The white Jin SE's expression is startled and uncertain, although Mo Si Nian took away the little white cat.

However, she still couldn't believe that Mo Sinian would really raise this cat.

Now, looking at the changes in the living room, an indescribable feeling welled up in her heart.

She walked over gently, and saw the little guy take a bath, a small white ball, nestled in a small nest, and the injured leg was still wrapped with gauze, which seemed to be bound up.

Bai Jinse squatted down and reached for the kitten's body.

The little kitten opened her eyes slightly, put out her tongue and licked the fingers of Bai Jinse. Bai Jinse was in a soft mess.

She just wanted to scratch the kitten's chin. She knew that when the kitten was scratched, it would be very comfortable and make a snoring sound.

As a result, as soon as she put her hand on the cat's chin, she heard a low voice behind her: "Xiaobai!"

Bai Jinse suddenly turns her head, and sees Mo Sinian wearing household clothes, looking down at her and kitten.

Bai Jinse pursed her lips subconsciously.

However, without waiting for her to speak, Mo Sinian hooked his lips and said, "I'm calling it!"

White Jin se a Leng, saw a small white cat in the hand.

Mo Si Nian's voice seemed to have a slight smile: "it's called Xiaobai!"

When Bai Jinse thought of what Mo Sinian said just now, I called it. He thought he thought he was calling her!

Bai Jinse's face was a little red. She stood up and looked at Mo Sinian seriously: "thank you!"

No matter whether Mo Sinian really wants to raise this cat or not, his actions make her very moved.

Mo Si Nian gave her a blank look and said, "I raise Xiaobai because it's cute. What's the relationship with you?"

Bai Jinse was a little embarrassed: "I I didn't say it had anything to do with me. I just think it's good that it can be kept by you! "

From a stray cat to a rich family.

Mo Sinian was obviously pleased by Bai Jinse's words. He hooked his lips and made fun of Bai Jinse on purpose: "well, I thought you were thanking me as Dabai!"

White Jin se face a red, some uneasy: "I don't have!"

Thinking of Bai Jinse's confrontation with him, Mo Sinian thought it was funny and said, "nothing. Are you not Dabai, or is it not Xiaobai?"

White Jin se red face stare Mo four years, but obviously have no strength: "what big white, you really boring!"

With that, Bai Jinse went upstairs with a red face.

Ink four years tiny a Zheng, think of white Jin se to stare him that one eye, inexplicably some hook a person.

His eyes flashed, low smile out.

Mo Sinian looked at xiaobaituanzi in the nest, bent down and scratched xiaobaimao's chin, and said in a low voice: "tut Xiaobai, Dabai, are you shy? "

After dinner, Mo Si Nian went upstairs. Bai Jinse saw Xiao Bai on the sofa. She felt a little itchy.

She can't help but walk over and sit beside Xiaobai. She turns on the TV and watches TV absently while playing with the cat.

She used to be quite comfortable, but it took only a few minutes for the ink shop to come down.

White Jin se Yu Guang sees him, the body is tiny stiff, he how come down!

Mo Si year not only came down, he also walked straight to Bai Jin se.

He sat down on the sofa beside baijinse and looked at the TV.

Bai Jinse is also watching TV without strabismus. What is on the air is a recent hit Korean drama.

At this meeting, the man was jealous because the woman had a meal with the man without telling him, so they had a big fight.

The plot was quite normal, but as a result, the man suddenly looked fierce and held the woman in his arms, kissing.

Bai Jinse blushed instantly and didn't know where to look.

What kind of immortal operation is this? It's not sweet to have a good fight!

Mo Si Nian also looked away awkwardly.

Bai Jinse released the hand of the cat, quickly picked up the remote control on one side and changed the channel in a hurry.

Finally, she was relieved to switch to a news station and listen to the boring news summary.

Mo Sinian sees Bai Jinse's action and stares at her for two seconds. His cold handsome face suddenly flashes a banter smile.

Bai Jinse was stunned. Later she realized that she had no silver here.

It's just a kiss. She doesn't have to worry about it at all.

Bai Jinse doesn't want to say a word. She blushes and kneads Xiaobai.

Mo Si Nian's eyes fell on his side face, looking at her face slightly red, his eyes dark dark, Adam's apple rolling.

Thinking of the scene of kissing on TV just now, he felt that the neckline was a little tight. Subconsciously, he thought that he was wearing a tie and stretched out his hand to pull the neckline.

As a result, hand in the neckline, which reflected that he did not tie.

His eyes fell on Bai Jinse's hand and he wanted to say something to ease his embarrassment: "do you like cats very much?"Bai Jinse took a look at the ink four years, the face has basically returned to normal.

She nodded: "I like it very much!"

After that, she thought that the cat was brought back by Mo Sinian. She couldn't help asking, "do you like cats very much, too?"

When Mo Sinian heard this, he couldn't help thinking of what Jing Xiangdong said in the car. When did you become interested in cats!

His face suddenly became a little uncomfortable. He didn't want to have a cat because he liked it.

But hear Bai Jinse want to raise, but afraid that he won't let her raise, and go to ask for cloud son speech, let him inexplicably unhappy.

He was silent for a moment, when baijinse thought he would not answer.

"I'll go upstairs first!" he said coldly

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