Bai Jinse looked at him askew: "Mo Sinian, do you really want to know them? I think you're just bored. You might as well go to find Jing Xiangdong to play. You don't know them. You're sitting in a daze when you go. It's boring! "

Mo Si Nian frowned: "Bai Jinse, I'm your family member. Am I so incompetent? I don't dare to let you get in front of people! "

Bai Jinse couldn't help laughing and looked at Mo Sinian with his eyes bent: "Mo Sinian, how can you be so funny? The CEO of Hengrui jewelry, the second son of the Qin family and the successor of Mohist school, is the woman who wants to marry you. Hand in hand, she can walk around Mingcheng three times. Who dares to say that you are not good at it! "

Ink four years hook the hook lips: "baby, did not expect, you so understand my background ah!"

He grinned and pinched the soft soft soft on white Jin SE's face: "say, is secretly looking for a person to inquire about me!"

Bai Jinse chuckled and couldn't help reaching out to hit his hand: "don't stink. I heard countless people talk about your background when I didn't know you were the second young master of the Qin family!"

Mo Si Nian said with a smile: "Oh, right? Since I'm so good at it, why don't you take me out for fear of being robbed? "

White Jin se blinked, a pair of suddenly realized appearance: "Oh, you don't say I really almost forget, you look so ostentatious, take out, in case someone abducted how to do?"

Ink four years low smile voice: "turn not to walk of, I just you a person of, so, want to let me accompany you to go?"

Bai Jinse pursed her lips and stopped gagging. She said in a straight way: "in fact, I don't want to take you. I'm afraid you're bored? If you want to listen to a group of girls gossiping, then go, just in time, I'll take you to show off in front of people! "

Ink four years saw one eye white Jin se, Mou son Shan Shan, seem to suddenly realize the same: "baby, you don't let me go, because of other reasons!"

White Jin se blinked an eye, a pair of innocent appearance: "what reason?"

Ink four years pick eyebrow, hit the nail on the head: "because Lin Xi didn't take family members, so, you don't want to take!"

The smile on Bai Jinse's face is slightly astringent: "you are really the roundworm in my stomach. Let's go!"

Mo Sinian started the car: "in this case, I won't go. You can play with Lin Xi! Just in time, I'll go and sit with Jing Xiangdong. "

Bai Jinse nodded with a smile.

It's true that she didn't want to take her family with her because of Lin Xi. Yesterday, when she sent Lin Xi home, she saw how much Lin Xi envied her years with Mo Si.

Lin Xi just makes trouble with Jing Xiangdong like this. She doesn't want to stimulate Lin Xi. If her best friend is alone, then her company is enough!

Moreover, if everyone has family members, she should keep in line with Lin Xi, so that Lin Xi will not feel lonely alone!

At Lin Xi's house, Bai Jinse got out of the car and let Mo Sinian go.

When Lin Xi saw Bai Jinse alone, he was a little surprised: "where's Mr. Mo?"

Bai Jinse shrugged: "let's go!"

Lin Xi was a little surprised: "you don't take your family?"

Bai Jinse said: "with what family members, I don't have my best friend with me?"

Hearing Bai Jinse's words, Lin Xi was stunned and her eyes were red: "Jinse, in fact, you don't have to do it for me..."

White Jin se interrupts her words: "silly girl, who for you, Mo Si Nian still has business to be busy, you hurry up and go!"

Lin Xi rubbed his eyes and nodded: "Oh, you wait!"

Lin Xi changed a suit of clothes and they set out.

The place to eat is set by blue smoke, specially set in the moon Pavilion.

As soon as Bai Jinse and Lin Xi arrived at the door of the box, they heard the bustling chat inside.

Bai Jinse was about to push the door in when he heard someone ask, "why hasn't Bai Jinse come yet?"

White Jin se Leng Leng, push the hand of the door to take back.

Blue smoke heard this, meaningful said: "she ah, disappeared after graduation, who knows what she is doing! Maybe it's because I can't get along well. I dare not come here! "

As a result, after hearing this, some students said, "Lan Yan, I'm afraid you don't understand the situation. Bai Jinse is now a designer in Hengrui jewelry. I heard that he has mixed well and won several awards!"

Blue smoke eyes flashed a touch of gloom: "what is it to be a designer in Hengrui jewelry? Our Anchen company often has business relations with Hengrui jewelry!"

Hearing this, the students immediately complimented: "that's, your object is to open a company, but it makes a lot of money, we are working for others, naturally there is no way to compare!"

Others said: "I heard that Hengrui jewelry does not recruit designers who are too young. Bai Jinse has only graduated for two years. Who knows how she got in?"

Hearing this, a few students laughed tacitly.

Bai Jinse's eyes flashed. Unexpectedly, these students said that behind her back. It's really interesting!

Bai Jinse doesn't pay attention to this kind of clown's behavior, but Lin Xi can't tolerate others to chew their tongue behind his back.She coldly face, a push open the door: "Jinse how to enter Hengrui jewelry, you are more than she knows it!"

This group of students said behind their back that they were found, and they were a little embarrassed.

LAN Yan came forward with a smile and said, "Oh, Lin Xi, you misunderstood me. I mentioned why Jinse hasn't come yet. We're all joking. Don't think much about Jinse. We are roommates. Can I not face you?"

Lin Xi cold hum a, pull white Jin se to sit at one side.

Blue smoke Mou son Shan Shan Shan, pounded the song fruit that sits beside.

Song Guoguo said with a smile: "Jinse, Linxi, we haven't seen each other for more than two years. You two have changed a lot!"

Before Song Guoguo was in the box, he was very quiet and didn't speak. Lin Xi and Bai Jinse would not lose their temper even if they were uncomfortable.

Lin Xi took a look at Song Guoguo: "you have changed a lot too!"

Seeing that Lin Xi's attitude was better, LAN Yan introduced with a smile: "this is my boyfriend, an Chen! In the future, he plans to develop in Mingcheng. If you have anything to do, you can always ask us for help! "

Bai Jinse looks at an Chen with a smile, and doesn't speak.

Other students are laughing and echoing, in the future to touch the light of blue smoke and so on.

Because before dinner, they discussed Bai Jinse, but they were heard by Lin Xi and Bai Jinse. They were embarrassed and paid attention to their words.

After dinner, Bai Jinse and Lin Xi planned to leave.

As a result, blue smoke pulled them: "you don't go, my boyfriends take you to Junmo club to have a long experience. You two should have never been to Junmo club. Let's play together. It's said that Junmo club in Mingcheng has strict membership level, and ordinary people can't get in at all!"

White Jin se hears this words, complexion of looking at blue smoke: "I have been to Jun Mo with Lin Xi!"

When LAN Yan heard this, he was stunned for two seconds, and immediately laughed a little mockery: "Jinse, you can't talk about the club in the corner. I'm sure ordinary people can't go. Just follow me to have a look! My boyfriend managed to get the membership

White Jin se is about to refuse, suddenly listen to Lin Xi said: "Jin se, since blue smoke gracious invitation, then we go!"

Blue smoke says with a smile: "still Lin Xi gives face!"

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