Bai Jinse smiles. When she hears Mo Sinian's words, her mood is not so bad.

She did not say, directly take the mobile phone, Song Jin's Micro blog, turned out to ink four years to see.

Ink four years saw one eye, brow wrinkly fierce, he looked at Bai Jin se: "baby, believe it or not, I really did not call him jin'er, she wanted me to call her so!"

Bai Jinse blinked and looked at Mo Sinian: "but at the beginning, when you were with me, you read the word Jin alone. Sometimes, you can add the word Jin. I remember all these things!"

Otherwise, she would not have been in such a bad mood.

As long as she thought that Mo Sinian might have really loved Song Jin, she felt that she couldn't stand it!

Mo Sinian looked at her helplessly: "at that time, I just thought that there was a Jin word in your two names, so I paid attention to it. But I really only wanted to compensate Song Jin. At that time, I thought I would never fall in love with someone in my life until I met you. Moreover, I didn't tell you that my relationship with Chu Sheng was not because of Song Jin Jin, it's impossible to get to this point! "

White Jin se see Mo Si Nian some anxious, afraid oneself don't believe him.

She felt that she was in a better mood. She held the big hand of Mo Si Nian with her backhand and said seriously: "I believe you, and Song Jin's Micro blog probably heard you calling me jin'er in bed. Otherwise, she would not write like this. I'm not so sad anymore. I want to understand it too!"

Ink four years feel bad mood or not, he really did not expect, Song Jin's hand extended so long.

He stretched out his hand to hold Bai Jinse in his arms and said in a low voice: "baby, if this kind of thing happens in the future, you must tell me for the first time, don't support it alone!"

Bai Jinse leaned against Mo Sinian's arms, looked up at his chin and said with a smile, "I've been eating well and sleeping well in Lin Xi's family these days. I've forgotten all these things. Besides, I've said that it's all my own affectation. I don't know what happened recently. I'm always irritable and sensitive. I'm not like myself. That's why I want to separate and calm down!"

Mo Si Nian's hand pinched her slender waist, and her forehead was against her forehead. Her tone was very spoiled: "silly baby, your waist is still so thin, and you dare to say that you eat well and sleep well!"

Bai Jinse said: "what I'm saying is true. I've been able to sleep when I'm sitting. Otherwise, you'll ask Lin Xi later. I really didn't cheat you. Moreover, after I've calmed down these days, I find that I really can't leave you any more! "

Mo Si Nian smiles, closes his eyes and hugs Bai Jin se tightly in his arms, as if holding a lost treasure.

No one can understand how hard Bai Jinse has been living in Lin Xi's house these days. Fortunately, everything is developing in a good direction.

Mo Si Nian is holding Bai Jin se gently. As a result, he suddenly hears a quarrel outside the box.

Moreover, the voice was inexplicably familiar. Bai Jinse realized later: "Lin Xi and Jing Xiangdong have been out for a long time. Why haven't they come back?"

Mo Si Nian's eyes flashed: "let's go out and have a look!"

Mo Sinian took Bai Jinse's hand and walked beside her in a protective manner.

The box door opened. As soon as they went out, they heard the familiar voice yelling in the corridor: "my son has become like that. You still have the heart to kiss me with other men here. He told you not to go to the hospital to see him, but you didn't go. Do you know what his body has become these days? Lin Xi, I've never seen you so cheap and heartless! "

The pupil of white Jin se shrinks, the facial expression becomes very Ugliness: "how to have her everywhere!"

That's right. It was Lin Shen's mother who swore at him.

Ink four years looking at Lin Mu that pair of fierce appearance, also can't help but frown.

Lin's mother pointed to Lin Xi's nose: "tell me about it yourself, Lin Xi. Are you still human? You are popular here and drink spicy food. My son had a car accident, and now he can't even eat better food! "

Bai Jinse speechless to the extreme, she went to stand beside Lin Xi: "aunt, Lin Shen is injured now, can only eat light point, the hospital nutrition meal is the most suitable!"

Lin's mother didn't expect that Bai Jinse was also here. She spat directly: "what are you, you dare to teach me! I'm teaching Lin Xi a lesson today. I don't have time to talk to you! "

After that, she stared at Lin Xi again: "you talk, why don't you talk? You're dumb. You have the time to hook up with other men. Don't you have the time to say a word to me? Is that how you treat the mother of your Savior? "

Lin Xi's small face is cold like ice: "aunt Lin, I have already respected you. I hope you don't go too far!"

Lin's mother sneered: "I've gone too far. Am I not telling the truth? Let's judge! "

Mrs. Lin has a loud voice. Many people in the box have come out to watch.

Lin Xiqi's chest kept rising and falling: "if you really care about Lin Shen, Lin Shen is still in the hospital now, what are you doing outside?"Lin Xi's words just finished, Lin Mu's eyes flashed a touch of guilty.

When she came to Quande building, she naturally had an appointment.

She saw that Lin Xi didn't come to the hospital. Lin Shen's wounds were getting better day by day. However, his mood was becoming more and more gloomy.

To tell the truth, she scolded Lin Xi so much, how could she like Lin Xi.

Before that, she felt that her son had been hurt like that for Lin Xi. What happened to Lin Xi, she should be with Lin Shen.

However, she did not expect that Lin Xi actually said that the life-saving grace and emotional things should be separated. She would repay Lin Shen, but would not be with him.

Lin Mu is so angry. You are nothing noble. Can't my son be worthy of you?

Seeing that Lin Shen was getting more and more depressed, Lin's mother had to inquire with her old sister and find a suitable girl. She came to Quande building today to help her son see the object!

After having dinner with the little girl and showing her son's photo to each other, the other side was very satisfied.

She gave the address of the ward to the little girl, and asked her to take advantage of her son's illness to see more and cultivate her feelings.

She tried hard to make her son empathize and forget Lin Xi as soon as possible!

As a result, they went downstairs laughing and talking. She found that she was so excited that she left her bag in the box.

Lin's mother quickly went upstairs to get the bag. This time, she ran into Lin Xi and Jing Xiangdong.

Lin Xi came out of the bathroom and saw Jing Xiangdong waiting for her outside.

When she went back to the box, Jing Xiangdong followed her step by step. When she was about to get to the box, Jing Xiangdong grabbed her arm and put it against the wall. She looked like a rogue and domineering. She had to talk to her.

Although Lin Xi doesn't like to see Jing Xiangdong on her face, she can't resist Jing Xiangdong's overbearing affection in her heart.

As a result, this appearance was seen by Lin's mother who came back. Lin's mother immediately pointed to Lin Xi's nose and scolded him, saying anything ugly!

Lin Xi asked Lin's mother what she was doing in the hospital. Lin's mother suddenly became dumb.

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