Mo Sinian looks at Bai Jinse's brow locked. He can't help stretching out his hand and smoothing her brow: "don't think about it. It has nothing to do with us. Jing Xiangdong will handle it. You don't have to worry about it!"

White Jin se listens to him to say so, can only sigh again, silent of leaning against sofa, silent.

Mo Sinian couldn't help holding out his hand and holding the man in his arms: "you little head, what do you want to do all day long? There must be a way for the car to get to the front of the mountain. These are not the things you should worry about. What you have to do now is to enter the international competition!"

Hearing this, Bai Jinse's eyes brightened: "now I Is that ok? "

Ink shop young smile, kiss her: "of course, my baby is the most powerful, self-confidence, the company has been building momentum for you, as long as you draw design draft, more experience, this is enough!"

Bai Jinse said a few words to Mo Sinian, and his mood improved a lot.


Yunde hospital.

Jing Xiangdong came out of the elevator with a gloomy look. His whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

He walked quickly towards the ward, but his pace slowed down as he was about to reach the door of the ward.

His hands on both sides of him could not help clenching into fists, and there was a little bit of uneasiness on his face.

Finally, he walked firmly to the door of the ward.

But, at the door of the ward, he was stunned.

He saw that Lin Xi was sitting on the side of the bed with a gentle look and talking to Lin Shen.

Lin Xi is a cold person on weekdays. The expression on his face is unprecedented and gentle.

Jing Xiangdong's heart is sour.

Jing Xiangdong has heard Mo Sinian about Lin Shen's waking up for a long time, but now he's sure that Lin Shen won't worry about his life again, so he dares to appear here. He really cares about Lin Xi's feelings.

Jing Xiangdong hesitated to knock on the door, and heard the voice of the nurse behind him: "this gentleman, are you here to see a doctor? Why don't you stand at the door and go in? "

Hearing this, Lin Xi in the ward suddenly raised her head and saw the east facing face on the small window at the door.

It's too late for Jing Xiangdong to escape.

He opened the door and looked at Lin Xi uneasily. Finally, he looked at Lin Shen with some guilt and said in a difficult voice: "Lin Shen Are you all right now? "

Lin Shen was lying on the bed, legs and arms in plaster, face wrapped in gauze.

He laughed weakly: "OK, I can't die!"

When Jing Xiangdong heard this, his eyes flashed and he felt bitter.

Lin Xi looked at him coldly: "what are you doing here?"

Jing Xiangdong looks at her eyebrows and eyes in fear: "sunset..."

Lin Xi is still cold, waiting for him.

Jing Xiangdong sighed helplessly: "I want to see Lin Shen, by the way A few words to you

Hearing this, Lin Xi stood up and said to the nurse, "please help Lin Shen change the liquid bottle. I'll go out for a while first."

The little nurse couldn't see the strange atmosphere between the three people clearly, so she nodded and began to do her thing.

Lin Xi walked out with no expression on his face. Jing took a look at Lin Shen to the East and immediately turned to follow him out.

At the end of the corridor, Lin Xi stopped and turned to look East: "what's the matter with you? Lin Shen is just better now. He should not be stimulated! "

Jing Xiangdong heard this, his heart more bitter, he nodded: "I know, I just came to see him, did not want to stimulate him!"

Lin Xi frowned slightly: "now that you've finished reading, do you have anything else to do?"

Jing Xiangdong's heart has never been so bitter and flustered. He feels that Lin Xi seems to have gone away from him unconsciously.

He didn't control his mood for a moment and said, "do you know what Bai Jinse called you to do that night?"

Lin Xi's small face, instantly cold seeping: "Jing Xiangdong, what are you going to do?"

Jing Xiangdong was helpless and flustered: "I know that I can't get away from Lin Shen's accident this time. I'm sorry for him, but I still want you to know that I I wanted to tell you that day

When Lin Xi heard this, he was a little dazed with anger.

Jing Xiangdong quickly continued: "I prepared a lot of roses that night, ordered advertisements on the large screen of the square and your bodyguards, and I also prepared fireworks. I..."

Lin Xi closed his eyes and interrupted him: "enough. What's the point of saying this now?"

Jing Xiangdong's eyes suddenly Red: "sunset, I want to tell you, Lin Shen's thing, I didn't mean to, can you give me another chance, I really like you, I really like you, I've never been so careful like a person, can you promise me, with me, give me a chance, I will double for you!"

Lin Xi bit her lips hard and opened her eyes for a long time. Her eyes were moist: "Jing Xiangdong, it's late! You have too many predecessors. I really can't afford such a thing any more. Besides, we don't like each other much. That's it! "Lin Xi said, directly turned to the ward, decisively determined, back unfeeling to the extreme!

Jing Xiangdong's tears fell from his eyes in an instant: "sunset, I don't like it much, but I like it very much. I really like you very much. I like you so much that I can lose myself!"

Unfortunately, Lin Xitou did not return.

In the past, Jing Xiangdong was free and lingering in the flowers. He never thought that one day, he would be so distressed because of a woman.

A person's heart, how can ache to this point? It's like broken, the whole person is not his own!

Jing Xiangdong bent down in pain, holding his head hard, desperate as if he had lost another companion.

However, the person he likes is still there!

Why is it like this


At noon, Qin wuduan received a call from Song Yixue: "wuduan, let's come out and have a chat!"

Qin has no reason to think that last night, song Yixue heard song Cheng recovered her daughter after the disorder, nodded: "OK, you send me the location, I'll come back later!"

When Qin wuduan arrived at the West Chamber moon, song Yixue was sitting in a daze in the box.

Qin sat down for no reason, ordered and looked at her: "are you ok?"

After all, I have known song Yixue for many years. Qin can't ignore her for no reason.

Song Yixue heard this and looked at him in a daze: "do you still care about me?"

Qin frowned without reason: "if you look at all problems with a normal attitude, I will treat you as a friend!"

Song Yixue laughed sarcastically: "what about marriage? It's been many years since our engagement

Qin Wu reason hears this, facial expression is stiff come down: "sorry, the affair of marriage, forgive me to have no way to promise you!"

Song Yixue looks more sarcastic: "even if Bai Jinse has become your sister-in-law now, do you still like her?"

Qin frowned without reason: "you think too much, I have decided to put down all the previous feelings and start over again!"

Song Yixue's eyes are moist: "since you have decided to put her down, why can't you accept me?"

Qin has a serious and stubborn attitude: "because I don't like you!"

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