Bai Linlin choked on him and had nothing to say: "anyway, I won't come out. I want to sign a divorce agreement to come to the ward!"

Zheng Huaichen thought of the words of Mo Si Nian, his eyes flashed and said in a cold voice: "Ward number!"

Bai Linlin said the ward number and hung up directly.

Zheng Huaichen broke off the second button on his collar, which was a new equipment specially prepared for him by Mo Si Nian. He can't come back without success.

Looking at the hospital building, he laughed at himself. Unexpectedly, as a president, he became a spy.

He suddenly some regret, he and white Jin se how to come to this step!

At the beginning, just because of Bai Jinse's strong rejection of himself, he fell in love with Bai Linlin.

But he didn't think of it. Now he's paying for it!

After Zheng Huaichen went upstairs, two bodyguards at the door not only searched him, but also took his mobile phone.

When he came into the ward, Bai Linlin was eating an apple.

Zheng Huaichen directly handed the divorce agreement to Bai Linlin. Bai Linlin turned it over twice and began to frown: "nothing divided me?"

Zheng Huaichen calm face: "what do you want?"

Bai Linlin did not hesitate: "money!"

Zheng Huaichen looked at her sarcastically and sneered: "you are really in line with money!"

Bai Linlin's face changed slightly: "that's not what you said when you were in bed!"

Zheng Huaichen sneered: "don't you know that a man's words in bed can't be trusted?"

Bai Linlin said coldly: "I don't care about this. I'm married to you now. I want to share your property equally. If I can't, I'll fight a lawsuit. I don't believe it. I can't get any money! You don't want to kick me off like this

Zheng Huaichen looked at Bai Linlin's pure white face and showed this insatiable look.

His tone is a little stiff: "it's time to let netizens see your disgusting face. If you want to fight a divorce lawsuit, fight it. Anyway, Haitian jewelry is now heavily in debt and is beset with lawsuits. If you want, I can share half of you!"

Bai Linlin was so stiff that her face suddenly changed: "I'll sign it!"

Zheng Huaichen saw her face changing so fast that she felt sick.

All of a sudden, he felt that he was not only inferior to Mo Si Nian in business ability, but also left behind in terms of looking at people.

How did he get mixed up with Bai Linlin!

Seeing Bai Linlin's signature, Zheng Huaichen thought of Mo Sinian's explanation and said in a cold voice, "don't be too proud. Netizens are just looking at you now. Can you commit suicide again and again? I don't know how you have the face to say those words on the Internet. It's clear that you've tasted the sweetness and cheated me on the design draft of Jinse every time. Now you're pretending to be innocent. What's your face? Bailinlin

Bai Linlin laughed indifferently: "so what! Do they have evidence? "

Zheng Huaichen seemed to know Bai Linlin for the first time: "you are so disgusting to me. This time you can buckle the excrement basin on my head, just because Bai Jinse didn't catch your evidence!"

Bai Linlin sneered with disapproval, reached out and pulled the broken hair in front of her forehead: "they just believe me this time. I'm so pitiful. Even if Bai Jinse wins the lawsuit, it's not that she has a reputation of destroying humanity and ignoring family affection!"

Zheng Huaichen's eyes flashed: "they are in Hengrui group now, but they are protected by ink shop for years!"

Bai Linlin heard this as if she had heard a big joke. She said sarcastically, "so what? Bai Jinse's reputation is rotten. Can he change the netizen's mind if he can do it in the past few years? "

She picked to pick eyebrow, rather proud of rolled a white eye: "the group of silly on the Internet, I now casually say anything, they will believe it! Most people follow suit blindly. Do you understand me

Zheng Huaichen stares at her wrist, suddenly look a change: "your wrist didn't cut?"

Bai Linlin signed a stiff hand, immediately threw the signed divorce agreement to Zheng Huaichen, blocking the wrist: "what are you talking nonsense?"

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