Jing Xiangdong opens his mouth and looks at Bai Jinse for help: "designer Bai, you don't pay attention to me anymore. Please help me!"

White Jin se sees his brow tight Cu, seem to be really worried.

However, the relationship between Lin Ximing and Jing Xiangdong seems to have improved.

Especially when she and Mo Sinian invited people to dinner, she thought that Yun Yan had a crush on Jing Xiangdong and wanted to make them meet more.

As a result, there was something wrong with Lin Xi at that time. Bai Jinse knew that Lin Xi was not completely indifferent to Jing Xiangdong.

However, since Lin Xi's heart has opened a door to Jing Xiangdong, why does Jing Xiangdong still say that Lin Xi ignores her?

The white brocade se Mou son Shan Shan: "do you do what make Lin Xi angry?"

Hearing this, Jing Xiangdong's face changed: "I..."

Mo Sinian raised his leg and kicked him under the table: "I'm still hesitant. I'm not a man. If you want to say it, you can say it well!"

Jing Xiangdong was kicked a foot, peach blossom eye a lift, direct stare over: "you kick me for what?"

Mo Si Nian didn't think so: "if I don't kick you, you're afraid you can't tell the truth after dinner!"

Jing Xiangdong's face changed, and he sighed a little: "yes, I said it!"

Bai Jinse didn't say a word and looked at him without saying a word.

Jing Xiangdong was a little embarrassed: "in fact, since you invited a group of our friends to dinner with Si Nian, my relationship with Xi Xi has made great progress. As long as I ask her out to play, she will basically promise me twice out of three times. As a result, a few days ago, when I had dinner with Xi Xi Xi, I met an ex!"

Jing Xiangdong said here, some embarrassed: "she is the kind of special love to play, directly sat in my arms, asked me with a smile, and which sister date, I was a little confused, reaction for a few seconds to quickly push people away, at that time the face of sunset is not right, I rushed to send that woman away, a meal, sunset calm face did not speak!"

White Jin se this meeting also calm face don't speak, she thought of that scene, feel, oneself boudoir friend seem to be bullied the same.

According to Lin Xi's cold temper, this kind of thing, she didn't leave on the spot, even if it was to give Jing Xiangdong face, don't talk is nothing!

When Jing Xiangdong saw Bai Jinse's expression, he beat a drum in his heart.

Mo Sinian looked at him: "what? Dare not continue to say, is it difficult to ask me to help you complete, on this attitude, but also want my wife to help you, how can you dream in broad daylight

Jing xiangdongjun's face was stiff, and he put on a posture of breaking the boat: "I can see that sunset is not happy. A meal is very careful, and I don't dare to make her unhappy..."

White Jin se low astringent Mou son, directly came a: "she already very not happy, you dare not provoke her again, still important!"

Jing Xiangdong swallows a mouthful of saliva and subconsciously asks for help from Mo Si Nian.

Mo Sinian shrugged: "don't look at me, I'm a hen pecked husband. What my wife says is right!"

Jing Xiangdong took a hard look at Mo Si Nian and said to Bai Jinse, "after dinner, I want to send her home, but she didn't refuse, because I went to pick her up that day and she didn't drive! As a result, I had bad luck that day. In the parking lot, I met my ex girlfriend and ex ex girlfriend again. I had planned to avoid them. As a result, they had to pester me. I was stunned by sunset. In a fit of anger, sunset went straight away! "

When Bai Jinse heard this, she looked numb. She felt that she had no appetite for the meal today.

She sneered: "Mr. emotive Jing has so many predecessors, one foot down, you can step on three!"

Bai Jinse can understand Lin Xi very well. Lin Xi has already been moved by Jing Xiangdong. As a result, when he was chasing people, he suddenly came out with three predecessors.

If we can meet three predecessors in one place, we can see how many of them are worthy of the name of sea king.

Even if Lin Xi knew that Jing Xiangdong was famous, he could comfort himself that he didn't mind. However, it was totally different from the feeling of meeting his predecessor.

Jing Xiangdong's expression was the same as that of crying: "white designer, don't say that. I really can't help it. Just look at it for four years. Help me once!"

Bai Jinse's tone mocked: "help you, how can I help you? Can't you see that Lin Xi is jealous after you've been crossing the sea of flowers for so many years? If you can't even see it, you don't have to mix, let alone let me help you!"

Jing Xiangdong knew before that Lin Xi didn't refuse to date him. He should have feelings for himself.

That day, she was so angry that Jing Xiangdong had mixed feelings. Knowing that she might be jealous, he was secretly happy at that time.

After all, the person who likes him also likes himself and is jealous of his predecessor. His efforts can be regarded as the result!

But the next day, he was not happy.

Jing Xiangdong sighed helplessly: "white designer, I naturally know that sunset is jealous, but I can't find her now. The next day, she directly hacked all my contact information, and even the residence can't find anyone!"Bai Jinse takes a look at Jing Xiangdong, wondering whether to help him or not.

In fact, Bai Jinse knows that Lin Xi does not fully believe in Jing Xiangdong. Therefore, Jing Xiangdong only knows one of Lin Xi's residences.

Lin Xi is not an ordinary girl. She is not short of money. When she was in University, she made a lot of money by using her own ability. She is one of the richest people in Mingcheng.

Jingxiangdong didn't know that there were several houses in Mingcheng alone.

When Bai Jinse had an accident, she wanted to ask Lin Xi for help.

However, she finally thought that Bai Zhengming threatened her with her uncle's family and asked her to marry Jin chenxuan. In fact, she could borrow money from Lin Xi to solve the difficulties of her uncle's family.

However, Lin Xi can help her solve it once, but not the second time.

As long as she does not get married, Bai Zhengming will not give up.

She couldn't ask Lin Xi to help her every time, so she finally found Mo Sinian to get the license, once and for all, and found a backing for herself.

Now, Lin Xi was so angry that he probably went to live in another place.

However, Lin Xi is not the kind of person who moves easily. After all, there are too many computer equipment in her room, so it's very troublesome to move.

But this time she is moving, even without notice, it can be seen that Jing Xiangdong really annoyed her this time.

Bai Jinse pondered for a moment and looked up at Jing Xiangdong: "you have such a good relationship with your ex girlfriend?"

If the relationship is not good, the former will not sit in front of Lin Xi in jingxiangdong's arms.

Jing Xiangdong's expression was a little embarrassed. Now he really regretted that he had done so badly before.

He wiped his face helplessly: "it's not a good relationship, it's just I used to play hard, looking for girlfriends, but also do not go back to harm other people's serious girls, looking for the kind of women who can play, do not entangle after breaking up, can be friends, you understand? White designer

White Jin se face has no facial expression of gave him two words: "don't understand!"

Mo Si Nian couldn't help but clench his hand and cough at the tip of his nose.

Jing choked to the East for a moment and continued helplessly: "so, they thought I was the same as before! He met with me and talked and laughed. Lin Xi saw it! "

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