Song Jin is still analyzing the pros and cons with song Yixue: "you think, since the Qin family can't let the divorced Bai Jinse marry her brother-in-law, what are you worried about? On the contrary, it's my side. You have to help me. You know, the original intention of marrying Bai Jinse at that time was just to annoy me!"

"I arranged someone to stare at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau at that time. I knew clearly that the marriage between Si Nian and Bai Jinse was just on the spur of the moment. Si Nian was to annoy me. Bai Jinse seemed to have something to ask for at that time, so they would get the certificate. They would not be happy together. Cousin, if you help me now, I will definitely let my family know about your marriage with wuduange I'll give you my full support. If you help me now, you'll help yourself! "

Song Jin's words just finished, the door was kicked open.

Qin stood at the door with an ugly face for no reason: "Song Jin, you say again, what is the purpose of Mo Sinian's marriage to Bai Jinse?"

He thought that Sinian really liked Jinse, but he didn't expect that he was just angry for a moment, in order to get angry with Song Jin.

Bai Jinse is the moonlight in his heart. How can he tolerate others being trampled on her like this!

Song Yixue's face suddenly changed when she saw that Qin had no reason.

Song Jin some fear of back two steps: "no reason brother, not as you think!"

Qin had no reason to calm his face and took a dim look at Song Yixue. His eyes fell on Song Jin again: "whether it's true or not, you come out with me, I have something to ask you!"

Song Jin pursed her lips, took a look at Song Yixue, and went out with Qin for no reason.

Qin obviously doesn't want song Yixue to hear the conversation between him and Song Jin for no reason, so he goes downstairs directly.

Song Jin is a little afraid of Qin wuduan, because she has known Qin wuduan since she was a child. She clearly knows that Qin wuduan seems like a gentleman, but in fact, she is more ruthless than anyone else.

She looked at Qin wuduan and said in a low voice, "brother wuduan, what can I do for you?"

Qin had no reason to calm his face: "what you just said upstairs is true?"

Song Jin also wants to play silly: "brother gratuitous, what do you say is true or false!"

Qin looked at her coldly for no reason: "Song Jin, don't pretend to be silly to me. I've heard your conversation with song Yixue just now. Now I just ask you, is it just to annoy you that Mo Sinian married Bai Jinse?"

Song Jin pursed her lips, hesitated for two seconds, and immediately made a decision in her heart.

In the marriage between Mo Sinian and Bai Jinse, song Yixue may not want to help her for her own benefit, but Qin Wuyuan is different. Since he likes Bai Jinse, he probably doesn't want Mo Sinian and Bai Jinse together.

Thinking of this, Song Jin's eyes flashed a touch of cunning, and she nodded a little sad: "in fact, I don't want to be like this, but that's the fact. Four years of temperament, you know, overbearing and willful, and extremely conceited. I stood him up in the Civil Affairs Bureau at that time, which can be said to completely challenge his bottom line. It's not strange that he made such a thing in a rage!"

Qin had no reason to be calm: "what an angry man! I didn't expect him to be such a jerk now! Play with other people's feelings

Song Jin saw that Qin wuduan was so angry that she knew that the opportunity was coming. She quickly said: "brother wuduan, to tell you the truth, you can't argue with my cousin. After all, your marriage was decided when you were young, and you didn't object later. After all, for so many years, everyone in Mingcheng knows the marriage relationship between our two families. What do you want It's hard to cancel the engagement! "

Song Jin always pays attention to Qin's unprovoked expression: "moreover, as an insider, you may not understand, but I can see clearly that for so many years, my cousin has been guarding you, and she can't give up on you. Even if Sinian divorced Bai Jinse, according to my cousin's attitude of not giving up on you, your family can't let you marry Bai Jinse!"

Qin has no reason to suddenly look over, sharp cold eyes, see Song Jin heart tremble.

She gritted her teeth and continued: "in this case, you want Bai Jinse, I want four years, why don't we cooperate?"

Qin looked at Song Jin coldly: "you don't say, our family, can't let me marry Bai Jinse!"

Song Jin smiles: "everything is not absolute. As long as Bai Jinse can divorce Si Nian, I will persuade my family to cancel your marriage with my cousin. Even at that time, my cousin doesn't want to give up. It doesn't help without the support of the Song family. On your side, if you cancel the engagement, you will be free. If the family really doesn't want you to marry Bai Jin Se, you can take Bai Jinse to leave Mingcheng. Three or five years later, I don't believe you cooked raw rice. According to Aunt Su Su's kind character, I won't accept you! "

Qin's eyes narrowed: "OK, I'll cooperate with you for the time being!"

Song Jin laughs: "that let Bai Jinse and Si Nian divorce thing, want to spend more gratuitous elder brother to work hard!"

Qin had no reason to look at her one eye, a cold voice ah, directly turned upstairs.

Song Jin shriveled mouth, also did not continue upstairs, directly drove away.

Song Yixue is sitting on the sofa in the living room. She didn't expect that Qin would come back after he left for no reason.

Seeing that Qin pushed the door open for no reason, she looked indifferent as never before: "what else do you come in for?"Qin looked at Song Yixue coldly for no reason: "I think it's better to say something to you face to face!"

Song Yixue already has a premonition in his heart, what he wants to say.

She refused: "I don't want to hear it now!"

However, Qin ignored her words for no reason at all. He said with a cold face: "do you want to hear these words? Song Yixue, since you know that the marriage between Mo Sinian and Bai Jinse was just on the spur of the moment, and Xiaobai was innocent at that time, you should know that I can't let Xiaobai continue to commit to this marriage!"

Song Yixue stands up and stares at Qin with red eyes for no reason: "Xiaobai Xiaobai, you still call others Xiaobai. Do you forget how people humiliated you last time, and they told you not to call her Xiaobai, for fear that your brother misunderstood you, and you haven't learned a lesson?"

Qin had no reason to look stiff: "I didn't know she was in trouble at that time. She must have had to do it when she said that!"

Song Yixue looks at Qin wuduan in disbelief and shakes her head slowly: "Qin wuduan, you are completely blinded by the feelings in your heart. Bai Jinse has a sincere love for Mo Sinian. Where can you see that people are in trouble? For Bai Jinse, the family is now husband and wife. You are just an outsider. Even if you kick me, you will be happy be of no avail! Bai Jinse can't be with you all his life! "

Qin's handsome face sank: "what kind of husband and wife are they? One is angry for a while, the other is forced to be helpless. What is this? I have to let Xiaobai leave for four years. No one can stop me in this matter! "

Song Yixue sneered sarcastically: "if you want others to leave, they may not want to leave. Qin has no reason. In my opinion, your life is full of self pity!"

Qin looked at Song Yixue coldly for no reason: "it has nothing to do with you. Tomorrow, I will go to your house to cancel my engagement. Today, I just want to tell you!"

Song Yixue's eyes widened in shock: "what do you say? Break the engagement? Qin Wuyuan, what are you thinking? Even if they are not husband and wife, even if they are divorced, but you and her A daughter-in-law you once had, do you think it's possible for you? I love you so much, why do you do this to me! "

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