Mo Su Su looked at her husband's unreservedly biased toward her. She sighed helplessly: "even if he has a bad attitude, you shouldn't say that without his son. What's the character of four years, don't you know? Don't look at the coldness. If you decide something, you can't get it back! "

Qin Zhen frowned: "but I can't see him make you angry!"

Mo Su Su closed her eyes, some decadent sitting in a chair, some self doubt, she is really wrong.

In fact, when Hengrui jewelry issued the evidence, Mo Su Su hesitated. After all, when the evidence came out, everyone believed that Bai Jinse was innocent, and the negative impact on Hengrui disappeared.

However, Mo Su Su really cares that Bai Jinse and Qin wuduan knew each other before. Qin wuduan still likes Bai Jinse.

So, she was cruel, wanted to guide public opinion, let Mo Sinian and Bai Jinse contradiction escalation, finally had to break up.

However, she did not expect that the reaction of Mo Si Nian would be so great.

My son just stood in front of him like he wanted to eat people. In Mo Su Su Su's eyes, Mo Sinian was a capable child. Although he was indifferent and alienated, he always had a kind of noble temperament.

However, just now, my son was like a madman with red eyes and a look of embarrassment and anger.

Mo Su Su can't describe her mood at the moment.

She calmed her eyes and thought that if Bai Jinse could make up with Mo Sinian this time, she would never care about these things again.


Jing Xiangdong was called by the manager of the old place.

The manager said to Jing Xiangdong on the phone: "the boss has been drinking since he came here in the afternoon. If he drinks any more, he will have to be alcoholic!"

Looking at the news on the Internet, Jing Xiangdong didn't know what happened to Mo Si Nian, so he drove to the old place.

When he got to the old place, he saw that Mo Sinian was sitting on the bar and didn't go to the box they used to go to.

Jing Xiangdong patted Mo Si Nian on the shoulder.

As soon as Mo Si Nian looked back, his scarlet eyes almost scared Jing Xiangdong: "are you ok? Four years

Mo Sinian saw that Jing Xiangdong turned around, ignored him and continued to drink.

Jing Xiangdong's eyes flashed. Depending on the situation, he was not drunk!

He sat down beside Mo Sinian and said, "what's the point of drinking alone? If you want to drink, you have to call me together!"

Ink four years still ignore him.

Jing Xiangdong looks at him helplessly: "don't just drink and don't talk. What's the matter? Tell me about it!"

Mo Si Nian took a look at Jing Xiang Dong, and his voice was hoarse: "Bai Jin se has gone!"

"Ah Jing Xiangdong was a little surprised: "go? Where have you been? "

Mo Sinian's eyes were fixed on the void, and he looked sad: "I went to Lin Xi's house. My mother forced her away. I thought..."

Ink four years of self mockery smile: "I thought, is online things, let her not happy, want to go out to relax!"

Jing Xiangdong frowned: "don't put too much pressure on yourself. You just go to Lin Xi's house. It's not that you've disappeared. As for your mother, you'll do ideological work slowly in the future."

When Jing Xiangdong finished, he felt something was wrong. He suddenly turned his head: "no, your mother likes Bai Jinse, doesn't she?"

Ink four years hang Mou son: "she knows Qin Wu reason likes the affair of Jin se! The reaction was intense! My attitude towards Jinse has changed

Jing Xiangdong's face changed: "I'll go It's true... "

Jing Xiangdong doesn't know what to say. It's really difficult for a mother to accept that her two sons like a woman.

Even if Bai Jinse is right, Mo Su Su is afraid to blame her, not her own son.

Jing Xiangdong was silent for a moment: "even so, it's not that there is no room for turning around, is it? I don't think Bai Jinse is the kind of person who leaves you because your mother doesn't like her! "

Ink four years some pain of hand support eyebrow: "but, she doesn't want to go home!"

"If she doesn't want to go home, you can let her stay in Lin Xi's house for a few days and calm down. It's not that there is no emotion between you two. Don't embarrass yourself so much!" Jing Xiangdong tried his best to open up the Mohist era.

Mo Si Nian closed his eyes: "but without her, I can't even sleep well!"

Jing Xiangdong feels that Mo Sinian's tone is a little pitiful.

He can't help but pinch the wine cup. He still feels a little thrilled. One day, he will feel sorry for Mo Sinian.

He was silent for a moment and said, "don't you have insomnia before? Otherwise, take some sleeping pills! "

Mo Sinian shook his head slightly: "but it's not as serious as it is now! I don't want to take medicine, either! "

He used to have headache and insomnia, but even if he didn't take sleeping pills, what he could fall asleep was that it took him a long time to sleep.But yesterday, he couldn't sleep at all, and he didn't want to take medicine.

Bai Jinse has been living with him since he was with him. For a long time, he has not experienced the feeling that he has a splitting headache and can't sleep.

However, as soon as Bai Jinse left, his insomnia and headache broke out completely, which was more serious than in previous years.

And now it's not only a headache, it's also a heart ache!

Jing Xiangdong was helpless and was about to say something when suddenly a voice full of color and Qi came out behind him.

"Did you see the news on the Internet? That white Jin se broke up with Mo Si Nian! "

"No, being involved in that kind of scandal has also affected Hengrui jewelry. If it's me, I'll dump her too. Men, as long as I have money, I can't find any women!"

"Don't you take out evidence online to prove her innocence?"

"Che, that's not to save Hengrui's reputation. You still don't understand this! It's just that Bai Jinse is a real symbol of him! "

"It's not. It's estimated that she was together with Mo Si Nian before, probably for money!"

"Since it's a woman who can make money, the elder brothers are not without money. Looking at her pretty little appearance, this kind of woman must have a unique taste..."

As soon as this sentence fell, Mo Sinian suddenly grabbed the bottle, turned around and hit the nearest man on his head.

Then, in less than a minute, the four men chatting just now all burst out.

Mo Sinian, with a bottle stubble in his hand, stepped on the man who spoke last: "tell me more about it!"

The men lying on the ground all cried. Mo Sinian suddenly became mad, just like a madman. He was almost scared: "what do you think of beating people? Is there any royal law?"

Ink four years directly bent over, holding the wine bottle gap, directly stick in each other's mouth: "you this kind of animal, also talk about the king's law?"

Jing Xiangdong was a little scared by Mo Sinian. Mo Sinian was just like crazy. He wanted to kill these four people directly.

Jing Xiangdong grabs Mo Sinian's arm: "Sinian, calm down, I know you are angry, but there are some things that are not suitable for doing here!"

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