What Bai Jinse is wearing today is a smoky grey gauze skirt with a long hem, a part of the back mopping the floor, and a bra design.

At the moment when the skirt was torn, Bai Jinse subconsciously stretched out her hand to protect her chest.

It's ok if the hem of the skirt is broken, but at that moment, she obviously felt that the bra was pulled down, and she was about to go out the next moment.

Lin Xi's face is livid, quickly protect in front of white Jin se, help her block, will dress wipe chest up.

As soon as yunziyan welcomed the two guests, he saw the movement here.

He strode over, always warm as jade, his face ugly glance at the culprit Jing Yiyi.

Then, he took off his coat and put it on Bai Jinse: "Jinse, are you ok?"

White Jin se calmly shook his head: "I'm ok!"

Jing Yiyi looks at Bai Jinse without remorse, as if what she did just now is just that Bai Jinse deserves it.

Bai Jinse's eyes sank. She took out a glass of red wine from the waiter's plate and poured it on Jing Yiyi.

Jing Yiyi is wearing a small white dress.

For a time, the body and face are all red wine stains, the whole person is in a mess to the extreme.

She stared at Bai Jinse in disbelief. She was so angry that she put out her hand and pointed to Bai Jinse tremblingly: "how dare you..."

Bai Jinse interrupted her directly: "I dare, if you want to be cheap, shouldn't I help you?"

Jing Yiyi almost blew up: "I'm cheap, Bai Jinse, you bitch, you dare to scold me like this, I tear you!"

Yunziyan see Jing Yiyi want to rush up, directly baijinse behind: "Miss Jing, self-respect, otherwise, I will let the security please leave!"

He said, turned and looked at Bai Jinse: "I'm afraid of an accident. I've prepared some spare dresses for you early. I'll take you to change them!"

Bai Jinse nodded, followed yunziyan and walked towards the villa.

Jing Yiyi looks ugly and stands in the same place rigidly. Finally, Li Qing pulls her away and takes her to change clothes.

When Mo Sinian and Jing Xiangdong come in, they see Bai Jinse wearing yunziyan's coat. Yunziyan protects Bai Jinse and walks into the villa.

Jing Dongtiao eyebrows: "we missed this is what good play?"

Ink four years eyes heavy, don't speak.

Jing Xiangdong casually pulled a person to ask: "what happened just now?"

The man quickly said the scene just now, Jing Xiangdong's face changed, and turned to look at Mo Sinian.

Mo Sinian glanced at him: "how can Jing Yiyi come to the cloud family dinner? The invitation you gave me? "

Jing Xiangdong immediately shook his head: "no, she and Li Qing are best friends. The Li family has always had a good relationship with the Yun family, you know!"

Mo Si Nian's voice was cold: "you'd better make it clear to Jing Yiyi. Don't provoke Bai Jinse. If there is another time, I won't be polite again!"

Mo Sinian stares at the villa and is silent for a moment. Even if he has no idea about Bai Jinse, he can't allow others to bully her!

Jing Xiangdong immediately nodded: "don't worry, I will warn her!"

Jing Xiangdong can see clearly that this is to protect Bai Jinse in the year of Mo Si.

No matter what he thinks of Bai Jinse, he clearly has put Bai Jinse in his territory.

Bai Jinse followed yunziyan into the villa and apologized to him: "Dean Yun, I'm really sorry. Today is your mother's birthday. I still make trouble!"

Yunzi said with a light smile: "what's this? You didn't look for things first. Besides, the banquet hasn't started yet. Don't think much about it!"

On the other side, Li Qing takes Jing Yiyi to change clothes.

She sat on the sofa waiting for Jing Yiyi, feeling a little unhappy: "what do you say you are doing? This is the banquet of the cloud family. You asked me to give you an invitation. As a result, when you come, you make trouble like this. Where do you let my face go?"

Jing Yiyi changed his clothes and his face became ugly.

She grew up, no one dares to treat her like Bai Jinse, and she didn't expect that when she was angry with Bai Jinse, Li Qing, as her best friend, just didn't comfort herself. She still sat there criticizing her.

Jing Yiyi is angry to death, but she knows that she is only a collateral of the Jing family. Li Qing is the only daughter of the Li family. She can't compare with Li Qing at all.

If she and Li Qing directly open to the enemy, the final loss or their own!

But she couldn't bear to admit defeat.

Her eyes flashed. She put on her clothes and looked at the wine stains on her face. She hated: "Qingqing, I know that today's thing is my recklessness, but I'm also unfair to you!"

Li Qing frowned: "what do you have to do with me when you fight with white designer in front of so many guests?"

Jing Yiyi wiped her face and walked to Li Qing: "you may not know why I quarreled with her."

When Li Qing heard this, she was more and more puzzled: "is it difficult? You have to tell me that the reason why you quarreled with her is because of me?"Jing Yiyi looks at Li Qing straightly: "of course it's because of you!"

Li Qing's face changed slightly and her eyes were chilly: "why don't I know what contradiction I have with Bai Jinse?"

Jing Yiyi knows that no one hears what she said before stepping on Bai Jinse's skirt. She tells a lie without any burden: "you take Bai Jinse as your designer, but in people's heart, she thinks about your fiance!"

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