Song Jin felt confused: "yes, what's the matter?"

As a result, as soon as she finished, a car horn sounded.

Song Yixue said quietly: "Song Jin, you have seen everything in the villa tonight!"

Song Jin now to song Yixue, to be honest some fear, she said: "what are you talking about, I don't understand!"

Song Yixue said directly: "you have seen all the things I did in the villa!"

Song Yixue's words are all captured, and Song Jin doesn't continue to pretend.

If not sure, song Yixue should not say so.

Song Jin's voice cooled down: "so what? Song Yixue, why do you want to ask me so weirdly? If you want to kill me, you have to think about it. I'm not the one who disappears suddenly and nobody cares. As long as I leave a clue, you can't run away when something happens to me! "

Song Yixue suddenly cried out: "Xiaojin, how can I do it to you? You are my sister. I really have no way to do it to those two people. They forced me. I have nothing left. Qin didn't want me for any reason. I have nothing left. I have to be forced by others. I really have no way. Please don't tell me, OK? Otherwise, I'll go to jail. I'm only in my twenties! "

Song Jin mocks the hook lips, she clearly see, song Yixue kill people in public, there is a 20-year-old.

However, Song Jin is not interested in Song Yixue and the two people who were killed. She asks, "why did Qin wuduan cancel his engagement with you?"

Song Yixue said this, tears suddenly flow out: "aunt Mo knows that she liked Bai Jinse two years ago, and she didn't cancel her engagement with me before she didn't want to. I used this to threaten him. He didn't want aunt Mo to have another opinion on Bai Jinse, so she didn't cancel her engagement."

Song Jin sneered: "so, aunt Mo now knows that Bai Jinse is involved in the affairs between her two sons?"

Song Yixue murmured: "Hmm!"

Song Jin voice with a smile: "cousin ah, this matter, I sympathize with you, you don't too sad, as for tonight's things, help you keep secret is not no good, but you have to promise me, help me do one thing!"

Song Yixue's eyes flashed: "OK, I promise you!"

Song Jin said with a smile: "don't worry, we grew up together. I won't force you to do anything against the law and discipline. Don't look like a big enemy!"

Song Yixue looks at the front without expression, and there are no tears in her eyes: "you can say it directly, what do you need me to do?"


The next morning.

Mo Su Su received a strange email with two photos on it. The person in the photo is an employee of Hengrui jewelry operation Department.

However, this employee is not enterprising every day, only thinking about how to get promoted, but unwilling to do practical work.

The other staff members were not convinced, but when they learned the identity of the other party, they all shut up.

In the end, the e-mail details the origin of the employee: Yu Cheng, CEO Mo Sinian, recruited into the company, his real identity, and the cousin of Mo Sinian's wife Bai Jinse!

When Mo Su Su saw this email, he was furious.

When she learned that Bai Jinse was between her two sons, she was very angry.

However, for no reason, Qin didn't let her go to Bai Jinse's trouble, and she endured it.

However, she never thought that Bai Jinse, who seems to be pure and unassuming, actually sent her relatives who are not eager to make progress to the company. Does she think Hengrui is owned by their family?

Mo Su Su immediately let the driver drive straight to Hengrui jewelry.

Just when Mo Su Su was two blocks away from Hengrui jewelry, the coffee shop on the second floor opposite to Hengrui jewelry was near the window. Song Jin slowly took out her mobile phone and said, "Mrs. Yu, it's your turn to play!"

As soon as sun Xiaoya receives Song Jin's call, she immediately calls Bai Jinse: "Jinse, I'm downstairs of your company now!"

White Jin se hears her words, can't help but frown: "what do you come to our company downstairs to do?"

Sun Xiaoya laughed: "I have something to tell you. Do you have time?"

Bai Jinse looks a little heavy: "I'm busy preparing the design draft for the world series preliminaries recently. I don't have time!"

Sun Xiaoya is not angry: "since you don't have time, I'll come upstairs to find you. Anyway, I have plenty of time, and you are the landlady of Hengrui jewelry. I say I'm your aunt, so no one dares to stop me!"

Bai Jinse's face was very blue.

She also scolded mother Lin for being unreasonable and shameless yesterday. Now it seems that her aunt is not too much.

Her tone is a little ugly: "you wait, I'll be right down!"

With that, Bai Jinse hung up directly.

Sun Xiaoya smug hook lips.

Song Jin taught her how to do this. Song Jin said that Hengrui jewelry has important visitors today.

Bai Jinse wants face so much. As long as she puts forward to talk with Bai Jinse at the right time, the person who wants face so much will come down to meet him.Moreover, in order not to let her make trouble in Hengrui jewelry and let visitors see her, Bai Jinse will definitely meet her requirements.

I think that my son has been in Hengrui jewelry operation Department for some time, but the position has not risen at all.

son goes home every day and make complaints about himself. He is tired and boring.

Looking at her son in such a bad mood, she, as a mother, could not be indifferent.

Today, she must persuade Bai Jinse to give Yu Cheng a promotion!

What sun Xiaoya thinks is a beauty. Seeing Bai Jinse coming out of Hengrui building, she smiles like a flower.

Bai Jinse frowned at her: "aunt, what's the matter with you looking for me?"

Sun Xiaoya said with a smile: "it's about your cousin Yu Cheng!"

Bai Jinse looked at her: "what's wrong with cousin?"

Sun Xiaoya pursed her lips: "you see, your cousin has been in Hengrui for such a long time. Besides, he is a member of his own family. Can you tell Mr. Mo and give him a promotion?"

Sun Xiaoya said to Bai Jinse with a wink.

Bai Jinse's face suddenly sank: "it's impossible to let my cousin enter Hengrui. It's an exception for mohsi in recent years. He's the CEO. He can't make too many unwise decisions and promotion. Don't think about it!"

Sun Xiaoya's face suddenly changed when she heard Bai Jinse say this: "what do you mean? Don't promise me, right? Now I'll go to the company and ask who has a niece like you. When she's developed, she won't recognize her. Even her cousin can't help her! "

Sun Xiaoya said, and went straight to the company building.

White Jin se facial expression ugliness of block her: "aunt, you don't want too much!"

Sun Xiaoya hummed coldly: "I'm going too far. You're afraid of shame. I'm not afraid. Since you don't recognize your six relatives, I'll give up this face!"

Bai Jinse's face was livid, and she rubbed her temple with a headache: "in this way, let's find a place to talk about it first. It's not without negotiation. Don't go to the company to make trouble!"

Hearing this, sun Xiaoya sneered: "that's right. I look at it, but I still want to make trouble. Otherwise, you really don't have a long memory. You don't know what kind of person I am!"

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