Speaking of this, Qin Wuyuan looked a little sad: "however, I didn't expect that after returning home, she still had a boyfriend. I didn't know who her boyfriend was before. When I finally knew it, it was too late, because she had already married Si Nian, and she called Si Nian her boyfriend. Si Nian didn't know. I knew her for several years!"

"When we all know everything, we can't go back for a long time. I don't know my feelings for her for four years. Therefore, we can't blame four years, not Jinse, but heaven's will. Now I've slowly put Bai Jinse down. Mom, don't embarrass her. I can see that four years like her very much. I hope they can be happy!"

Mo Su Su sneered: "even if what you said is reasonable and justified, I can't tolerate a woman who has hurt my son's heart and wanders under his eyes all day long!"

Qin had no reason but to close his eyes: "do you want to waste four years of happiness?"

Mo Su Su was silent when she heard this.

After a long time, she said: "for no reason, do you know why I don't like you? What's the connection with the people you like

Qin Wu reason this meeting mood still some ups and downs: "why?"

Mo Su Su looks like recalling: "because when I was young, my best friend and I fell in love with the same person!"

Qin Wuyuan looks unbelievable. He can't imagine that his parents love him so much

Know son Mo ruo mother, Mo Su Su Su looked at Qin Wu reason, know what he is thinking.

She said in a cold voice: "stop, don't give me any thoughts. At the beginning, aunt Du Yanran and I were friends from childhood to adulthood. Our relationship was no less than that of our sisters! As a result, when we first fell in love, we both fell in love with your father! "

Qin was shocked for no reason. He really didn't think that there would be such a problem.

Mo Su Su continued to recall: "unfortunately, what your father likes is me. Yan Ran quit on her own initiative. I can see that she is very sad. However, I didn't expect that she was so sad. She couldn't get out of this relationship for several years. In addition, there was a sudden change in her family at that time. She even suffered from depression once and almost committed suicide!"

"I really regretted it at that time, thinking that maybe she and I should not know your father! However, at that time, I had already married your father. With you, I didn't expect Yanran to have such a heavy heart knot. We are best friends and often meet each other. As a result, she will often see your father. After I was born four years ago, she didn't even come out of that single love! "

Mo Su Su sighed: "you don't know, aunt Du, she's so kind-hearted and disgusting. She doesn't want to destroy my marriage. She has to endure everything. I'm afraid I'll be sad. Later, when she almost committed suicide, I knew how much influence these things had on her. I didn't dare to see her for a time."

"It's not until you meet Songcheng, who is young and promising, handsome and romantic, and walks into her heart step by step to rescue her from that period of unrequited love that you dare to take out the previous things and say that I really love her at that time. At that time, I know that the closer the relationship is, the easier it is to hurt people. So, you two want to talk to each other I won't allow sister song Jiatang to get married

For no reason, Qin suddenly realized why her mother had always opposed Song Jin's being with Si Nian. It turned out that this was her mother's heart knot.

Now, their brothers like one person, and their mother is even more afraid of them, just like aunt Du.

Mo Su Su didn't see her son's reaction. She was still very sad when she mentioned what happened in those years: "aunt Du later married song Cheng. I thought that our best friend would be so happy. When she was pregnant with a child, we agreed that if she was a girl, we would let her have a baby kiss with her age-matched four years old. If she was a boy, we would marry you The brothers support each other

"However, I didn't expect that after she gave birth to the child, the child was taken away. Your aunt Du's physical and emotional condition went from bad to worse, and then she left the Song family completely. In my life, what has the greatest impact on me is your aunt Du's affair. Unfortunately, she has been living a hard life. I don't want you two to meet any difficulties Do you understand something like that? "

For the first time, Qin wuduan heard Mo Su Su say these things, and he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

He nodded: "Mom, I understand, I know, you love me and four years, will think so much!"

When Mo Su Su heard this, her eyes flashed: "do you know where your name is from?"

Qin wuduan nodded: "you know, Jinse wuduan fifty strings, a string of a column think of time! My father said, "you like this poem!"

Mo Su Su chuckled: "it's not that I like this poem, it's that I like it with your aunt Du. In fact, I really like Bai Jinse. She looks like your aunt Du, and her name is so similar to the name that your aunt Du gave her baby daughter. I heard that the child was found. When your aunt Du was pregnant with her, she named her song Jinse, so, For Bai Jinse, I really love her, but I didn't expect that she and your brothers It's hard for mom to accept, you know? "Qin nodded quickly for no reason: "I know, mom, but I have decided to put down Bai Jinse. If you put forward these things again now, it will only make everyone unhappy!"

Mo Su Su frowned: "what if I can't put it down?"

Qin had no reason to flash a touch of sadness: "in this world, no one can't let go of who!"

Mo Su Su didn't expect that Qin Wu would say that. She thought of her little son's care for Bai Jin se. Finally, she sighed helplessly: "you two brothers have grown up, and I can't manage it. Now I want to know, what are you going to do about your marriage to Yi Xue?"

Song Yixue didn't expect that Mo Susu could think of herself. She quickly looked up and looked over.

Qin Wu reason but a look also didn't give her, straightforward say: "I intend to break the engagement with her!"

Anyway, his mother already knew that he used to like Bai Jinse, and he had nothing to worry about!

Song Yixue's face suddenly changed: "Qin has no reason, you can't do this!"

Song Yixue looks at Qin Wuyuan in surprise. Unexpectedly, he has no feelings for song Yixue.

In that case, forget it. It's hard to make a fuss.

Looking at Song Yixue, she said with a tired heart: "Yixue, I got engaged to you for no reason at the beginning to make up for the regret that Yanran and I got engaged to our children at the beginning. I was obedient and didn't refute. Over the years, I didn't ask him about this engagement. I really didn't expect that he had a person he liked and the idea of canceling the engagement. Today, I'm very happy Knowing the pain in his heart, I don't want to force him any more. Do it yourself

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