The friend nodded: "all know, you want me to take these two people as a breakthrough to find evidence and clues, right?"

Ink four years "well" A: "trouble you, if you find out a little clue, tell me, I will let people continue to follow up!"


Hang up the phone, ink four years just get off, into the villa.

Mo Sinian thought that this group of people were playing and should be very lively.

As a result, after he went in, he found all the people sitting on the lawn not far from the garden, one by one looking like dead parents.

Ink four years Mou son sink sink, stride past.

Because the garden blocked the pit, Mo Si Nian didn't pay attention to it and didn't see it at all.

When people saw Mo Si Nian, they just took a look, but no one said hello. They were scared by the corpse.

Mo Si Nian didn't care. He went straight to Bai Jin Se and squeezed her hand: "what's the matter? Jin se, why are your hands so cold? "

Bai Jinse pursed her lips, looked at the pit not far away, and said in a low voice: "the corpse has been dug out in the garden, and it seems that she died soon!"

Hearing this, Mo Si Nian's eyes sank in an instant.

He followed the vision of white Jin se to see past, Mou son Shan Shan: "did the police call?"

White Jin se nodded: "reported, should come soon!"

Mo Sinian let go of Bai Jinse's hand and walked over. He clearly saw the corpse in the pit. Because it had been dug for a long time, the corpse smelled of corpse.

Ink four years Mou son sink sink, completely didn't expect, meet this kind of thing.

He stared at the pit for a long time, turned back to Bai Jinse and accompanied her silently.

It wasn't long before the police came.

As soon as they came, they sealed off the scene and asked everyone in the room.

While the police were digging up the body, song Cheng also came.

Officer Liu looked at Song Cheng: "Mr. Song, this is your villa. Do you know that the dead bury their bodies?"

Song Cheng shook his head, his face is not very good: "I don't know, I don't live here, today is also my daughter came to party with friends, just learned about it!"

Officer Liu asked a few more questions. At this time, he heard the team members calling him: "team Liu, there are two bodies!"

Now, everyone's face changed again.

Officer Liu's eyes, sharp from the presence of all the faces swept.

He observed everyone's reaction, but there was no doubt that either the other party was hiding too well, or the murderer was not at the scene.

However, according to the degree of decay of the body, people have been dead for some time, and the possibility of the killer coming back to the scene is very small.

Before long, two bodies were dug out, and a kitchen knife in the pit was also dug out.

The kitchen knife is rusted because it is stained with blood.

Police officer Liu judged: "this should not be the first scene. After the other party killed someone, they buried the tools and knives together here. Xiao Li, the body was sent back to the Bureau for autopsy, and other people went to check whether there was any big face blood in the villa!"


This inspection is carried out in the evening.

At seven o'clock, officer Liu received a phone call from Xiao Li: "team Liu, the autopsy report came out. These two people first took a lot of sleeping pills, and then they were injured again with a kitchen knife. The time of death is about ten days. Now I will send you the detailed autopsy report. In addition, the identities of these two people have also been found out. One of them is Xiao Ming who was in prison some time ago Star Ji Rou's younger brother, another should be her mother, recently came to Mingcheng not long! Don't rule out acquaintances

Officer Liu said calmly: "OK, I know!"

After calling, officer Liu turned around and asked song Cheng, "Mr. Song, everyone has the key to this villa. Could you please list it for me?"

Song Cheng nodded, very cooperate with each other to investigate.

It's getting dark. Officer Liu asked the people to disperse. He asked his subordinates to monitor and list all the people who entered the community and owned the key to the villa within half a month! "

Song Guoguo's classmates left one after another, but Bai Jinse stayed in the villa.

Mo Sinian wants to take her back, but Bai Jinse stubbornly shakes his head: "I don't want to go yet. I feel that this case should be found out tonight. I have a kind of intuition. We'd better understand this case!"

Ink four years also don't know white Jin se there come of intuition, take off the coat to put on for her, quietly accompany her to wait together.

Looking at the busy police officers, Bai Jinse suddenly turned around and asked Mo Sinian, "by the way, the official of the world jewelry competition said that I plagiarized. What's the matter?"

Ink four years saw white Jin se one eye, seem to confirm her true emotion.

A moment later, he asked, "aren't you angry?"

Bai Jinse pursed her lips: "at the beginning, I was a little angry. I'm not so vulnerable. You don't have to be careful. Besides, I didn't copy. You know what's going on. I believe the truth may be late, but it will come out one day, just like this case! I'm afraid the burying people didn't expect that someone would dig that piece of soil! "Mo Si Nian nodded and reached for Bai Jin se: "I'm already checking. Don't worry, you'll find out!"

White Jin se nodded, two people look at the police to handle a case together.

The people they appear here today are all suspected, so the police will not say anything if they stay here to cooperate with the investigation.

Two hours ago, a policeman came to Liu and said, "it's found out. Ten days ago, two cars entered the villa on the same day. One is Mr. Song's adopted daughter, song Yixue, and the other is Mr. Song's niece, Song Jin!"

When Bai Jinse and Mo Sinian heard this, their faces changed.

Officer Liu's look suddenly became a little complicated, he looked at Song Cheng: "Mr. Song, can you give me the contact information of Song Jin and song Yixue?"

Song city looks a little gloomy, but it is very cooperative.

Officer Liu immediately asked people to investigate the whereabouts of Song Jin and song Yixue. However, it didn't take long to find out that Song Jin had gone abroad and song Yixue's whereabouts were unknown.

In this way, the case is more worth pondering, and the suspicion of these two people is even greater.

Mo Sinian whispered to Bai Jinse: "go home, for such a big case, the follow-up truth will definitely be reported!"

Bai Jinse will be a little sleepy, so he should come down.


Because Song Jin went abroad, the police called her directly.

Unexpectedly, although Song Jin left, the phone was always unblocked.

Officer Liu asked directly: "Miss Song, villa 17, Chengdong Shanshui garden, two people died ten days ago. Do you know Miss Song, do you know this?"

Song Jin heard this, hook hook lips, voice soft: "officer, I just want to report to you?"

Officer Liu frowned: "report the case?"

He doesn't think that the other party really wants to report a case. People have been dead for ten days. If they want to report a case, where have they been?

No matter what officer Liu thought, song Jincai spoke in a low voice and seemed to be afraid: "that night, I saw song Yixue kill someone!"

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