The white Jin SE's facial expression Zheng Zheng: "be? No wonder it's so busy! "

Bai Jinse was a little surprised at Song Jin's coming back, and she had no other feelings.

After all, she has nothing to do with Song Jin, let alone intersection.

Bai Jinse and Yun Yan enter the design department together. The man who is surrounded by the crowd can see Bai Jinse walking in with Yun Yan at a glance.

Song Jin is tall and wears high-heeled shoes, which is taller than most people in the design department.

She passed the others, looked straight at Bai Jinse, and said with a smile, "this is the talented designer I heard abroad, Bai Jinse, right?"

Bai Jinse didn't expect that Song Jin would see her and say her name.

Surprised, she nodded to Song Jin and said, "designer song, Hello, I just heard Yun Yan say that you are coming back to work. Welcome back!"

Song Jin's face couldn't reach the bottom of her eyes with a smile: "is that right? Does white designer really welcome me? "

White Jin se Leng Leng: "of course it's true!"

Song Jin immediately laughed out: "that's really great. I'm a dialogue designer. It's like old times at first sight!"

Song Jin said with a smile. She came over and took Bai Jinse's hand directly. She whispered in a slow voice: "you are worthy of being a talented designer. Look at this finger. It's slim and beautiful. No wonder you can design such a good work. It's beautiful both in hand and in person!"

Bai Jinse was praised by her as somewhat unnatural: "designer song is more powerful than me!"

Song Jin so warm approach, let baijinse some at a loss.

However, as soon as she finished her words, she heard Song Jin's voice change: "Oh, listen to the meaning of white designer, I'm more powerful than you, and I'm not as beautiful as you?"

Bai Jinse's face changed slightly and shook his head: "I don't mean that!"

Song Jin is famous early. Before Bai Jinse, she appreciated her a little. Therefore, she was called little song Jin later, and she didn't have much resistance.

Song Jin hooked the hook lip, took the hand of Bai Jinse, intimately opened his mouth: "I'm joking with you, how can I still be nervous!"

Bai Jinse's eyes flashed: "designer song misunderstood. I'm not nervous. I'm just afraid you misunderstood."

Song Jin smiles, just about to speak, as a result, her eyes suddenly sweep the kiss mark in Bai Jinse's neck.

Her face suddenly side, eyes with deep jealousy.

Seeing that Song Jin lowered her head and stared at her neck, Bai Jinse was a little surprised: "designer song, I What's the problem? "

Song Jin looked up and her face had returned to normal. She shook her head with a smile: "no, it's just that she suddenly thought of something. I really like the white designer. We must have more exchanges when we have the chance in the future!"

Bai Jinse nodded sincerely: "of course, it's my honor to communicate with designer song!"

Song Jin looks at Bai Jinse, can't smile, just want to say something.

As a result, a male voice suddenly rang out: "white designer!"

Bai Jinse looks up and sees Zhao Yan coming in with a breakfast. Then it rings. Mo Sinian asks Zhao Yan to buy breakfast.

She immediately some embarrassed: "Zhao assistant!"

Song Jin is back to Zhao Yan, Zhao Yan did not recognize her.

He took a few steps forward and said, "Miss Bai, this is the breakfast Mr. Mo asked me to buy for you!"

Now, the whole company knows that Bai Jin Se and Mo Si Nian are husband and wife, and Zhao Yan doesn't have too much scruples.

After hearing Zhao Yan's words, people in the design department looked ambiguous and envious.

White Jin se face up to fly red Xia, quickly from Zhao Yan hand took breakfast.

Zhao Yan sent something and planned to leave.

After that, he didn't turn around and turned his back to his woman. Suddenly, he turned around and said, "assistant Zhao, how are you!"

Zhao Yan's face immediately changed: "song Song designer

He said this, subconsciously looked at the white Jin se, see white Jin se seems to have no reaction, this just slightly relaxed.

Song Jin appears so suddenly, Zhao Yan did not expect, he can't help but frown: "Song designer, didn't you go to f country before?"

Song Jin looked at him with a smile: "yes, I went abroad. Unfortunately, I suddenly found that foreign countries are not as good as domestic countries. So, I came back again. How? Is assistant Zhao not welcome? "

Zhao Yan Mou son sank to sink, the face has no facial expression of mouth: "Song designer is big celebrity, what qualifications do I have to welcome not to welcome, if have no what matter, I went upstairs first!"

Song Jin's face was slightly heavy: "assistant Zhao, we are old acquaintances at least. What's the matter? Why don't you talk a little more? "

Zhao Yan's face is not very good-looking. He doesn't want to talk to Song Jin. He's afraid that Bai Jinse will find something unusual. At that time, Mo always has to eat him alive!

He closed his eyes and said with no expression: "let's talk about the past when I have time. I work a lot today, so I won't chat with song designer. Goodbye!"Zhao Yan said, turned and left.

Song Jin's face was calm, and her face was dark. She didn't know what she was thinking.

Bai Jinse can't help frowning. She feels that Song Jin's attitude towards Zhao Yan is a little strange.

However, Bai Jinse didn't think much about it.

After all, Song Jin had been in Hengrui before and did know Zhao Yan.

After Zhao Yan left, everyone went back to you. As for Song Jin, she just returned home today and didn't stay in the company much. She just said that she would come to work tomorrow.

Not long after Song Jin left, Yun Yan came to Bai Jinse and said in a low voice, "the company is going to hold a welcome party for Song Jin in the evening. Are you going?"

Bai Jinse's eyes flashed: "since we all work in the design department in the future, if we don't look up and look down, we will go!"

Yunyan can't help frowning and murmuring: "Jinse, I don't know if it's my illusion. How do I feel? When Song Jin talks to you, she's a little bit of a smiley!"

Bai Jinse couldn't help laughing: "I'm not familiar with her. She doesn't have to hide a knife in her smile."

Yun Yan shriveled: "maybe she just wants to win the position of first sister in design department with you!"

Bai Jinse couldn't laugh or cry: "what's the first sister of the design department? What are you thinking about? She became famous several years earlier than me. I've only been in the limelight for half a year, so she shouldn't be hard on me!"

Yun Yan pouted: "well, I hope I think too much!"

At the same time, Hengrui top floor president's office.

Zhao Yan solemnly reported to Mo Sinian: "I just went to deliver breakfast to Miss Bai. I met Song Jin!"

Mo Si Nian was still a dual-purpose man, reading the documents and listening to Zhao Yan's report.

As a result, when he heard this, Mo Sinian suddenly raised his head and looked hard to see the extreme: "what did you say?"

Zhao Yan said helplessly: "I saw Song Jin in the design department just now. I went to check it out and found out that she has returned home. Besides, she has gone through the entry procedures in the company behind our back. After all, she used to be an employee of the company, and now she has gone abroad and plated a layer of gold. Now we can't wait for her to come back. What's more, we need to recruit designers, As long as the design director Lin Shen has passed the final approval! "

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