When Bai Linlin thought of Bai Jinse growing up in the Bai family, she was depressed to death: "don't mention it, she is a wolf. We have raised her for so many years. Even if she was born or not, she shouldn't treat our family like that. When she let Mo Si Nian suppress our family, she didn't know what she thought!"

Song Jin heard Bai Linlin make complaints about his eyes, and asked, "if not born, how can your father make her in white house for so many years?"

It's all about Bai Jinse's life experience. Bai Zhengming only told Bai Linlin and Lu Yunhe about it when he started targeting the Bai family in the year of Mo Si.

Bai Linlin pursed her lips and said to Song Jin, "I tell you this. Don't let Mo Sinian know. This is what I told you!"

Song Jin immediately made an action of sealing her mouth with tape: "don't worry, my mouth is very tight, I won't talk nonsense!"

Bai Linlin then said: "listen to my father, Bai Jinse was carried down from the roof of the hospital by her mother. It was still winter, and she almost died of freezing. However, she was very lucky and survived. Bai Jinse's mother kept it from my father. My father thought that Bai Jinse was really his own daughter. Until Bai Jinse's mother died, a letter left to Bai Jinse was written by me When dad saw it, he realized that he had been raising someone else's daughter for so many years! "

Song Jin heard Bai Linlin said these secrets, the heart is not calm.

If she remembers correctly, back then My uncle's daughter was also born in winter.

However, since my uncle has met Bai Jinse, she looks like my aunt Du Yanran. Why didn't my uncle doubt it?

Or is he suspicious and investigating?

But it's not right. My uncle mentioned Bai Jinse's tone to her before, but it doesn't seem to suspect that Bai Jinse is his daughter. There is only the tone of appreciating the younger generation between the lines.

What's going on!

Song Jin feels that there are many clues in her heart, and she needs to sort them out slowly.

In short, to determine whether Bai Jinse and uncle are biological father daughter relationship, just make an identification!

Think of here, Song Jin down heart, first to find out this matter, other wait to see the results.

Bai Linlin saw Song Jin's face overcast and did not speak. She couldn't help saying, "Miss Song, what are you thinking?"

Song Jin immediately returned to her senses and laughed: "it's nothing. I just feel a little shocked. Bai Jinse still has such a life experience. By the way, does Mo Sinian know about Bai Jinse's life experience?"

Bai Linlin nodded: "seems to know, what's the matter?"

Song Jin's hand slightly clenched, some unnatural smile, shaking her head: "nothing, eat it!"


West Chamber moon.

Lin Xi hurried to the place. When she got off the bus, she told Bai Jinse that she had arrived. Bai Jinse sent her the box number.

When she thinks of what happened to Jing Xiangdong and herself, she gets angry when she runs to Bai Jinse for help.

Why did he disappear? Didn't he count in his heart? What do you want to do with Jinse!

Lin Xi absentmindedly thinking about things, to the box there.

As a result, in the corridor, I bumped into someone directly.

Lin Xi quickly said: "sorry!"

When she finished, she planned to leave. As a result, she was suddenly caught by the arm.

A girl with short hair pulled her and said to the beauty with long hair and big waves: "Zhihui, is this the one that day Just follow the little bitches around Xiangdong? "

The beauty called Zhihui's pupil slightly shrunk and her face directly sank down: "it's true!"

Yan Xixi said with a smile: "I don't think it's wrong to recognize people. I just watched her get familiar with her. As a result, I hit you and turned around to leave. How could there be such a good thing!"

Listen to these two people you a language I a language of, Lin Xi also recognized.

Both of them are Jing Xiangdong's predecessors. What's wonderful is that they have a good relationship.

That day, after eating in the restaurant, I ran into these two people in the parking lot.

Thinking of this, Lin Xi's face suddenly cooled down and said to Yan Xixi, who was still holding her arm, "loosen up!"

Yan Xixi frowned and his face became ugly: "do you know where this is? If you run wild here and bump into people, you have to solve the problem. With your attitude, who are you talking to? "

Lin Xi's tone was very impolite: "if you don't understand me, I'm talking to the dog!"

Lin Xi said, directly shake off Yan Xi Xi's arm, turned to go.

As a result, as soon as she took a step, she was blocked by Jiang Zhihui.

Jiang Zhihui looked at Lin Xi darkly: "you just bumped into me!"

Lin Xi frowned: "sorry, OK!"

Jiang Zhihui made it clear that she wanted to embarrass Lin Xi and sneered, "what's your apology attitude?"

Lin Xi looked at her coldly: "what do you want?"

Jiang Zhihui reached for her hair and asked, "do you know where this is?"Lin Xi is impatient in the heart, the voice is cold fierce: "your brain has no problem, should know this is a hotel!"

Jiang Zhihui's face suddenly cooled down. She slapped Lin Xi in the face and said, "who are you talking to? Do you know who I am? Dare to come to xixiangyue for dinner, I don't know I'm the young owner here! You dare to scold me here today. I'll let you come in vertically and go out horizontally! "

Lin Xi was unprepared and was slapped by Jiang Zhihui. Her white face turned red with the speed visible to the naked eye.

She covered her face with a frigid look.

Jiang Zhihui saw Lin Xi's cold and angry appearance, but she didn't care.

After all, this is her chassis. She is very upset to think of this woman, whom Jing Xiangdong has been pursuing recently.

Looking east with the prospect is to meet one, love one, and play together. However, why can this woman make him make up his mind to sever the relationship with the previous people!

This is not allowed by Jiang Zhihui, because she has been in love with Jing Xiangdong for many years!

In front of this woman, I heard that she had no background, just a computer player, and I didn't know what Jing Xiangdong saw in her.

Or, he's used to eating big fish and big meat, and now he wants to taste small vegetables!

It's OK to have a taste, but Jiang Zhihui doesn't allow Jing Xiangdong to fall in love with this woman.

A few days ago, when she saw this woman with Yan Xixi, there was Jing Xiangdong beside her. Jiang Zhihui didn't want to mess around!

But today, this is a wonderful opportunity, and in her territory, she will not let it go.

When Lin Xi heard Jiang Zhihui say that she was a young master here, she felt that she was in a bad situation and wanted to leave.

As a result, Yan Xixi directly blocked the other side of the corridor, and attacked Jiang Zhihui back and forth, blocking Lin Xi.

Lin Xi's small face was very tight: "I advise you to get out of the way!"

Jiang Zhihui sneered: "I won't let you! Xixi, stop it for me. I'll call the security guard to come here and tie this woman up to me. Those who dare to rob me will act wildly in my territory. I'll let her know my aunt's surname! "

Jiang Zhihui said, let the manager call security.

She is blocking Linxi, not let.

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