Feng Xiaoxi suddenly froze in place, waiting for her to see Li Qing full of joy, quickly toward the man beside Bai Jinse.

Her expression changed in an instant and she ran after her.

Li Qing never thought that she would meet yunziyan here.

She liked yunziyan when she was a child, and the Yunli family also intended to let them develop. It's a pity that yunziyan has been lukewarm for so many years, and after he entered the hospital, the hospital was busy, so she often couldn't see anyone.

Even if she was flattering, she couldn't find a chance.

This time, she came to Feng Xiaoxi to make jewelry. She wanted to shine on yunziyan's mother's 50th birthday and let yunziyan see herself.

She never thought that she would meet yunziyan in Hengrui jewelry.

It was a surprise to her.

Yunziyan is talking to Bai Jinse, but he is blocked. He raises his eyes and looks at it. There is a flash of surprise in his eyes. Unexpectedly, it is someone he knows.

Bai Jinse looked back and forth between them, looked at Yunzi and said, "Dean Yun, do you know him?"

Before yunziyan could speak, Li Qing nodded with a smile: "I have known Ziyan since I was a child!"

Bai Jinse joked with a smile: "it's childhood."

The expression of cloud son speech is light, even before to white Jin SE's smile, also pale a few minutes.

He looked at Li Qing coldly and alienated: "what are you doing here?"

Li Qing seems to have been used to yunziyan's cold attitude towards her. Her tone is a little flattering: "in a few days, it's my aunt's 50th birthday. I want to order a jewelry for her birthday party. How about you?"

Li Qing looked at yunziyan expectantly. Yunziyan said indifferently: "I'm here to make a birthday present for my mother!"

Li Qing's eyes lit up instantly: "are you looking for this white designer to make a custom?"

Yunziyan nodded.

Li Qing's tone was uneasy: "that's just right. I also want to find white designer to make jewelry. Let's work together!"

Li Qing read yunziyan wholeheartedly, but without thinking about it, she threw Feng Xiaoxi aside.

Anyway, she didn't sign a contract with Feng Xiaoxi.

Yunzi said nothing.

Li Qing's eyes flashed and looked at Bai Jinse: "white designer, can you design the design we want in a short time?"

Bai Jinse never thought that Feng Xiaoxi's customers would find their own design in a twinkling of an eye.

Almost everyone in the design department has heard their conversation. They all have a face full of gossip, shock and admiration

It is estimated that no one can think that things will be so reversed. Yesterday, Bai Jinse had no private customized customers!

Today, in a twinkling of an eye, all of Feng Xiaoxi's clients want Bai Jinse to design for her. People in the design department have different expressions, and most of them go to the theatre.

Bai Jinse is never afraid of anything. If she doesn't steal or rob, Feng Xiaoxi's customers come to find themselves. That only shows that Feng Xiaoxi has no ability to retain customers.

If Feng Xiaoxi's design is amazing enough, Li Qing will not be so brainless and give up her design.

Bai Jinse looked at Li Qing and nodded: "I have a lot of backup design drawings here. Miss Li can tell me the requirements and style. If there is any design drawing, I can show it to Miss Li today. If there is no design drawing, I can help you with the design today!"

Li Qing looked at Bai Jinse with a smile: "that's great!"

After she said that, she did not forget to flatter Yun Ziyan: "Ziyan, you have such a good eye for people. No wonder you let designer Bai do the design. She is just different from other designers!"

On Feng Xiaoxi's side, when she put forward her request, there were all kinds of refutations, even no preparation.

Where is Bai Jinse like? He not only has a backup design draft, but also has a clear mind.

Cloud son speech heard Li Qing's words, picked pick eyebrow didn't speak.

Bai Jinse takes two people to another reception room. Yun Yan happily takes her laptop in.

Yunyan was still worried about Bai Jinse's customized piece yesterday. Unexpectedly, two big customers came here today. She was so happy and crazy!

She is confident that according to Bai Jinse's ability, she will definitely win these two customers.

Looking at yunziyan and Li Qing, there is a strange light in her eyes.

Bai Jinse is her idol. She just wants these people to see how powerful her idol is.

As soon as Yunyan enters the reception room, Li Qing looks at her in surprise.

When she came yesterday, she didn't notice Yunyan at all. Unexpectedly, she worked here.

Yunziyan was also surprised: "Yanyan, do you work here?"

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