: "Jinse, don't worry about it. I know he is sorry because of your injury, but his wound still needs to be well bandaged!"

Chusheng said, the hotel's personnel in charge, has come with the hotel doctor.

Because the hotel is on the mountain, and there are many villas and private houses around it, the Qin family specially arranged a private doctor to visit on the mountain.

This meeting is really in response to the urgency of Mo Si Nian.

Bai Jinse stares at Mo Sinian, and her eyes never move away. She and Chu Sheng make way for the doctor to stop the bleeding and take a needle to sew the wound.

In the process of dealing with the wound, Mo Sinian never said a word. He didn't even say a word, but his face became pale with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Bai Jinse is very distressed. She knows that Mo Sinian must be forced to bear it. This kind of wound runs across the palm of her hand. How can it not hurt!

The doctor was very quick and took care of the wound.

As soon as officer Zhang controlled the skinny waiter, he received a message from the forensic department that Ling Ruoyan died of inhaling the lethal nerve agent VX.

But most people can't get this kind of thing. It's said that it's military.

This makes officer Zhang's look more gloomy. However, seeing the appearance of the waiter trying to kill someone just now, he has determined that this matter may have something to do with this person.

He arranged for someone to investigate the other party's identity and background, and then looked at Mo Sinian: "Mr. Mo, do you want to go to the hospital to have a look at the wound now? As for an Zijian, we'll take him back for examination now. It's estimated that he has something to do with this matter!"

Mo Si Nian's eyes sank and he said: "this matter, I and Bai Jinse are both victims. I think we have the right to know why he did it. We will go back with you!"

Officer Zhang's eyes flashed and shrugged: "OK!"

Finally, with officer Zhang, Mo Sinian, Bai Jinse, Liu Xinping and an Zijian left.

Chusheng wanted to follow him, but Bai Jinse didn't let him go.

Chusheng sees Bai Jinse's resistance, and immediately understands that she doesn't want to get involved in this matter. What's more, she has Mo Si Nian around her.

Because an Zijian is under the control of the police, Mo Sinian must go to the police to find out the relevant information if he wants to know the news of an Zijian's attack on Bai Jinse.

At the police station, Bai Jinse and Mo Sinian are waiting on the sofa outside. Officer Zhang goes to examine an Zijian.

Bai Jinse's eyes have been staring at Mo Si Nian's hand. His eyes are red, like rabbits.

Mo Si Nian's eyes flashed and whispered: "don't worry, it will be fine in a few days!"

Bai Jinse looked up at him and pursed his lips tightly. The pain in his eyes was about to overflow: "but it must be very painful. It's all my fault. I should have been more careful at that time!"

Mo Si Nian sighed. This is the first time that Bai Jin se shows such real emotion to him. However, it makes him feel sad.

For the first time, he would rather she didn't express his emotions so truly.

Because he didn't want to see her so sad at all.

He looked at Bai Jinse and said, "don't blame yourself. If there's a madman on the street chopping people with a knife, I'll go to save people. Do you want to blame those people for not being careful?"

White Jin se sad don't cross a face, quickly rubbed to rub eyes, voice stuffy: "but that's not the same!"

Mo Sinian said helplessly: "in fact, it's all the same. An Zijian is going crazy. No one knows at that time!"

Bai Jinse didn't speak. After a pause, Mo Si said: "now don't think about anything else. Since the other party is aiming at you, officer Zhang will definitely ask you about it later. You can tell him about Shang Yunxi. At that time, I'll speed up the investigation. It's better to find the culprit as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'm really worried Your safety

Bai Jinse pursed her lips and nodded.

After the final examination, Bai Jinse and Mo Si know the truth at the end of the year.

An Zijian has no hope of killing Bai Jinse. He can only tell all the truth.It turned out that this year, an Zijian's father was found to have cancer. For poor families, such a disease simply ruined the peaceful life of the whole family.

Although an Zijian didn't study well and dropped out of school after graduating from junior high school, he was praised by his relatives and neighbors for his filial piety. In order to cure his father's illness, he took part-time jobs and slept less than three hours a day.

It is such a thin looking young man, with his shoulders, trying to carry the crumbling home.

However, the bad news came. After his father's first chemotherapy, he not only failed to control it, but also the tumor spread more and more seriously.

The huge cost of treatment completely crushed the young man.

At this time, someone gave him a chance. As long as he helped to put an electric mosquito repellent incense in a specific room today, he could get a million.

The other Party promised that if he went to that room to discharge mosquito repellent incense, it would be blacked out, so that he would not have to worry too much.

Of course, this million is not so easy to take, it is based on the sacrifice of other people's lives.

The other side said clearly, as long as they confirm that Bai Jinse is dead, the final money will be paid to an Zijian's account.

However, an Zijian never thought that the person who died in the end was not Bai Jinse.

He not only didn't kill Bai Jinse, but also committed homicide. More importantly, he died, the pillar of his family was gone, his father's illness was more hopeless, and his parents were dead.

When he heard that Bai Jinse's friend could resume the surveillance video, he immediately panicked.

At that time, he will be found out to have killed. He has no money to compensate and no lawyer to defend. He will definitely have to pay for his life.

It's not a pity that he died, but what about his parents.

In the process of the police inquiry, he thought about it and finally chose to take risks.

As long as he kills Bai Jinse, even in front of everyone, as long as Bai Jinse dies, the other party will give him the money. At that time, when he dies, his parents still have money to treat him.

That's enough for him!

So, there is the final panic, white Jinse shot of the screen.

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