When Mo Sinian saw a series of strange numbers, he could guess whose call it was, though he didn't want to answer it.

However, compared with in the ward, continue to watch Jing Yiyi stick to him like sticky candy, it's better to go out to answer the phone.

Mo Sinian took a look at Jing Xiangdong and picked up his mobile phone: "I'm going out to answer the phone!"

Jing Xiangdong lives in the ward on the top floor, and Mo Sinian goes directly to the top floor with his mobile phone.

Song Jin's voice, as expected, comes from her mobile phone.

"Four years, do you really have no friendship left for me?"

Mo Sinian's face is not very good-looking: "are you sick?"

It's so strange!

He shouldn't have answered the phone.

Mo Sinian was about to hang up when he heard Song Jin raise her voice: "yes, I'm sick. In order to prove whether you like me or not, I'll leave. I'll watch you get the license with Bai Jinse and help her rob Feng Xiaoxi's customer!"

Ink four years did not expect, Song Jin people abroad, on the domestic affairs, incredibly also know.

He also listened to Zhao Yan this afternoon.

Bai Jinse's client Li Qing was originally Feng Xiaoxi's.

As a result, Li Qing and yunziyan know each other. A yunziyan asks Bai Jinse for jewelry customization, and turns around and throws Feng Xiaoxi away.

Mo four years sneered, no ability to retain customers, small report ability, is outstanding.

His voice with a hint of irony: "she is boring, everything to you to make a small report?"

Song Jin said: "it's not like this. She's just aggrieved. It's a client I left to her. Shouldn't she say it?"

A trace of disgust flashed through the eyes of Mo Si Nian: "Song Jin, since you've left, can you walk dry, crisp and easy? When others leave, you have to put a chess piece in the company!"

Song Jin powerless explanation: "I did not!"

Mo Sinian looked indifferent: "in the past, I won't fire Feng Xiaoxi, but don't let me hate you!"

Song Jin's voice trembled: "four years, have you begun to hate me?"

Mo four years directly hung up the phone.

He listens to Song Jin's appearance of grievance and perfection, and inexplicably thinks of Bai Jinse's expression of coldness and alienation.

He was so upset that he could not help taking out a platinum box which was similar to the shape of a cigarette case. He took out a mint from it, peeled off the sugar paper package and threw it into his mouth.

Jing Xiangdong ward.

As soon as Mo Si Nian left, Jing Xiangdong didn't look at Jing Yiyi: "Jing Yiyi, you have enough!"

If she hadn't belonged to the Jing family, he would have been able to throw the woman down the stairs.

Jing Yiyi shriveled: "what's wrong with me?"

Jing Xiangdong black face: "don't you see four years is not interesting to you? You keep pestering him. Are you sick? If I wasn't here, he didn't want to be angry with you. You thought he would be polite to you! "

Jing Yiyi doesn't think so: "no, I went out to meet him just now. He has a good attitude towards me."

Jing Xiangdong speechless to what time, he really did not see such a self comforting, whimsical woman!

He rolled his eyes: "in a word, you give me a little bit of restraint, and so on four years after the call back, if you do this again, he will not be angry, I will not be polite!"

Jing Xiangdong's words just finished, Jing Yiyi has no time to refute, the ward door was suddenly kicked open.

A joking voice rang out: "Yo, I'd like to see how rude you are!"

Jing Xiangdong didn't see his face. He knew who it was just by listening to his voice.

He was not polite at all: "Chusheng, your grandson dares to come to the hospital!"

Chusheng swaggered into the hospital, a face of provocation: "why don't you dare to come to the hospital, I heard that you hit me, but you hit yourself into the hospital, I'll come to see you, don't you hurry to thank you!"

Chusheng bastard's reputation is outside, Jing Yiyi can't provoke Chusheng, shrink aside and don't speak.

Jing Xiangdong angrily sat up from the hospital bed: "beast, you have the son of a bitch. Don't leave. You will come back four years later and kill you!"

Chu Sheng looked around the ward: "Oh, this means that Mo Er will come to beat me? I'm so scared! "

He said that, directly unrestrained smile out, too much schadenfreude.

Jing Xiangdong's face is black. He stares at Chusheng: "beast, can you talk to others? What the hell are you doing here?"

Chu Sheng tut tut twice: "don't look like a big enemy. To tell you the truth, I am It's just a joke on the way. I'll make you nervous! "

Jing Xiangdong almost swung his disabled arm to hit people. He glared at Chusheng fiercely: "you are a beast, you are all foxes. Don't play with me

Chusheng retorted: "since they are all foxes, aren't you a beast?"

Jing Xiangdong is too lazy to talk nonsense. He directly lifts the quilt and gets out of bed. He will beat Chusheng.

Chu Sheng opened the door with a hook: "come on, don't get excited. I'm fighting with the disabled patients. It's disgraceful to win. When your arms and legs are complete, fight again!"Chusheng said, Chusheng left with a smile.

Jing Xiangdong angrily scolded in the ward: "you brute, you are afraid of being beaten when you come back four years ago. Do you have any prospects in the hell?"

Jing Yiyi doesn't want to stay in the ward at all.

She shrunk her shoulders: "I'll go to find four years!"

With that, she left, opened the door and ran out.

Chusheng didn't pay attention to Jingxiang's yelling to the East. With a defiant expression on his face, he walked towards the elevator.

He just got to the door of the elevator and it opened.

Bai Jinse came out with dinner.

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