Cloud Yan see white Jin se froze, a little worried: "Jin se, are you ok?"

At this time, the man heard the voice and looked this way.

Waiting for his eyes to white Jin SE's line of sight, see that familiar face, the whole person immediately froze.

White Jin se rubs to stand up from the position, her chest heaves violently, tentatively called out: "director Lin?"

Lin Shen pulled the corner of his mouth helplessly, and a bitter smile rose on his face: "Jinse!"

He had been on a business trip before and didn't know that Bai Jinse had come to Hengrui jewelry. Now when he saw her in Hengrui design department, his mood was extremely complicated.

After hiding for three years, I didn't expect that I was finally seen by an acquaintance.

Bai Jinse looks at Lin Shen in front of him. He has countless questions in his heart. He doesn't know how to open his mouth.

Why did he change his surname?

Why did you lose contact with everyone in the past three years?

Does he know that Lin Xi has been looking for him?

Lin Shen saw the change of Bai Jinse's expression. He had already guessed that she was full of doubts. He said, "Bai Jinse, come to my office!"

People in the design department only saw them calling each other's names. They didn't understand the strange atmosphere between them. What was the matter!

"How strange is it between director Lin and Bai Jinse? Do they know each other?"

"I don't think so! It's not that Bai Jinse doesn't know the name of director Lin. when she heard it yesterday, she didn't have any reaction! "

"Also, her expression at that time was not the look of an acquaintance at all. It is estimated that she was in the airborne design department and did not pass the interview with director Lin. director Lin wanted to find out!"


Bai Jinse followed Lin Shen into his office. Looking at the man behind the desk, she called respectfully: "senior!"

Lin Shen took a look at her and said with a smile: "Xuemei!"

After a pause, he said, "sit down. What do you want to ask Just ask

After all, if he wants to work with Bai Jinse in the future, he can't avoid some things.

Bai Jinse nodded and looked at him: "elder, aren't you Yunshen? Why have you become Lin Shen? No wonder Lin Xi and I haven't been able to find you for three years! "

Lin Shen was a little surprised. He laughed at himself: "it's the family's decision to change their family name, but Why are you looking for me? "

Bai Jinse looks complicated and stares at Lin Shen. Thinking of Lin Xi's sad collapse last night, she says helplessly: "you forget that you still have the grace to save Lin Xi's life. The benefactor suddenly disappeared. Can she not be worried?"

Lin Shen doesn't know that Lin Xi likes him, and Bai Jinse doesn't dare to rush through it.

When Lin Shen heard Lin Xi's name, a smile flashed across his eyes: "I think she's usually cold-blooded. I thought she wouldn't care about this. I'm sorry!"

Bai Jinse didn't know what to say: "you should tell her that she was really worried about you in the past three years, but why did you suddenly lose contact when you graduated from university?"

Lin Shen was stunned. He was silent for a moment before he said, "something happened at home. I went to other places and only came back in the past two years!"

Bai Jinse can see that Lin Shen doesn't want to talk about losing contact for three years. She purses her lips: "anyway, it's a good thing to see a senior now!"

Lin Shen said with a smile: "I heard that there is a new designer in the design department, who was appointed by Mr. mo. I also said, it's you, Jinse. I look very good at you. Your design talent is the best one I've ever met!"

Bai Jinse joked with a smile: "I don't believe it. Designer Song Jin is much better than me!"

Lin Shen was stunned and shook his head slightly, with a serious look: "her current design achievements may be much higher than you, but her talent is really not as good as you!"

Bai Jinse was a little surprised, and then he quickly shook his head with a smile: "you just tease me. Don't say it when you go out, otherwise, Feng Xiaoxi will die of acid!"

Lin Shen said with a smile: "I know that she has always regarded Song Jin as an idol, but you are not bad. As long as you work hard, you will go further than Song Jin!"

Bai Jinse wanted to make fun of her. As a result, when she saw that Lin Shen was serious, she suddenly couldn't say it.

Just at this time, someone knocked on the door: "director Lin, designer Bai, Mr. Mo, all the designers in the design department are going to have a meeting with you!"

Lin Shen stood up: "let's go to the meeting!"

Bai Jinse didn't have time to tell Lin Xi the good news, so he went to the top floor meeting room with Lin Shen.

When Mo Si Nian entered the conference room, she was still thinking about the content of today's meeting, and whether it would make her think more about how to protect Bai Jinse's participation in the century jewelry competition.

As a result, as soon as he entered the meeting room, he saw Lin Shen and Bai Jinse together.

They bowed their heads and talked and laughed with an almost intimate manner. They didn't know what good things they had said. Bai Jinse seemed to have hidden stars in her smiling eyes.

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