When the crowd gathered around, Lin Shen's eyes crossed the crowd and looked straight at Song Jin.

In fact, he has guessed that Song Jin did it, but he still wants to give Song Jin a chance to admit it.

He said in a deep voice: "is there anyone tampering with this design draft? If so, I hope you can take the initiative to stand up!"

Song Jin heard this, completely frozen.

Even at this moment, she is still constantly comforting herself. It's not her who says something about Lin Shen. In this industry, she is not the only one who secretly changes other people's designs.

What's more, it's too much for her to stand up on such an occasion. She can't do it at all. She can only hope that things are not as bad as she thought.

When Bai Jinse heard Lin Shen's words, her brow had already wrinkled.

I don't know why, she has a bad feeling in her heart, just like her design draft has been tampered with.

Think of here, she subconsciously looked at Song Jin not far away, thought, should not, Song Jin good or bad is also famous outside, there is no need to do this kind of self destruction reputation thing.

Everyone was whispering.

Lin Shen can see that Song Jin's heart won't die until he reaches the Yellow River. If he doesn't say it, Song Jin won't admit it at all!

Think of here, his face directly cold down: "since no one stood up, then I don't have to be polite!"

After that, he looked straight at Song Jin: "Song Jin, can you explain to me why Bai Jinse's design draft signed your name?"

Song Jin froze, her expression stiff to the extreme, embarrassed smile: "director Lin, what are you talking about, I don't understand!"

Lin Shen didn't expect that when it comes to this, Song Jin is still dead.

He could not help shaking his head, Song Jin is really hopeless, actually made such a thing, she does not know, such a thing to do, how serious the consequences?

He calm face, not polite mouth: "you don't know? Let me tell you, the first prize in today's competition is Bai Jinse's design draft. However, your signature is on the design draft. You don't know what's going on. How can others know? "

Song Jin said with a stiff face: "before the comparison, all the design drafts were sealed. Why did director Lin decide that the design draft with my name was painted by Bai Jinse?"

Without hesitation, Lin Shen said directly: "because Mo is always at home and has seen Bai Jinse's design draft, they are husband and wife. I don't need to remind you of this, Song Jin!"

Song Jin suddenly opened her eyes. Her whole body was flustered, and she took a big step back.

She shook her head and said, "no It's not like that. It must be Mo and Bai Jinse who jointly design me. Why don't you think that Mo is always Bai Jinse's husband, and he will definitely favor Bai Jinse. Maybe... "

Song Jin suddenly pointed to Bai Jinse: "maybe Bai Jinse asked Mo to always do this!"

Bai Jinse's tight little face immediately sank down: "designer song, I didn't ask you for an explanation, but you were first bitten by a mad dog!"

Song Jin stares at Bai Jinse angrily: "my mad dog bites people indiscriminately. You ask everyone to judge. Are you relying on Mo Zong to bully others, or am I biting people indiscriminately? We know who painted the design draft! As a famous designer for many years, can I exchange your design draft? My design level has been recognized in international competitions

Song Jin thinks that Lin Shen does not have enough evidence to prove that she replaced Bai Jinse's design draft. Therefore, she has a very strong attitude, and even confuses right and wrong, which makes people think that Bai Jinse is the one who gets in the way and Mo Sinian subconsciously favors her.

Sure enough, as soon as she said this, everyone looked at Bai Jinse dubiously, not completely standing on her side.

Bai Jinse's face is ugly to death. If she hadn't seen her design draft years ago, she would have stolen it and still didn't know.

She said calmly: "since you say so, let's call the police to investigate. I drew my design draft every stroke. I have a clear conscience!"

People immediately look at Song Jin, Song Jin lips, a positive attitude: "then the police check ah!"

Anyway, she knows how to do things in Lin Shen's office. She doesn't think Bai Jinse has any evidence to prove that she does things.

As a result, as soon as her words came out, Bai Jinse pursed her lips and said to Lin Shen, "director Lin, since you want to investigate, keep the design draft. Later, the police will come to check the fingerprints, so as not to let designer song say that I am bullying others!"

White Jin se this words a mouth, Song Jin's facial expression immediately changed!

Fingerprints. She completely forgot about it. There must be her fingerprints in baijinse's design draft.

However, there is no Bai Jinse's fingerprint on her design draft, but the signature of their design draft has been changed. When the time comes, it will be revealed.

Think of here, she immediately forced calm mouth: "director Lin, I think, can't call the police, this kind of thing, in the company's internal investigation is OK, if you call the police, the response is too bad, who dare to come to our Hengrui work in the future!"The people in the design department were dizzy at this meeting. One moment they stood at Bai Jinse, the other felt Song Jin's words were reasonable.

Lin Shen looks at Song Jin without saying a word. Unexpectedly, Song Jin is really immortal.

He was silent for a few seconds, and said: "Song Jin is right. This kind of thing is reported to the police, which has a bad impact on the company. Moreover, the person who changes the design draft may not be punished too seriously. We can deal with it by ourselves in the company!"

As soon as Lin Shen said this, someone immediately muttered that Song Jin knew the overall situation and thought about the company.

Bai Jinse looks at Lin Shen with an ugly face. She's not afraid to expose it. Even if she wants to, Mo Sinian won't agree.

Sure enough, Lin Shen opened his mouth and said, "but before this afternoon, Mo always wants to know the whole story and get a result, so I have to be rude!"

Lin Shen took a deep look at Song Jin and said with a complicated expression: "Song Jin, I have a micro camera in my office. It's facing the desk. Who changed the design draft? When I look at the monitoring, it's clear at a glance!"

Hearing Lin Shen's words, Song Jin's face turned pale instantly. She murmured in disbelief: "impossible!"

She stares big eyes and looks at Lin Shen in disbelief, as if Lin Shen is cheating her.

Lin Shen explained to the public: "originally, I didn't want to install this kind of thing in the office, but before, when Bai Jinse's design draft participated in a competition, it was dropped at the front desk. At that time, I knew that if someone in my office tampered with it in the future, I was afraid I didn't know anything. Sure enough, today, this camera, if it happened But it's coming in handy! "

Lin Shen finished, but he was not looking at Song Jin. He turned to the office.

This meeting, even if is a fool, also guessed how to return a responsibility after all!

There are a few brave, directly follow Lin Shen to the office, want to see the monitoring, what is going on.

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