Qin Zhen's attitude towards Mo Si Nian was quite right. Then he continued: "the discord between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is due to the son. You should think about it yourself. If it wasn't for you, your mother might be too lazy to talk to Bai Jinse. If you want to make a good relationship between them, you should use your mind and don't always get angry with your mother!"

Mo Si Nian nodded: "I know, Dad!"

It's rare that Qin Zhen didn't get angry this time, so he turned and went downstairs.

As a result, in the roof of the roof of the door there, see the Qin gratuitous.

Qin Zhen snorted: "if you want to come here, come here quietly, just like a ghost. Why are you standing here?"

Qin had no reason to be speechless: "why is it like a ghost? My mother asked me to come up and have a look. I'm afraid you'll quarrel with Si Nian! "

Qin Zhen dissatisfied: "I have so unreasonable?"

Qin had no reason to look away and said in a low voice, "do you have..."

Qin Zhen

He glared at his eldest son and turned to go downstairs in anger. There were two rebellious sons, none of them worried!

Mo Sinian took a look at Qin Wuyuan: "Mom Is she all right? "

Qin Wu reason shook his head: "the doctor said nothing serious, you don't worry, I call you to come here this time, mainly to let you and the family relaxes!"

When Mo Sinian heard this, he felt helpless: "Mom doesn't like Jin se very much now. I don't know how to say it! Last time she came to my house, she said a lot to Jinse. As a result, Jinse went directly to live in Lin Xi's house. I had a hard time to bring her back today. I don't want to affect my relationship with Jinse any more because of my family! "

Qin nodded for no reason: "I know what you mean. It's all my fault. If my mother didn't know what I knew with Jinse before, maybe her attitude wouldn't change so much! It's just that mom is not well these days. Don't make her angry

Mo Sinian took a look at Qin Wuyuan: "well, I know!"

Qin turned around for no reason: "let's go downstairs, don't blow cold air on the roof!"

Looking at Qin's back, Mo Sinian suddenly said, "brother, you Have you put down Jinse? "

In fact, Qin's feelings for Bai Jinse were also a knot in Mo Sinian's heart.

He treats the sentiment is very overbearing, only allows the white Jin se to have him in the heart, he also understands, the white Jin se already had no feeling to Qin wuduan now.

However, thinking of elder brother's feelings for Jinse, he was very uncomfortable!

This kind of discomfort comes from the heartache for Qin Wu reason, and My wife is not happy to be missed! It's contradictory!

Qin Wu reason didn't expect him to ask so, his footstep hesitated, turned round to look at Mo Si Nian, chuckled: "put it down, I'm your big brother now, you don't want to be like mom! And Mom loves you so much

Mo Si Nian's eyes flashed: "I know!"

Qin Wu reason but serious looking at Mo Si Nian, shook his head: "no, you don't know!"

He looked a little complicated: "I have something to tell you!"

"What's the matter?" Ink four years pick eyebrows looking at Qin gratuitous.

Qin said without reason: "in fact Mom is pretending to faint today. She just wants to cheat you into coming to the hospital! "

Mo Si Nian's face suddenly changed: "what do you say?"

Qin had no reason to be helpless: "I knew that you must be worried when I said it. Don't get angry. Listen to me. Last time you had a quarrel with your family, dad said that he would break up with you. Mom was very angry. She was angry with you for your attitude towards her. She was also angry with dad for saying that to you. She was so angry that she didn't even want to move in bed!"

Ink four years tight face, did not speak.

Qin continued: "since you quarreled with your family, mom has been sitting in your room in a daze these days when she's free. But you haven't called home. Mom is really upset. I can see it. As for today's events, she and dad are also hiding from me. I overheard them say that they want to pretend to be dizzy and cheat you, and take the opportunity to make up with you. You and mom have the same temper and are stubborn. This time, mom took the initiative to find a way to help you and herself. I hope you don't get angry with her again! "

Mo Si Nian was not angry for a long time. He just thought that his mother had driven Bai Jinse away. It was too exciting for her.

As the father said, the main reason for the bad relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law lies in him. He should find the reason from himself, not his mother.

Mo Su Su is wrong, but her starting point is good. She should have a good talk with her. She can't go on like this any more.

Thinking of this, Mo Sinian took a serious look at Qin Wuyuan: "brother, I understand what you said. I won't be angry with my family any more!"

Hearing this, Qin felt relieved and laughed: "don't worry, I will speak for you in front of my mother!"


Although Mo Su Su is very strong, Mo Si Nian turns his back on him as soon as he enters the ward, and his face stinks to death.

However, Mo Sinian took the initiative to ask her: "Mom, what's the matter?"She snorted and said, "you still care about me!"

Qin looked at Qin Zhen with a smile, turned around and went out.

Qin Zhen was also relieved and went out.

Only Mo Su Su and Qin Wu Yuan were left in the ward. Mo Si Nian sighed helplessly: "you are my mother. Can I not care about you?"

Mo Su Su said in a dull voice: "you don't want to sever the relationship with us for the sake of Bai Jinse?"

Mo Sinian pursed his lips: "that's what my father said. I didn't mean that!"

Hearing this, Mo Su Su sat up from the hospital bed and looked at Mo Si Nian: "I fainted before I knew I was worried. I thought you were not going to talk to me any more in your life!"

Mo Si Nian's eyes flashed a smile: "how dare I? If I dare to make you angry, my father will chop me!"

When Mo Su Su heard this, she was also a little embarrassed: "it was my mother who was wrong before. If I really have something to do in the future, I will tell you slowly!"

Mo Sinian shook his head: "I made a mistake myself. I was a little out of control at that time. I won't yell at you again!"

Mo Su Su's eyes turned red when she heard this. Her son had her mother in his heart after all!

She will take her time no matter what happens in the future! We can't rush for success.

It's like the existence of Bai Jinse will affect Mo Sinian and Qin wuduan brothers. She will let Mo Sinian see it clearly and let him know that this woman is really not suitable for him.

As for song Guoguo, she can create opportunities for the two children to meet more and cultivate their feelings.

Thinking of this, Mo Su Su looked at Mo Si Nian: "the doctor said I don't have much problem. Your father has gone to go through the discharge procedures for me. I'll be discharged later. You'll come home for dinner tomorrow, OK?"

As a son, Mo Sinian tried his best to cooperate with Mo Su Su's performance: "otherwise, you'd better check it again?"

Mo Su Su waved his hand: "no, I don't know about my body. It's OK!"

The year of Mo Si Well, I'll come home from work tomorrow night for dinner! "

Mo Su Su was relieved and said with a smile: "good!"


When Mo Si Nian went back in the evening, Bai Jinse was already asleep.

She asked Mo Sinian vaguely, "is your mother OK?"

Mo Sinian shook his head and put her in his arms. His chin lowered her forehead and said in a low voice, "it's OK. Don't worry about it. Go to sleep!"

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